🕐 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Bry!!! So funny, that made me snort-laugh! :rofl:


All yeet’d out now, made that little virus taste the rainbow! :laughing: :sparkling_heart: :rainbow:


@Susurrus Ohhhh all exciting choices! :star_struck:

@Amethyst Bookmarks to the rescue! :grinning:

@Cosmic_Curiosity It’s always amazing to see the importance of astrology and the stars in people’s lives in ancient times- and even more neat to see the ways the cosmos continues to affect our lives and calendars today! :spiral_calendar: :sparkles: That’s an awesome constellation app- I really like the pictures it has for each of the constellations :dog2: :two_hearts: Wishing you all the best with any prayers or meditations you choose to do (and may the Scottish weather be kind to you!)- thank you for this lovely entry! :star2:

@Artemisia Hahaha if it made you laugh, that’s a win in my book! :blush: Always happy to share chuckle :wink::two_hearts:

@CelestiaMoon Ha! It’s my turn to snort-laugh- omg Celestia :rainbow: :joy: :+1: :two_hearts:


Symbols & Sigils
Angels and elements

Archangel Michael element of Fire warrior

Archangel Raphael element of Air therapist

Archangel Gabriel element Water Creative

Archangel Uriel element Earth Guardian and Patron of Magic


Thrifty Witchcraft!

Magic with what we have at home
I bought Plants to have them whenever I need them very small plants that I put in bigger pots Now I have my own herbs

Sage for cleansing

thyme for Luck

Lavender for Love

Mint for money

Parsley for abundance

Vasiliko for prosperity
Now for my spells I have my basic Plants!


Tools of the Witch Trade Number3 CHALLENGE ENTRY
My tools in my Craft

My sword when I want to open a big circle

My Athames when I have smaller work only on my altar

Rocks and candles

Bowl for burning incense

Bell to start and end a ceremony


chalice for offering

and cauldron essential


Weekly Challenge Catch Up
All about Altars

I have been meaning to make a travel altar for a while and I finally got it done.


I don’t know if this is a Noooooo or a Yes Yes Yes.
I always look forward to catch up weeks. For one it’s a quick way to hopefully spark my memory and it’s really fun.
I’ve been so blah that I forgot about challenges and only just came back on. And I’ve gone from not having my 7 month old granddaughter since February to now having her all day.


Woo hoo! I am so excited for you. It will be a long time before I get there but I imagine it feels pretty darn good. Yay you!



Challenge Entry

NOT a challenge That can be done in a week, but I will jump down the path probably farther than I should in this short amount of time.

To start it’s always good to read up on the subject

The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft

by Kelden
excellent source on Traditional Witchcraft

Hedge Witch: A Book of Magic for Solitary Practitioners

by Emme Tennant
general info on witchcraft

And of course Spell8

I have printed all the protection spells and smudged my altar and my house and am using the Reiki sigil Cho Ku Rei. Am in the prosses of making a spell jar and Charm Bag for Hedge-Crossing (page .236 of The Crooked Path) of mugwort, wormwood, a feather, a blue glass bead, silver cord, piece of white or black cloth and a length of cord for tying. Please refer to **Kelden’**s book for a more complete description.

I have always been a “contrary.” Questioning everything, bucking authority and not believing most of what I’m told. Most of my “premise” is built on the lies we are taught to be fact. Hard to build a good life when it is based on fears an bad perceptions. So I’m working on breaking the self forged chains and cleanse the misconceptions that ruled my life up until now. Not to erase it all, but to sort it out with the wisdom of the higher energies that dwell elsewhere. This is why I need to Jump the hedge.

We each define that fine line between reality and fantasy. Wiitchcraft is not reading the Magic 8ball, but through intention, respect and gratitude we shape that “chance” into an energy that betters us. I’m learning much here at Sells8 and look forward to continuing down this path. Much of this I have done in the past in ignorance and little guidance. Someday maybe I’ll have some idea of what I’m doing.

My path of riding the Hedge will last far longer than this week of the challenge. I hope all you fine witches will bear with me and enjoy my journey.


Wow - there are so many entries!
Of the Element Earth
Where to do I even begin? I am totally an earth baby, and born during the period where the sun trapezed the Taurus zodiac, and I have all the qualities of earth. It was interesting to read the comments about earth children and I laughed at posts citing the more obvious negative qualities. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Earth provides us with the most incredible and natural ecological foundations, solidarity, fixed, stable and timelessness. The ability to remain patient and slow to anger, perseverance, providing strength, and staunch will power can certainly frustrate others. Me? I am happy that Mother Gaia is just this, and I am a child of hers. :heavy_heart_exclamation: :earth_americas: :earth_americas:

Weeks ago, while studying, I listened to an interesting podcast sharing about the aspects of astrology and plants. :earth_americas: :herb: For example, I am a Taurus, so my planet is Venus - just like Earth - so it is assumed that my constitution would be similar or benefit from “Venusian” plants. I do like Self-Heal and Blue Vervain, but I am not a fan of Winter :roll_eyes:

Anyway, I logged into watch the Earth Invocation on Spells8 smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and found Silverbear’s recipes!! For working with earth - I did not have any moon water so I went to the oil, and added a little twist, some small emeralds to the oil. While I was writing this, all I can smell is the earth oil - makes me happy so I may use it for more than spells work and meditation - LOL.

So sorry about long rant - I have two more challenges to do and there was just so much to learn, see and do! Be Blessed!


Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It seems to be doing the trick so far – here’s to much more success in the future!

There are so many great entries already! I’ve read through them all, but forgive me for not having the mental space to reply to everyone :heart: I’ll be working on my third challenge entry shortly!


Challenge entry for the past life challenge:

So I live in this body / mind system with many others, and myself as well as a few of my dear friends here remember pieces of our past lives. In this life, I’m a blind, transgender nonbinary, BIPOC US witch. In my last life, I’m certain I was born male and identified as a man and spoke Arabic and lived in an Arabic speaking country. I keep having the experience of hearing songs I’m certain I had heard before in Arabic. My husband and I love listening to music in different languages but the ones I could’ve sworn I’d heard before, hadn’t been played before by either one of us. I feel a lot of coldness and bitterness when in these moments. It doesn’t feel like I had been a super compassionate person. One of my headmates, Xander, remembers being a woman who dropped her wedding ring down the toilet. He also remembers the end of that life, but I don’t have permission to share that here. Also, we have a new headmate that identifies as an agender fire spirit. who also gets glimpses of their past life but they’re pretty private but hope to share more after I talk with them about it.

Challenge entry for the technology witchcraft challenge:

Since I’m legally blind, I wouldn’t have a witchcraft practice hardly if I did not have my tech. I live in a super small space so use flameless candles. My spellwork playlist is on my phone as well as all my notes and spell tips and results. I also have started talking to my tech way more. My microwave was acting funky but I asked it nicely and was patient with it, but it totally ended up working. I do the same thing with our temperamental toilet.

Challenge entry for the magical names challenge:

Actually, my witchy name is / was Vermilion. Lol I liked it so much, I’m legally changing it to Vermilion.

This was so much fun! This coven is one of my happy places! :heart::hugs:🫶🏽


Elemental Mastery - 🔹 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Elemental Mastery

I have so much to learn that I will need to go back to this challenge many times! I got so excited reading about this challenge and when it mentioned picking up a correspondences book, I realized that I had picked up Sandra Kynes’ Complete Book of Correspondences, published by Llewellyn’s!

Prior to seeing this challenge, I did the daily meditation and scrolled down to the Tarot study and clicked on it. From there, I saw the 5 card Tarot Reading using the Elements in a pentagram setting. Okay, so I found this intriguing and did it - with all my decks! Fast forward a day or so and I see the Mastery challenge and Lo - the same Tarot spread! In learning about the element earth, the Tarot sign is pentacles!! Therefore, I took this as an opportunity to do the 5 card Tarot spread utilizing the elements.

I wanted to use my Moon oracle cards for this. I lit my candle, and grounded myself - gave time to calm, clarify and focus - words just popped into my head “Mood”, “Family”, “Work” - what is the universe wanting to share with me?

Lower left - Earth (North)
Lower right - Fire (South)
Upper left - Air (East)
Upper right - Water (West)
Top - Spirit


Earth - New Moon in Aquarius
Fire - Full Moon in Taurus
Air - Full Moon in Scorpio
Water - Balsamic Moon
Spirit - Full Moon in Cancer

Definitely have high emotions in play on all levels! Aquarius suggests changes are on the way, which may mean taking action alone, and of course Taurus wants practicality, and a plan. Move forward, but be kind to others when doing it. Scorpio’s intensity over letting things go may aggravate situations or feelings that have not been dealt with, but rest assured, the Balsamic Moon (one of my favs) is offering healing and rest that’ll bring everything back in focus, and Cancer says “Everything will be okay” - I say this to my children all the time when they are stressed out, say it to the LOML too.

Please feel free to offer a different approach as I am just learning and will need to go back repeatedly. BTW for anyone who asks, the oracle cards are from the deck “Moonology” by Yasmin Boland and artistry by Nyx Rowan.


This is my challenge entry

So I have missed a lot of challenges and glad that this was posted to pick a few of them.

Sleep and Dream Magick: A few weeks ago I had a dream about my partner and it was a warning, I decided to come on here and see how I can interpret the meaning and I used the Recieving the Message Tarot Spread and after my reading I had told him about it and he decided not to go thru with what he was planning to do. I told him it is weird for me to dream like that and usually my intuition is spot on. I also started writing in a dream journal once I get up so I can remember them and look up the meaning later on.

Calling the Quarters: So I worked with a few circles but none of them were really fitting and half of them I did not do every time I cast. I found the one on Spells 8 to be too my liking and have been using it a lot more lately.

Magickal Names: So I have been using all sorts of names since moving into the computer era. Two names I have always used some form of was anything with Mystikal and Heaven in it. One name for one of my emails has my name and Mystik in it, my IG is Mystikal with my nickname, the one that mostly stuck with me is Heaven, I have many forms of this name used. Another name I used was Justlikeheaven, I always liked this one because I would always say ( I am just like heaven, everyone wants to get into me but they can’t). I always get a chuckle when I say that. I also use Heaven when I am out and about in this community I belong too.

I am not sure on what badge I want and will take any.


Challenge Entry #1 Palmistry
I got this palmistry set a while back and read everyone’s palms and I really enjoyed it! I’m actually better at reading palms than my tarot cards :joy:.
Never knew what the lines in our hands meant and this set really takes you through every detail and is very informative. Got permission from the people of the hand pictures that i could upload

Challenge Entry #2 Beastiary
So I did this challenge a little different than others I decided to make me an actual beastiary book! So I’m one who is gullible and believes everything exists/existed until I have concrete evidence that it never existed. And my son loves monsters so now I have a book I can show him and add if he wants to. I haven’t finished the book but I have started. I love mythical creatures and their stories.


Me too. Even if they prove it doesn’t exist, it may in a different aspect or dimension. If it can be thought and perceived it can exist. :sweat_smile:


Weekly Witchy Challenge - Sleep and Dream Magick - Entry

I have always been interested in Astro Projecting. I do believe I have done this in my dreams but, just didn’t understand what was actually happening. I was having a conversation with my son about this Weekly Witchy Challenge, and wow he blow me away when he told me how much and how deep he was into Astro Projecting. He is also into Lucid Dreaming.

“A dream is a state of consciousness that occurs during sleep, involving sensory, cognitive, and emotional experiences that may reflect the person’s thoughts, emotions, events, places, symbols, purpose, and potential. A dream can also be an inspiring picture of the future that energizes the person to pursue it. Dreams can vary in vividness and control depending on the stage of sleep and the activity of the brain.”

According to otherworldlyoracle.com, one of the easiest things to do to increase your dream magic is to use crystals for astral projection and dreaming. They’re fairly cheap to purchase online or at a metaphysical store. You don’t have to buy a huge, expensive stone, a small nickel-sized crystal will do the trick. Here are our favorite crystals for astral projection, prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming: (otherworldlyoracle, April, 2019)

7 Crystals for Astral Projection & Prophetic Dreams
One of the easiest things to do to increase your dream magic is to use crystals for astral projection and dreaming. They’re fairly cheap to purchase online or at a metaphysical store. You don’t have to buy a huge, expensive stone, a small nickel-sized crystal will do the trick. Here are our favorite crystals for astral projection, prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming:

1. Amethyst
A pretty purple version of quartz, amethyst has been used for centuries to induce lucid and prophetic dreams. We refer to it as the psychic stone because it truly aids in increasing one’s abilities by opening your third eye. I’ve used amethyst for the past decade to increase my dream magic and always have results. Place it in your pillowcase, on the nightstand next to your bed, or between your mattress and boxspring to increase your dream time and prophetic dreams. Place the small piece in your pillowcase. Amethyst is a favorite crystal for astral dreams etc. Amethyst has long been a favorite crystal for dreaming, intuition, and more.
2. Lapis Lazuli
When I think of past life dream magic and prophetic dreams, I think of lapis lazuli. Lapis is one of the most effective crystals for astral projection which I believe has to do with its ties to ancient civilizations. This royal blue stone with gold flecks is not only gorgeous, it’s potent. Use it in small doses, else it will make you feel flighty and un-grounded. Lapis is connected to your third eye and throat chakras and thus may be used in meditations prior to sleep to increase your dream magic ten-fold.
3. Selenite
One of my favorite crystals for astral projection protection is selenite. Selenite is a white, cloudy crystal associated with the crown chakra – it links us to the Divine. It’s high vibrational, which means it is self-cleansing. If used while dreaming, selenite offers a white light bubble of protection around your astral body. It allows your guides and guardians to protect you from negative astral beings and from nightmares.
4. Lepidolite
Another pretty purple crystal for astral projection and dreaming is lepidolite. Linked to the third eye, lepidolite is a great crystal for prophetic dreams and astral travel. Wear it on your person throughout the day to induce dreaming at night. Again, with this crystal too, you’ll want to wear it and use it for dream magic in small doses. Using crystals and stones associated with the higher chakras too often can cause light-headedness and flightiness. I know from personal experience. In addition, this particular stone connects us to the fairy realm, so be aware you might meet otherworldly beings when sleeping with lepidolite.
5. Clear Quartz
The ancient Egyptians placed quartz inside their obelisks to generate power from the heavens. Sleep with clear quartz beside your bed and you’ll experience clear dreams from the Divine. Also connected to your crown chakra, clear quartz is a wonderful crystal for astral projection.
6. Black Obsidian for Protection and Shadow Work
Black obsidian is one of those stones I always have near me while I sleep. And truthfully, I don’t keep it around to induce dreams but rather to ground too much energy while I sleep. Sometimes I go into phases where all I do is dream at night and it gets exhausting. I might even wake up with sleep paralysis or nightmares. And when I do, I grab my black obsidian palm stone that sits on my nightstand and hold it until I fall into a restful, peaceful sleep. It’s also helpful if you’re doing shadow work and it’s spilling over into your dreams.
7. Moldavite
Moldavite gained lots of popularity in the witchcraft and metaphysical communities recently. There were people even saying that you should beware of the stone, that it might generate too much energy and cause chaos in your life. I’ll be honest with you folks, I have moldavite. True, genuine moldavite from the Czech Republic. I have had no problems with chaos in my life since acquiring said stone. In addition, it’s actually induced some pretty wild, starry dreams. I think if you have starseed blood, you’ll find yourself particularly drawn to this stone. I will also say this about it, when I hold it in my hand, the energy pulsates. It is truly unique.

(Karl Bryullov, 1830–33)
This is my favorite definition of Magick. It is from the website, Sage and Sol.com:
What is Magick
The very first thing you should understand is that YOU are the energy conductor for any magick you do. The magick is YOU. You are not the body you possess, but a powerful spiritual being within the body. When you understand this, you are able to connect to your true essence and harness the power to manifest your desires. It is important to take care of yourself. This does not mean becoming vegan, or never drinking alcohol, but it does mean being mindful of your energy. Practicing your craft requires you to be at a higher vibrational level in order to have an impact on the outside energies you are working with. (2023)

Herbs for Dreaming and Astral Projection
Many herbs have properties that aid in inducing dreams and astral projection. The aroma, the chemical constituents, magical properties and vitamins in certain herbs work to open our minds and hearts to other realms and planes of existence. Keeping in mind, that herbs affect each of us differently. Healers and witches believe this is because the herb itself has its own personality, it’s own consciousness, and therefore affects each person differently. Here’s our dream herbs list and descriptions:
1**. Mugwort: THE Dreaming Herb**
There’s no herb more recommended for dream magic than mugwort. Mugwort is in the artemisia family, which includes the absinthe herb wormwood, and is known to induce prophetic dreams and astral travel. Most blame the constituent thujone for its mild hallucinatory effects on the brain. It’s supposedly illegal to drink mugwort or wormwood as a tea. So, I won’t tell you to drink mugwort as a tea. It’s safe in smaller amounts but not in high doses and it’s not safe for pregnant or nursing mothers.

According to otherworldlyoracle.com, herbs and crystals can be used in many ways, for example: (April 24, 2019)
⦁ Teas,
⦁ elixirs,
⦁ tinctures,
⦁ sprays,
⦁ smudge bundles,
⦁ astral projection,
⦁ astral protection,
⦁ dream walking,
⦁ dream magic

I would like to show my son the research I found on Lucid Dreaming. I would also like to practice Astro Projection but before I attempt this, I would like to address my “personal issues” I might have on the otherside in Liminal Space.

A Dream of a Girl Before a Sunrise c. 1830–33 by Karl Bryullov (1799–1852)

“Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep”. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 2006. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 16 December 2007.

Lee Ann Obringer (2006). How Dream Works. Archived from the original on 18 April 2006. Retrieved 4 May 2006.
14 Herbs & Crystals for Astral Projection and Prophetic Dreams (April 24, 2019)

Wikipedia contributors. (2023, April 1). Astral projection. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:02, April 4, 2023, from Astral projection - Wikipedia


challenge entry 1
As i am working on a big spread at the moment and hope to have magical activities come out of the monthly spreads ie spells, meditations, connevting with spirits or deiries reaching out etc i thought it might be a good idea to cover a few of the catch up challenges by looking into cards from the april month jigsaw puzzle spread im working on lol
I looked at what challenges i appear to of not done and decided on 3 that can tie into my spread based on cards i was looking into the meaning of more

magic in the dark
It has come up that the cards in my spread show something going on related to past life and looking at the challenge for this one it listed shadow work and the new moon or dark moon. Oddly enough i got that card in my spread and a new moon is coming on thursday this week so i thoight tgat be a good tine to do a spread to do shadow work on what i might need to release. So im going to look for a sprrad for that.

This one came from past lives oracle

divining differntly
Omg this was an interesting one. One of my cards was conchomany or divining with seashells. Ive never heard of it so i thought ok i can look into how this works and maybe give it a go if i can. I do have some seashells😁

cosmic witch
Ok here comes the astrological stuff. Ive not really looked as much inyo astrologicsl signs past my own ( being a libra) but ive seen that the moon passes differnt signs and that affects energies. I hadnt fully understood these before or their connections to elements but as these also showed in cards this month i thought i would learn more about the astrological signs

And while im still confused about what sign is associated to this vegetable its sparked me being curuous anout other associations to astrological signs so ill invlude this card as it was relevent here

These are only a few of the cards from the spread but they have sparked a few interesting topics to ecplore that tgis catch up challenge fits into well😁


Thrifty Witch

I’m all about thrifty. Growing up there was very little money hence my spaghetti chick pea casserole which really is quite awful but tasted pretty good at the time.
I’m really good at getting as much as I can out of as little as I can. It wasn’t an option in my old life. I now know why there was a constantly decreasing amount of money but at the time I was too busy making things work to even really notice.
Food is one of my favorite things to make work in creative ways. I make a large meatloaf stretched with extra egg and bread and shredded fruits and vegetables and the next night put it in spaghetti sauce and the next day it’s on pizza. Turkey dinner, next day sandwiches for lunch and left overs for dinner, next day I pick off every scrap of meat and mix it with the gravy and put over rice, the next day is a soup with any leftover leftovers added in. My oldest son calls it Broke *ss housewife 101.
So I guess this is Broke *ss Witch 101
My Altar is an old jewelry box that I got at a church rummage sale. I always but something at church sales but this church is very special to me so I was trying extra hard to find something. On like my 4th pass through I saw an old cabinet style jewelry box. My then fiancee, now husband thought I was joking when I said I wanted it.
I used it as a jewelry box for a while but I knew that wasn’t what it was for. When I jumped back into Witchcraft it became my Witchy cabinet and Altar sitting on top of my dresser top, now known as my work space.

Actual Altar top is a total disaster right now because of a self entitled cat and a tornado of a 4 year old
Note the water goblet that my husband got for me at a thrift shop and the mountain like rock that I have no idea where it came from.

My cauldron is an old casserole dish with tea light warmer that my husband got for me at the same thrift shop. If I’m using it in a formal spell or ritual I extend my Altar onto my workspace by putting a hanging cloth that I got for maybe $3 that is consecrated as an Altar and is also what I use of I need more space and take over the living room. I use the tea light holder for loose incense and also use the cauldron as a sort of simmer pot for infusing the air for meditation as well as for my candle and smudge stick or whatnot if I’m doing a simple meditation or bag spell

I have a small marble mortar and pestle that was really cheap and also totally polished, so I etched it myself and tada a cute little marble mortar and pestle with character perfect for dried herbs

My crystals are on cheap but cute wooden soap dishes and in upturned candle sticks which was actually my 4 year old’s creation

My Athame is a knife blank I bought online cheaper than a simple Athame and wrapped with twine. It’s just waiting for the perfect charm or whatnot to come along.

And most of my store bought herbs are slid into the grocery budget a few at time and are stored in a set of tins that I fell in love with and got for free at a yard sale that we got to just as they were about to pack everything up and bring to a thrift shop so they said take as much as you want.