WC 25th Janaury - Full Moon in Leo & Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius

Astrological Highlights for the Week Ahead

Here comes the first Full Moon of 2021, and its going to be a big one!! It’s time to embrace the DIVA that is Leo :lion:

Full Moon in Leo :full_moon: 28th January 2021

LEO - Fire / Fixed :leo:
RULING PLANET - Sun :sunny:
5th HOUSE - Romance, Love, Fertility, Childlike Spirit, Joy, Drama :tornado:
COLOURS - Orange, Gold, Yellow, Red :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart:
CRYSTALS - Amber, Aventurine, Carnelian, Dumortierite, and Labradorite :crystal_ball:

Message: It’s Time to Shine!

The Leo lunar vibe is all about encouraging the cocky bravado in men and the diva within women. It’s flirty, it’s fun, it’s loud and it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! :kiss: Displays of feelings will be full on :revolving_hearts: This is the perfect time to reinvent and pamper yourself. This Full Moon you can be selfish and self indulgent, in fact, it’s actively encouraged.

Take some time to think about the image of yourself you are presenting to the world - Leo is about being seen, heard and adored - reflect, is there anything you would like to change about your image :question: Be realistic and KIND! Spend some time thinking about all the amazing qualities you already have! Aren’t you wonderful? :sparkles:

As if Leo wasn’t energetic enough on its own, The Sun is on top of Jupiter for this Full Moon which means the energies will be amplified even further :scream_cat: Every Full Moon is emotional, but this one is likely to be even more so. Mars :red_circle: is also making itself heard, so just be wary that there’s a lot of FIRE :fire: clashing around the ether at the moment! Mercury :white_circle: Retrograde is coming in straight after the Full Moon too so its all looking a bit intense.

With all that in mind, this is a good opportunity to get some clear head space. I love a little Forgiveness Ritual around Full Moon; just remember forgiving doesn’t mean what happened was ok, just that you’re letting it go - releasing anger and resentment is therapeutic AND is good for you Karmically.

Leo Full Moon Activities:

  • There’s delight in playing make-believe under this Moon :fairy: Try leaving a window of time open over the next day or two and let your mischievous inner child lead the way! Be silly, joke around, let go. Embrace your creativity :rainbow: If you have children in your life, try going on a little adventure. Above all, have fun!
  • Leo has a romantic vibe :cupid: - embrace this and plan a romantic night in with your spouse, cook a nice meal and buy a spontaneous gift. Single? Treat yourself god damn it, you are fabulous! Or a friend!
  • Reinvent yourself - if you want to, if you don’t that’s fine too :v: - whatever you want goes this Full Moon. Don’t miss the opportunity to indulge though - you are worth it :slight_smile: Its a good time to try the Spells8 Self Love Renewal Bath :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

NB: Remember those seeds you planted back during the New Moon in Capricorn? You should be able to see little seedlings beginnings to sprout from them :slight_smile: Observe them, water them, they will continue to grow :seedling:

Mercury :white_circle: Retrogrades in Aquarius 30th January until 20th February 2021

Here comes Mercury Retrograde! Hopefully bringing with it an end to my headaches! :joy: (I’m currently on day number 8 of consective headaches - no joke!)

Many people find themselves effected by Mercury’s retrograde but if you have a sun sign or rising sign that is governed by Mercury (Gemini :gemini: & Virgo :virgo:) you may be especially vulnerable. This particular retrograde is happening in Aquarius, so if you have Aquarius :aquarius: in your sun sign or rising sign you may feel this more than usual.

Mercury is the planet of communication, travel :blue_car: and technology, controlling what we say :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and how we process what we hear :ear: from others. With that in mind, it is wise this retrograde period to put some extra effort into thinking before you speak, double check that email and reread the small print in your contracts :page_with_curl: Leave extra time for travel and avoid starting any huge new projects.

Measure twice, cut once!

However, whilst making small reasonable steps to avoid possible conflicts during Mercury Retrograde is generally encouraged, it is important to remember The Law of Attraction. By all means prepare yourself, just don’t force yourself into a self fulfilling prophecy! :o:

Despite its bad reputation, Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness - meditation, benefiting from keeping a journal, :pencil2: :orange_book: reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Mercury retrograde is powerful for studies, particularly for returning to old studies or for re-learning or refreshing knowledge in a subject already taken.

There is absolutely :100: a positive side to Mercury Retrograde! This period is best used for the re’s (reworking, reflecting, relearning, re-organizing and refreshing). We look at the world a little differently – through different filters – and can come up with some very important inner revelations. It may be difficult to communicate them under this influence, but not everything needs to be rationalized.

This retrograde is activating the Aquarius :aquarius: energy in a very, very big way!

Aquarius is the future, change, the unconventional, the new and different. Mercury retrograde often wants us to reflect, to look back and to inspect. Combine the two, and Mercury retrograde in Aquarius is begging us to be more thoughtful, :thought_balloon: careful and smart with the changes we’re making and the future we’re building :relieved:

Work with Mercury, not against it and you will find you starting to look forward to its retrograde :v:

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius is brief this go around, but this is just the start! Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius again twice over the next two years, so pay attention to what passes now as this may be a theme that pops up again and again in early 2021 and 2022 :dizzy:

A Final Note

The 27th January sees a Cancer :cancer: Moon in opposition to Venus, which will amplify our desire for love and connection. This is a good time to reach out to your loved ones and let them know you appreciate them or maybe get involved in something charitable? :cupid:

Have a beautiful week all :heartpulse:

Previous Astrology Post - WC 18th Jan - The Sun in Aquarius, Vesta Retrograde


I enjoy reading and keeping up with your posts @Abs53 :relaxed: so, thank you so much! I’m a Libra rising so I think :thinking: I’m good! Lol (I’ll be fine) I’m spending alot of time worrying about my brother. He had a tumor removed that grew around his spine. He still can’t hold his head up and now he can’t feel his arm and hand. I did a crystal healing grid and I performed my first distance healing session with crystals. He may ultimately need another surgery. Thanks again for helping to keep my mind off of things!


Yes, thank you, @Abs53. I definitely don’t fear the Mercury Retrograde and I’m always so hopeful around the full moon. I’m sorry about your headaches. I hope they go away soon

@christina4, would it be ok to add your brother to the energy exchange wiki.


You did add him to the energy exchange. But thanks :blush:


Loving these weekly break-downs of astronomical happenings, @Abs53! :star_struck: :milky_way: And oh dear- I hope your headaches go away soon, wishing you a speedy recovery! :pray:

I love this so much- and I’m crossing fingers it will be so! :crossed_fingers: :grin:


Myself being a Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius I’m naturally excited for this upcoming lunar event!! :full_moon: I’m feeling confident, ambitious and motivated for the Wolf Moon!

Thank you @Abs53 Abs for this very comprehensive topic!! :clap: :clap:


@christina4 No problem, I’m so sorry for your brother and your family, ill keep you in my thoughts :heart:

@praecog29 @BryWisteria Thank you :slight_smile: They are getting lighter every day now! I would put money on them being gone by 1st / 2nd Feb - If there ever was a bookie out there willing to take the bet, I could be a millionaire easily :sweat_smile:

@Francisco This is awesome one for you!! :yellow_heart: Hope your Full Moon is fabulous!


This forecast is in the past- but no worries! You can browse Astrological Forecasts to find the current news for the skies this week.