🕓 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

You are very welcome, I have other information on my laptop about navigating birth charts & a couple of beginner’s books. I will find the names & authors & let you know. I did read them for book clubs, but I can’t remember which book club I read them for… so… I’ll look in my witchy library instead :laughing:

You can also do a search in the forum for astrology either as a topic or tag & more information about the subject will come up. We used to have astrology readings & forecasts in the forum & it has been used in challenges over time. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but if it is something you are truly interested in, there is a wealth of information in the forum & about witches within the coven. :infinite_roots:

The Lunar Nodes

Astrology 101 - The Outer Planets

Sorry, found a couple of more interesting topics for you about astrology. :rofl: