♨ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Energy Work

Love the idea of the qi gong and energy ball. I always looked at things like that and tai chi as moving energy around but i wasn’t sure if i was just taking my imagination to places imaging an energy ball when that wasnt what it was. Lol but glad to know thats actually a thing😊


Ok this wasnt what i had looked at but it might of been selenite read about, or could of been abother that did a similar thing but i thought id share this page i found when went to see if could find the crysyal id read bout as some of these may help having at work in the negative or toxic energy environment. Not sure if mighy helo but thought id share jusr incase i am going to save the page myself for my reference too. :blush:



Thanks for that, I hadn’t seen it! I’ve tried Tai Chi before but didn’t stick with it. Maybe this one will be the video that helps me! Thanks!


For my energy work I decided to do the magic armor spell to bring good luck and ward off negative energy. So I went, dug out an onion and went to work.

Finishing this spell I did feel quite relaxed and safe. It was a good feeling. Cozy.


Ooh, this is a huge subject, and definitely an interesting one! Even before getting into witchcraft or spirituality I was fascinated by physics, especially the idea that everything is energy in one form or another, and everything that ever happens is that cloud of energy changing form. Nothing ultimately gets created or destroyed, just transformed like @Sarafeena_Sage already nicely pointed out.

As to what to do for this challenge… I’ve had the feeling for quite some time that I’d like to become an energy healer, I could start by looking into the different options there are! :sparkles:


As @Garnet said, @rachel21 & @martje you may be highly sensitive or a type of Empath. As for which type, that’s something you would know by the different types & it may be more than one type that you identify with at the same time. I am an Empath, I know what it feels like to be around “Energy Vampires” or even toxic work environments. It’s very draining & very hard to keep your own energy from going down too. I can’t recommend the site enough for learning & working with Empathic gifts

Luna & Sol Empathic Gifts @ Loner Wolf I have used them for a long time & originally found it because I wanted to know what type of Empathic Gifts I had exactly because the sensitivity is REAL! :flushed:

There is also a spell in the forum by the lovely @SilverBear for Protection from Draining Energies @Ostara & @Phoenix_Fire. I used to make one up for myself & one for my daughter’s backpack :school_satchel: when she was in elementary school. She is highly sensitive but isn’t old enough to understand why or what yet… currently we are in the beginning stages of her learning about the craft.

@jessica72 I HAVE THAT BOOK!!! Actually, it was gifted to me by @Rowan, so I know that she has it too. I also have a couple of others, but I think maybe I will peek at that one again. :hugs: I am supposed to be working on grounding techniques & resetting when things get too overwhelming or I get just completely turned around. I have found that planting my feet on the floor during meditations or working in my garden or around the yard, really helps. I have also sat on my porch in the sun & just listened to the sounds of nature around my home & I’m learning to use my breathing to reset myself when I am in a car, store, or not able to do my thing at my home.

OOOHHH… so when I am outside & if I drift off somewhere, to bring myself back, I name whatever it is that is in front of me.

For instance: I was sitting in MY chair in the sun on the porch, but the way I looked my head was down…I was somewhere else but I realized I wasn’t present. So I named what was directly in my line of sight. Which at the time, happened to be one of my dogs. So I said, Moonshine is laying in the sun, I hear birds singing as they flutter around the yard, I see my grass turning greener & yellow mini daffodils coming up throughout the yard, I feel the breeze going through my hair & across my face, & I can smell the fresh air & grass clippings from the neighbor’s landscapers. It works to bring me back to the present & what is going on so I feel like I am present. Then I usually find something to do in the yard. Clean the rocks & leaves out of the flowers, pull weeds out of the flower area around the garden, rake around my oak tree & cleaning up the leaves & branches (we had a windstorm), work with my firepit & clean that area. Things of that nature.

@Amethyst, @MeganB, @BryWisteria thank you for the videos & experiences. I have learned something different with my hands but it’s to feel the energy from crystals. I have done the exercise of containing energy between my hands. I can do it for short amounts of time, but it’s still a new thing for me. I will say, that before 2020, probably when my daughter was a toddler. I used to get excited & my hands would form like a ball but I couldn’t put my hands together… my husband & his friend used to call it my ball of excitement or ball of excited energy.

@Janae_Rochele Yay for your first cord-cutting! Definitely let us know how it goes! :heart:

@Sarafeena_Sage I was thinking along these lines when I was looking through some things to incorporate for this week’s challenge. There are different energy layers that surround the physical body. I think our spirit energy though stays through the things that we connect with until a physical body is ready/available/it’s time… however you want to put it. I’m going to think on this a little more & come up with an opinion on what I know & can verify… I’m one of those… LOL :laughing:

I’m going to have to go back through & watch the videos & see what I can do with the exercises. I know I can build energy between my hands. I was doing it when the Bruins would win or when we would be doing or watching or waiting for something. Honestly, it was like I was holding an invisible ball & I couldn’t put my hands together until I let go of or released the ball.


Awww, that makes me smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m definitely familiar with the energy of excitement and I love sharing it! :relaxed:


@CelestiaMoon thank you! They would actually laugh at me, but it was something that helped me quite literally contain my excitement. It became a thing. One of them would see me doing it & say that I was getting excited & the bigger the ball the more they were like… Oh, she’s really excited better watch out for this one it’s big… being ya know, boys in men’s bodies. :rofl:


@Sarafeena_Sage, honey, if you’re going toward astrophysics, I’ll start drooling, I promise!

I’m just writing ideas, not facts, don’t anybody get mad.

  1. Your science teacher was full of ** :poop:**.
    Your energy, in my opinion is like your soul. You don’t want to leave it behind. I wouldn’t , would you? At the same time, when you send energy to those in need, are you then soothing their soul with yours?
    Now, that’s an interesting concept…and I’m not going there. :upside_down_face:
  • our spirit energy is interchangeable with our physical energy
    2. Since your spirit and physical inhabit the same body, I’d think…Yes
    And I truly believe if your are born human, you will be again, again etc. Let’s face it, I wouldn’t want to come back as navel lint, would you.

These were some fun abstract concepts. Thanks for shaking up this old girls mind, and making her put on her pink, pointed thinking hat.
(Witches hat, I’m a girly girl.)
I love you Sarall, you’re fun.
Blessed be


In school, I daydreamed a lot. In 8th grade, my teacher was always mad because I daydreamed through his class. He asked me why once, and I just shrugged. (I didn’t dare tell him he was boring.)
“You never pay attention!”
“Yes, I do. I told him.”
“OK smarty, what was this lecture about?”
So I told him, almost word for word. It was about the epic poem ‘Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner?’ Yucky that was enough to make anybody daydream.
“Ok.” he said, blinked and went back to his blackboard.

See guys, multi-tasking isn’t new. And neither are jerks.
PS: He was about as interesting as :poop:! giggle, giggle.


@Garnet I have done the same types of things with people. I used to repeat things all the time because people thought that I was daydreaming all the time or not paying attention. When I was in my 3rd high school I wasn’t very… social… I would doodle & draw & come up with these elaborate & intricate drawings in my notebooks or around the edges… finally, one day when the teacher was upset that I wasn’t paying attention & asked me what she was talking about & I told her & then said, you don’t get on the honor roll because you don’t know what you’re doing. That was the last time the teacher said anything to me about doodling in class.


I have been having a little bad luck and my husband even asked who cursed me…geez but he’s a negative person Big Time and I might be getting his negativity and nevertheless I will probably think about cord cutting and ritual for bad luck…… so I will be busy. Since I am an Empath I am like a sponge


Thank you @Garnet for your opinion on this subject. I think you are a great person and I admire your opinions. I really enjoy reading your posts! You are very smart and funny :wink:

I will reply more when my brain is fully awake!

Thank you @BryWisteria for your response. I think there are other dimensions that we can’t see too. I am very interested in what other people think about this subject and what they believe.

You all are great! Many Blessings to all of you :rose:


My dearest @Susurrus, were we sister in another life?
Always send +energy, it releases the pressure in your head and it helps the environment.
(OMG! )
I am so sorry, don’t know where that came from but I drank lots of coffee and I think I’m better.)
blessings, Garnet


Well, Miss [JollyStar](https://forum.spells8.com/u/JollySta,
I have one question for you…
Did you make that doily and if you did, may I have the pattern? It must have been a beast to starch and block.
It is so beautiful and your simple altar is too.


Aww, I’m so sorry he’s being difficult. Cord cutting sounds good.
Men! You can’t live with them and you can’t kill them. Where’s the justice???
Anyways, I’m kind of having a silly morning. Sorry if I offended.
Sending you strength and power.
Blessed be


@Garnet Thank you so much for your kind comments :blush: :star:. I think the doily is beautiful too! My grandmother made it for me. I’ll ask her if she still has the pattern, not sure if she will I’ve had it for years.


I couldn’t have said it better myself! :clap: I’m glad you’re getting better at reading the energy of others. You’re absolutley right. It’s super draining to be around people who either have negative energy or who are energy vampires, whether they know it or not! :vampire:

I’m gonna say all of the above! :laughing:

How interesting! I’ve never heard of a school like this. :thinking: It sounds like it was very helpful for you in overcoming the obstacles you were faced with. I am right there with you on the neutral energy thing. Energy itself isn’t harmful or “negative”. It’s only when it’s been tampered with that it becomes something else.

This is always an option! :o: If you don’t want to get that detailed, you could charm a piece of jewerly or a trinket you keep at your desk that allows you to be in a protected circle. You can have a little mudra (hand movement) or word that you say when you approach your desk that sort of “cuts a door” in the circle so it stays up the way it should be. :thinking: I think you can play around with that idea a lot!

Aww, thank you! The issue I’m having is that the only person around that doesn’t look at me like I’m crazy is my daughter. Sometimes she doesn’t want to sit with me and let me test it out! :laughing: But that’s okay, I’ll survive!

Good luck!

This is always a great reminder. Thank you for sharing this ritual from the book :heart: and for sharing the title of the book as well!

This is an interesting question! In Irish mythology, there is a place called Tech Duinn (the House of Dunn) that is basically a place where the souls of the dead gather. However, Irish myth also teaches us that the soul doesn’t stay put for long. This is called Transmigration of the Soul, a type of thought almost like reincarnation. What we see and feel isn’t always the only thing that’s out there. While we may have this energy and matter here on Earth, there are Otherworldly places that also have energy and matter! :heart: You’re right, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but oftentimes the Otherworldly energy gets forgotten about in these equations.

I’m glad your spell went well! :sparkles:

I think that’s a great idea! Do you have a specific system of energy healing in mind? Or just energy healing in general?

With more practice, you should be able to contain the energy for longer periods of time :blush:

I’d be careful about doing a cord-cutting involving your husband, but for your situation it might be a good idea to do a good clearing and banishing and a spell to bring in good luck :blush:


You are right……where is the justices . Thank you so much . :heart:


Thank you lol