The 3 Types of Witches (No-Nonsense) šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø

Ooh, thatā€™s got to look adorableā€¦the bells, charms and crystals in your hair!!


@christina4 I loved it, my family at the time, not so much! I wouldnā€™t mind doing it again though. It made me feel amazing about what I was doing. If I find enough to put in, I will post a picture!


Thanks @Francisco, for this overviewā€¦
I liked the simplicity in which this Paths are explained.
I believe that this is getting overall too complicated, now everyone has something to say on whatever argument, and in the end is just messing things upā€¦

Labels are never important - usually, when given from others, labels are never really positive (we tend to label what we canā€™t and wonā€™t understand) and if we need to give a label to our self, it means we need to create some boundaries around us (which again is never positive)

Plus I have always thought that Silence is the best rule of them all, and calling yourself names is not Silenceā€¦

Iā€™d love to see those Grimoires shared (and not only because I am Italian :laughing:) and also those rare tarot cards :star_struck:

@janelle have you found more information on Italian Folk Magick?

And you are right! they are indeed from Egypt - being brought in the XIII century by the Egyptian Mamelucchi (sorry donā€™t know their name in English) - but the Tarot cards as we intend them are ā€œbornā€ in Italy in 1440.


@Oh_My_Wonderland Yes, I totally agree with your opinion about labels. They create more problems that they solve! :laughing:

But I feel they can also give a sense of identity or belonging, which sometimes in life is necessary. It can also be a way to connect with others with similar inclinations. I guess itā€™s a double-edged sword :crossed_swords:


Ok :ok_hand::blush: sounds good my lady!


By these definitions I consider myself a Classical Witch. I call myself a Green Witch. I was a healer in my professional life (Critical Care Registered Nurse). Our world is in flux. I think it is very important for us to know and value ā€œtraditionalā€ knowledge. May all people be welcome to the table of search!


I kind of agree, but again I think that we should feel what we are, and being labelled is not helping with the ā€˜feelingā€™ partā€¦but I am pretty weird, so :ok_woman: hahaha


I know what you mean, @Oh_My_Wonderland! It is a sign of strength and independence to be happy with yourself and what you are, regardless of labels :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For me, I see labels as a support or crutch- they can help to make someone (especially someone new to the practice) feel secure, valid, and reassured. Some people might always feel comfortable with a label, while others may want to change, or may outgrow them.

I agree the most important thing is being comfortable with who you are and owning your own practice- with or without a label! :grin: :+1: Being able to make your magick uniquely your own is one of the best things about being a witch! :sparkling_heart:


I think my ā€œaversionā€ to labels is deeply rooted as, when I was a kid, I had put on me by others so many labels I am sick and tired of them - nerd, weird, strange, crazy, bitch, witch, and so onā€¦ like, really?!?

I am me, thatā€™s the only label I want to have.

But of course, I can understand why people like being labelled, is like feeling less alone in the big big world if you know you are part of a kindā€¦ I do not condemn this, on the other hand I can feel them and I donā€™t judge this behaviourā€¦

I just hope that people will not feel that their life is only the label they gave themselves, but that they are much much moreā€¦
(on the other hand I donā€™t really like people, so I sometimes think ā€˜whatever, if that makes you happyā€™)


I wish for the same, @Oh_My_Wonderland! :pray::two_hearts: I hope that others can find the same strength you have found, to be comfortable in their own skin and with their own practice regardless of labels- this is the best gift of all, I think!

Keep your head held high, and donā€™t let the words of others hold you back- no one should be calling you names that you donā€™t want to be called. Stay strong and be yourself, youā€™re wonderful the way you are! :sparkling_heart:


I am exacrly the same. I have worn gothic style clothingā€¦ Gosh most of my clothes are blackā€¦ I feel odd when i wear colorsā€¦ :hugs:



I have had this dress for over 20 years. I wear it every October. I love the dress. (Donā€™t mind the lady bug) I have worn Gothic clothes and my husband used to tease me that there are more colors than just black and gray.


This is such a lovely dress, @Susurrus! I think it looks great on you :blush: And I got a chuckle from the lady bug- that is one exciting costume! :laughing::+1: I canā€™t imagine trick-or-treating in those boots!

