Late Entry to Magical Name Challenge added to Catch Up Challenge - Siofra Strega
I know it’s too late to post as the challenge entry - but I still wanted to share what I wrote when I sat down with this challenge.
My name is Marissa May of Herne Hollow, Divine Light, Earthen Healer, & Warrior Goddess. Born of Birch, my birthright is my own. I was destined to be a healer, a protector, and a leader. I’ve known this since I was very young. With that knowledge it brought many feelings of sadness and loneliness because I thought and felt differently than others around me. I have tried many times to turn away, alter, ignore, or run from my path. But a true calling cannot be abandoned.
This is my name. It is the only name I have known. My name is my own and I embrace that.
I haven’t yet fully embodied the power that my own destiny is holding for me. However, since I was a little girl, I have known I have a purpose and I was meant for greatness, meant for something far beyond what I could comprehend. I will find the warrior goddess within myself. This is my journey and I begin it now.