Merry meet @jamie35,
Welcome to the forum! I’m Bry, one of the moderators here and an Eclectic Witch with a love for travel. It is a pleasure to meet you
I know the feeling- there are so many exciting things out there to explore when it comes to magickal research!
If I can offer a bit of friendly advice that has helped me, I’ve found it helps to focus on one thing at a time and keep a list of any new topics/spells/etc that pop up to work on in the future. There’s a Bookmark feature on the main site (as well as here in the forum) to help with that!
Sometimes bookmarking or writing it down somewhere helps to reduce that stressful feeling of urgency and feel less rushed about getting to everything
It sounds like you have some really wonderful magickal talents and abilities, Jamie! Depending on which skills you are developing, you might choose the corresponding Course or Tag to help you hone in on content.
As for being an Empath, there’s a great guide that might have some advice and tips for you: Are You an Empath? Empath Magick Guide
I also recommend @Silverbear’s awesome Empath Shielding Spray for protection
Looking forward to talking with you more soon- Blessed be, Jamie!