We need a Coven Name!

This is great news! I’m so excited about the poll and having a name. I like the sound of Coven Eight also. I like a few of them, this is like picking a tattoo! I kind of like the Coven of Divine Dreams also or the The Unseen Moon Circle. There are others that I have seen that I liked too. I hope @Francisco has a say, maybe he should give final approval! :rofl:

I’m sure we will all choose the perfect name for us!


Haha I didn’t mean to interfere with the brainstorm!! I just like the concept of Infinity because it implies permanence. And I can see that concept in so many of the names suggested too!

Regarding what names to include in the vote, @BryWisteria if they’re too many, let’s use the ones with the most number of hearts? :heart: :ballot_box: Or have multiple rounds of voting??


Ohhh these are great ideas- thanks Francisco! :blush: I’m going through and tallying things up now. If it looks like there are too many suggestions, I’ll narrow it down by mentions/hearts!

Time to see what we’ve got- I’ll post a link to the poll here as soon as it’s up and running! :grin::+1:


Thank you again to everyone for your wonderful name suggestions and helpful feedback!

This suggestion thread will now close, as…

:ballot_box: The voting poll is now open! :ballot_box:

Vote for your favorite coven name here!

There were so many great choices of names- you are all so creative!

This first round will be able narrowing down to the five most popular names. Vote to make sure your favorite name makes it to the final count next week! :blush::ballot_box_with_check: