⏲ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

There were a few challenges that I didn’t get the chance to part take in but wanted to. One of which was the potion making challenge :yum: a link to this challenge is below…

I wanted to do a potion cocktail since the climate here is really ridiculous :flushed:. I have however decided to make a moisturizing hair spray made mostly from water base instead. Here are the ingredients I will be using in the picture provided.

I usually spray or moisturize my hair with moon :crescent_moon: water :droplet: each morning before added additional hair creams and since I used the last of what I had remaining, I have decided to refill my little spray bottle but add a twist of something to it :grin:

Potion Ingredient

Moon Water (90%)
3 rose buds
3 jasmine
3 drops orange essential oil
1 drop of honey

After adding all ingredients you shake well and leave to sit for three days at least be fore use. Will be using this hair spray along with my hair Chant :hugs:

Blessed Be💫


What lovely pictures! Your kids are especially cute! Good work on the challenges.

That was beautiful! I hope you’re able to put it to music someday. Good job!

Good luck then! Once you’ve done it, you won’t want to stop! LOL!

That sounds like it would smell so lovely! I hope it works well for you!


Your hair potion sounds so nourishing and lovely! May I ask what your hair chant is? I want to try this!


Sure I will be glad to share :hugs: have one of my own but use this one that I found on Pinterest so much more often. It goes like this…

Stretch it,
Twist it
Watch it grow
Like a river let it flow,
Three (3×) fast shall my hair grow
This is my will, so shall it be


I love this. Thank you for sharing!!! Pic of your hair, please! :rofl::star_struck::heart_eyes:


Ok so I have decided to do a second catch up challenge. I have decided to do an abundance spell for the this week since I am interested in letting abundance in using a money chant. It’s a few days pass the full moon so I think I should still be good to absorb some of it’s full energy.

For this challenge I did a simple money chant spell for abundance for my online business. In my country we accept a few different currency here so I have used a combination of the currency. Below is a pic for this challenge.

Source: Pinterest

I do know that using a green candle would be the best option but I have decided to go for a white candle due to my intentions at this moment.

Items used
White Candle
Mixed currencies
Bay Leaf
Lavender Incense

After saying my chant I allowed the candle and incense to completely burn out.


I will discard of any remainings to the earth. Keeping a positive mind towards my intentions will make good things manifest.

Blessed Be💫


Ohhh :rofl::rofl: I cut it all off, a year ago it was too much :sweat::sweat: for me to manage. I cut around 14" of hair off.It is short now about 2-3 inches long. My mother is so still upset with me for doing that :joy:. I guess she will get over it. So sorry.


Girl, that’s freeing! No apology needed! I’m sure it’s still luscious, even short. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It is and curly too :hugs:


Yes yes and yes on the sharing your music with us :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: these are beautiful song lyrics :heartpulse:


You have beautiful children :heartpulse: they look so happy helping you plant your little garden :heartpulse: Mine are 10 and 14 now so I have to bribe them into helping me :rofl:

well done on the challenges :heartpulse: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@NickWick Thank you very much :candle:

@BryWisteria Thank you for all the compliments :rose:

@Amethyst Thank you Amethyst :slightly_smiling_face: :rose:

@Susurrus Thank you for the compliments. I was using a lovely set of wooden boxes with lotus flowers painted on them but they were just too small. I wasn’t using my vanity so now it has a purpose and it works great! :blossom: :butterfly:


Lovely money spell @NickWick! I hope it works well for you!


Ohh it works all right :wink: been seeing tremendous results


That’s great! I’m so glad for you!


Thank you @Volmarr for this list. I am very interested in the Norse Goddesses and Gods. I only had a partial list. Great information. :books:


I am excited to have a chance to do challenges I missed. Here is my entry for the Spell-ing Bee Challenge. I am experimenting with creating spells using correspondences. Here are 3 :slight_smile:

A Spell for Family Prosperity
This is best done on a Thursday. To begin, take a walk among some oak trees, lovingly thinking about each member of your family (that you wish to include in the spell). Collect as many acorns as you have family members. Place the acorns around a brown or green candle, along with some cinnamon. Say:
Mighty oaks from acorns grow.
Help me now my spell to sow.
Prosper those my heart holds dear.
Wealth and wellness through the year.
Grateful gladness ever be.
Grounded as the great oak tree.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

A Spell to Break a Bad Habit
This is best done on a Saturday. Arrange a black candle with amethyst(s) and the names of departed loved ones you admire (alternatively, photographs). Visualize yourself overcoming the bad habit with new willpower. Say:
Those before have led the way. My respect to them I pay.
Time has come for me to change.
Though different ways at first feel strange.
Guide me now the path to take.
A better person now to make.
Amethyst and candle black.
I’m grateful that you have my back.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

A Spell to Attract a New Love
This is best done on a Friday. Arrange a pink candle in a ring of sugar or honey. Envision yourself cherished by a new love in your life. Say:
Tender heart and kind regard.
Helping hand when life is hard.
Honeysuckle, sandalwood. Understanding, understood.
Rose and apple, lemon balm.
Love that’s gentle, strong and calm.
Let me be like love I seek.
Growing sweeter by the week.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


I really love your spells for the spelling-bee challenge. They sound really magickal :dizzy: a job well done @mary25 with creating spells using correspondences.


I’d like to attempt two challenges I’ve missed this time:

  1. My :white_heart: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Into the Light entry: Moon Goddess skin cream :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  2. My :crystal_ball: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Fortelling the Future entry:

I finally got these lovely Archetype Cards to play with, and they’re great for shadow work. Archetypes can show us sides of us that we haven’t even considered before! But I want to tell you a story, how I also came to predict something about my future self!

So… I was thinking that I’d draw 5 cards, and write down my thoughts into my journal. This is the first card that came up:

The deck also came with an instruction booklet, and this is what it says for the Guide archetype:

(Guru, Sage, Crone, Wise Woman, Spiritual Master, Evangelist, Preacher)

  • teacher of religious beliefs and practices, as well as the spiritual principle of seeing the Divine in every aspect of life
  • you don’t have to be a professional preacher or guru to have this archetype
  • Crone, Wise Woman and Sage represent the ripening of insight and acceptance of what is
  • Shadow Guide manifests as televangelists, gurus and priests who place financial gain and sexual gratification over imparting spiritual insight

Look for continuing pattern of guiding others based on your own spiritual insights.

I ended up writing a lot about this particular archetype into my journal, enough to abandon the original idea of a 5 card draw. Some of the most important points that came up

  • I love to talk about things that are important to me, and that includes spiritual matters
  • I often don’t, because of various ideas I’ve learned, like…
    • “I’m not interesting enough”
    • “Why should people listen to me?”
    • “I don’t want to push my ideas”
    • “Differences in opinion create conflicts, and I want to avoid those, so I better keep my opinions to myself”
    • “I’m not a public speaker”
    • And so on… do any of these really hold water? :grin:

I do, and I have talked about my witchy ideas, values and beliefs to people who I know are interested and want to hear. I’ve also started writing more here, and it’s often been something I’ve tried that I want to share or something to that effect. I love helping people, and most of all I love helping people feel better and be more true to themselves.

Now, this is where things get interesting! :smile_cat:
I’ve very recently joined a lovely peer support community of people who are or have been struggling with their mental health. Beautiful people who have seen the dark side of life a little too close like I have. All of a sudden… I have a workshop to run on July, with a general theme of “well-being”! That means people are going to come listen to me and do things I’ve prepared for them for three hours. I’m really excited about it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Now doesn’t that sound like the card I drew?

And… just to rub it in my face a little more, a few days later I thought I’d shuffle the deck and draw another card to look at… there was the Guide again. :crystal_ball:


For this week’s challenge, I chose two: “From Seed to Sprout” and “Potion Making.”

For my “From Seed to Sprout” entry, I wanted to share my progress I’ve made with my seeds I planted a few weeks ago. I was hoping to be able to share a photo because I think my little seedlings are adorable, but my Internet is really acting up and being super slow, so I’m not even going to attempt to try to see if uploading a pic would even work :confounded:

I had a hard time narrowing down what kinds of plants I wanted to grow. I decided to try to grow some herbs that can be used in tea, along with a few others. This is a list of the seeds I planted:

Lemon balm
Mountain mint
Purple coneflower (echinacea)
White sage

I have mugwort seeds that I haven’t yet planted because I keep getting distracted :sweat_smile: The wormwood isn’t so much a tea herb, but I planted it because it’s one of the plants that fascinates me, I’m hoping it will inspire me to potentially try to make absinthe someday, and I’ve been wanting to make a (non-toxic) flying ointment.

The reason I chose the white sage is that I like learning about and experimenting with different cleansing herbs, and from my research into the controversy over the use of white sage by non-Native American/non-First Nations peoples, I didn’t feel like I could justify purchasing it when I don’t know exactly where and how it was harvested.

For my second challenge, I felt like it was a good time to take on the “Potion Making” challenge. As I mentioned earlier, my Internet has been frustratingly slow, and completely dysfunctional at times, which makes working from home test my patience.

My most frequently made potion this week was my morning coffee. I drink my coffee black, so I feel kinda strange about stirring my intentions into it. Instead, I’ve been channeling my intentions (for energy, focus, motivation, etc.) through the spoon I use to scoop the coffee out, and I’ve been taking time to appreciate and thank every scoop that goes into the coffee maker. Once I have all the grounds in the machine, I use my pointer finger on my projective hand to trace a heart into the grounds. I do this with the intention of putting my love into it for myself and for my mom who also drinks the coffee I make every morning.

I’ve even done an experiment to see whether tracing the heart into the grounds actually has any effects or not, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it actually does! On days when I don’t take the time to draw the heart, my mom says the coffee tastes “kind of meh.” [As a side note, this was done as a blind study – for lack of better words – because I make the coffee while my mom’s down in the basement feeding our kitties.]

In the process of putting the coffee away, I’ve also been doing a quick little “divination” activity. When I’m putting the spoon back into the coffee can, I drop the spoon into the grounds. If the spoon sticks straight up in the grounds, I tend to have a smoother day. However, if the spoon doesn’t stand up straight, I take that as a sign that I need to focus more so that I can make my day go as smoothly as possible.

Throughout the day, when I was in need of a little pick-me-up, I took a break from work to go downstairs and make a cup of tea. I made sure to take the time to do the tea blessing from the Spells8 site and use a cinnamon stick to stir in whatever intentions I want to put into my tea at that moment.

I’ve also made some magickal cocktails – mainly margaritas because they’re my favorite drinks.

Part of me wants to go into more detail, but part of me is also starting to feel like I’ve reached the point in my practice where I start becoming more secretive. Now that I’m starting to really tailor my spells/potions/rituals/etc. to fit my personal beliefs/practice, I feel kinda… weird? sharing too many details. Plus my post is already a lot longer than I intended it to be :eyes: (That, and it’s 23;00, and I’m usually sound asleep by now because I am DEFINITELY not a night owl :sweat_smile: haha)

I really enjoy the catch-up challenges, and I enjoyed taking the time to reflect on the two I chose for this catch-up! :smiley: I’ll try to remember to edit this post and add some links and things, and to see if I can get at least one pic of my little plants to upload.

Blessed be, everyone :green_heart::sparkles: