The veil IS thin!

Last night while doing some candle​:candle:magic, a selenite rod had fallen off my dresser. It scared the crap :poop: out of me. :fearful: I then gathered myself, grounded and continued. Then, I hear :ear: rattling and I watch as a picture falls off the wall. :scream: But underneath, I have my grandmother’s palms on top of another picture. Between the wall and the palms are what caught the picture from hitting the floor. Out of the years I’ve had my certificates on the wall, they have NEVER budged! The window wasn’t open as it’s chilly :leaves: as heck in NY :apple: I don’t know what the meaning was of that happening. I take it as my grandmother has my back! :slight_smile::pleading_face:
What do you think? Has anything similar happened to you?


I would definitely take it as she is watching over you and is behind you! That’s wonderful that she found her way to you last night. It was freezing here too last night. I was so cold by the time I got home. Or at least my toes were. The rest of me was nice and warm, but the cold had gotten into my joints and screws, so I was also hurting. I jumped into my jammies and cabin socks then climbed into bed with my electric blanket!

I have had my mom turn the heat on during the summer and the ac during the winter so I know she’s around. I had been hearing her song over the weekend, it’s a song that you wouldn’t normally hear at any time during the year, so when I do hear it I know it’s her. She had always said to me, as long as I can remember that it was the song she wanted played at her funeral services. I even have it on a playlist, but I won’t hear it for months, even with it on shuffle and I’ve heard twice since Friday! The veil is definitely thin that’s for sure!


@christina4, I had a similar situation…i put both of my grandma’s pictures on the altar. I lit the candles and lit a candle on the window sills, so spirits can find their way back. As i sat down in front of the Altar, my vacuum cleaner fell down, which was hanging on the wall! It could have been me that Hung it wrong??! However, I’ll never know! It did make me jump when it slammed tho…:jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::ghost::ghost::ghost:


Wow. Dad used to leave pennies for me but other than that, nothing like that has happened to me. You’re grandmother has some kick! Good for her, and for you. You know she’s watching over you!


Wow, @Christina4- what an experience! No wonder you felt spooked :ghost: I agree with what others have said- I think your grandma is watching out for you and spent some energy to let you know that she’s there for you :two_hearts:


I’m glad you had the chance to hear your mom’s song!


Whoa! That’s real creepy and scary if by accident it fell on you.


She passed while I was pregnant for my first son. She never met any of my kids. That always bothered me. I still have a hard time believing she’s gone :pleading_face: she passed only 3 months after my grandfather passed. She said she couldn’t be without him and he was calling for her. They truly were soul mates! My son’s middle name is named after my grandfather, Giovanni.


A very sad but sweet story about your grandmother, @Christina4. After the events the other day, it sounds like you can rest assured that she is watching over you and your kids and keeping you safe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: