đź•š Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

It’s something I have actually done for as long as I can remember whether it’s a person, situation which becomes a memory. Some I’ve had to attach to different things, well, maybe not had to but since starting my work on myself & my mental health in February… some song’s meanings have changed due to what they were attached to that has now been resolved & I can either listen to them for pure enjoyment or they have some new meaning for me whether person, animal, or situation. I don’t know why I do it but I do…

I have always had a habit of really listening to the words & what the song is conveying to me or how it “hits” me. So my main playlist is always a surprise when I put it on shuffle. It can go from one genre to another genre by the song which is fun for me but other people listen to it & are like how do go from “XYZ” to “ABC” in one playlist? I shared it with someone & they were like… so I can just separate this out by genre really :rofl: I said or just skip a couple times & it will be something that you like. :joy:

@LadyDennaRahl I agree with @MeganB about something different coming from something I made myself or that has been bought or made elsewhere. I would love to be able to make my rune set, ogham staves, or witches’ runes, but my hands have an issue with doing what I want them to do. Especially when it starts to be really cold weather, which apparently here in New England, Mother Nature has settled on cold weather for a while. It took her a little bit but she finally settled down & made her choice this week :laughing: I love what you’ve done with the Pentacle :pentacle_tarot: to make it yours. I do a lot of the same things, tweak things or change them to make them my own by adding or removing different things to them. :smiling_face:

@Phoenix_Rose that sounds like a great meditation practice that you had for yourself. I know what you mean about always feeling pressed for time, it’s something that I’m working on with help from my husband. It’s okay to not get to everything in one day, sometimes a meditation or just a walk up the street brings me back to a state of losing that feeling & kind of starting fresh.

@Trixie_Thojrne I have noticed the same thing as @MeganB with your challenge entries & I hope that it all comes to fruition for you & works out with your intentions. :smiling_face:

@Sarafeena_Sage I had the same kind of feeling about the pentacle & pentagram :pentagram: from being raised in a Catholic home. Once I learned more about it & that it had been adapted by the “church” way back when & used by them… first there was a moment of well, that’s hypocritical… then I appreciated it much more for what the actual meanings of it are within witchcraft, not what it is perceived to be by most. They aren’t paying attention to the direction it lays & the differences. But that’s okay because I know history, meaning, & differences. It’s up to others to take the time to learn about it too if they have concerns or curiosities about it :wink: (purely my opinion on that part) I’m so happy that you are more connected to it now & that you’ve embraced it in your practice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I also love the dream catchers you’ve crafted & how you can pin the to your bed, pillow, or put them on your nightstand, wherever is called to you for the evening. They are beautiful pieces. & the crystals… I just don’t even know how many more I can fit in my space & I’m REALLY trying to not buy anymore until I figure out the ones I have separated by color to figure out which ones they are :laughing: My Dory brain :fish: can’t recall off hand & the black ones are so hard to tell apart! I’m going to have to give in & go to the crystal shop while trying not to get distracted by the pretties to figure them out :rofl:

@Jeannie1 you have very nice hands! I have learned a little about Palmistry & I think you did a wonderful job working on expanding your knowledge! I love your affirmation & process for writing it with Hecate to guide you :heart_eyes:

@Cosmic_Curiosity welcome to the forum & amazing job on your first challenge entry! I love your process for the week ahead spread & one to keep with you & activate each day on yourself. I hope your connection with them continues to grow.

@LadyDennaRahl & @Cosmic_Curiosity, if you’re interested… there is a post that has a lot of information that is within the forum about runes: Runes Information & it has history, uses, each of the 24 Elder Futhark Runes history, meanings, correspondences, & lore along with meditations & sources with other topics in the forum that have to do with Runes. All in one place! There are links to each topic in that one post.