I agree with @yolande 100%! Wear your style and rock whatever colors and fashion you feel most comfortable in. Like titles and types of witches- you do you! Find and look awesome in whatever makes you happy :black_heart::two_hearts:


@BryWisteria I donā€™t remember where I got the dress, but I wear it every October with a coat that I got from the Faire! The lady bug was wearing my boots and he made a lot of friends that night. My daughter was 2 and wanted him to be a lady bug just like her and you canā€™t say no to a toddler when she really wants another lady bug with her.


Hahaha the magic of toddlers- they always get their way! :laughing: It sounds like the dress has become an October tradition- I hope you can find a chance to wear it this October as well! :jack_o_lantern::full_moon:

For any witches of any type (Whether you consider yourself to be Classical, Gothic, Neopagan, or others) who love a little moon magick, this yearā€™s Halloween is going to be extra special! Halloween will have a full Blue Moon on a Saturday this year! :full_moon: Itā€™ll be perfect for moon-loving witches of all types! :two_hearts:


Oh! I will have to do something extra special for Halloween then!

Iā€™m not even sure how the town is going to do with Halloween this year. Itā€™s one of my daughterā€™s favorite holidays, hopefully as long as people are being mindful of each other they will still be able to go out for the evening for trick or treat. I on the other hand will plan something special to do once everyone is back at home or otherwise finished with their activities, for the full moon!

 We are all labeled from the moment of our birth. I was Gwen & Bill's daughter, Bob & Bill's sister. A Niece, a cousin, a granddaughter & so on to include, Oh, that dumb blonde, the fat one or the short one.  
 We cannot change who or what we are. What we can do is teach our children right.  Once, when meeting my husband at his air craft carrier My little one asked, within the mans hearing "Why is that man black?"  

to which I replied ; ā€œI donā€™t know. Why are you white?ā€ The man laughed & my boy replied with ā€œOh.ā€ And we went on with our day. To me I neutra-lized an awful prejudice & made it a non-issue.
Now, I realize that, that was an easy one. But you know what? I taught my child to respect others & himself.
Itā€™s alright to be different, what is not right to allow others to exploit us for it. Anger, pain, ridicule every one of us as dealt with our share. Unfortunately it has become passĆ© to use, even laughable, the term ā€˜politically correctā€™. itā€™s a joke to beat politicians with.
My parents were so prejudiced that it was frightening & Their parents were worse. Together they taught my brothers well, to distain & hate.
I on the other hand refused to be painted with the same brush. I have always tried to treat everyone with respect. I have never regretted it.
You may not believe it but in the last 50 years, society as a whole has improved. It still isnā€™t great, but it is better. :angry:
So is it over, no, but it is a beginning. image
Iā€™ll get off my soapbox now. Be blessed children :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Old saying:
Todays Nerd may be your future boss, be careful how you treat them


TBH, Iā€™ve always been mildly irked when I see people asking, ā€œBut what kind of witch am I?ā€ Like, who cares, right? Follow what calls to you and donā€™t limit yourself.
THAT BEING SAID, today it hit me that when I feel connected to my Craft/my spirituality, all I want to do is tend to my plants (Iā€™m desperate to garden!), or get in the kitchen.
I donā€™t think it matters what kind of witch I am, but Iā€™ve begun to wonder if this is the Universe showing me where I will flourish if I focus my energy and intent.
It is International Tarot Day today. I wanted to want to delve into my deck, butā€¦ I just didnā€™t have the desire! Maybe I donā€™t HAVE to connect with everything, I donā€™t HAVE to feel like in order to be a ā€œgood witchā€, I must be able to perform all kinds of magic.

Idk what Iā€™m really getting at here? Just thoughts, I suppose.
Iā€™ve always been the girl who apologizes to the plants she brings home, knowing that soon theyā€™ll be dead. But my spirit calls me to grow all the plants! Maybe this is my spot.

(Photo is first time attempt smudge sticks I made for my sisters with herbs from my garden!!!)


Cheers to that! You do you- itā€™s your practice, so make it your own and donā€™t feel like you have to explain or prove yourself to anyone :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are already a wonderful and perfect witch! :sparkles:

Your smudge sticks and candle are gorgeous- it looks like you enjoyed a nice ritual! :herb: Blessed be :heart: