This whole post is blurred for a reason. But I do need assistance with a spell or ritual. Please don’t view this if you don’t like to discuss this topic.
Does anyone have spells or rituals for people who work in professions where they are exposed to death on a daily basis? (Specifically when returning home to family after a shift).
I see death quite often, and last night for work I saw a pretty gruesome one which affected my sleep for the first time.
I worship Osiris on Saturdays, so death is a common topic for me, and I did do a cleansing with some smoke and I probably should have meditated and come back down (grounded) as well before jumping into bed.
All I did was a quick ceremony and with smoke asking for any negative and old energies to leave from my body.
Next time I think I will specifically talk with Osiris and ask for his assistance for both removing these energies from me and assisting the passed with their moving on.
I have found myself at scenes go into my head into a personal ritual for the dead spirit since a lot of the time they are alone, no one around, no family, no religious person or priests etc. But I don’t do much more than that as my partners at work would think I’m crazy or inappropriate. I usually reach out to the spirit and assist with their moving on from this dimension
Most people you speak to about ‘withcraft’ or ‘magick’ think you’re some crazy schizophrenic or something.
Anyway, thanks for any advice.