:tree_of_life: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Grounding & Centering

Looks like my fibro and illness has had other plans for my getting crystals. Plus 4hrs travel a day to work each day and extra days n hours…exhaustion just hit me like a freight train n ive lost over half of my day just in recovery. So ill be lucky if i get to shops for food yet alone crysrals. :sob:i might need to come up with another idea for this challenge . . .


I’ll try to take some pictures this morning once I get out there, but I’m going to be working in my garden today and I think that’s exactly the kind of grounding I need :person_in_lotus_position:


I think i am going to try and look at ways to griubd and centre being an empath. I feel energy too much sometimes and even that can be draining n allways feel im being bombarded so i think finding a grounding and centering activity to help deal with that will be a good idea. Ive started to look for ideas, just deciding still what will work best :blush:


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Grounding & Centering - ENTRY

Grounding and Centering, for me, has to be done as my stress levels have me on high blood pressure meds and I am just burned out. As a Witch learning my Craft, I need to stay focused. Now that “issues” in my life are slowly resolving themselves, I feel that it is time to get back to the happier times in my life, like being a Witch.

First, the website www.learnreligions explains the difference between Grounding and Centering is: (Patti Wigington, June 25, 2019)

⦁ Centering is essentially the foundation of energy work, and subsequently magic itself.
⦁ Grounding is a way of eliminating excess energy that you may have stored up during a ritual or a working

When I was researching this weeks Challenge, I found an artical in the website; https://paganwayspagandays that I thought was interesting:

Grounding: (Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012)
When you ground yourself, you are dispeling and riding yourself of negative energies.
To do this, find a place you won’t be disturbed and either sit (back straight) or stand (feet shoulder length apart), and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing for a few moments to reel in your mind and then focus on your body; it helps to focus bit-by-bit, adding one section to another until you are aware of every limb (e.g. focus on feeling in your feet, then legs, thighs, hips, stomach, chest, neck and shoulders, arms, hands, head).
Next, imagine either roots of a tree extending from you (your bum if you’re sitting, feet if you’re standing) into the earth, or a shaft of light coming up from the ground to encompass/surround you and into the sky. This works as a channel.
Now banish your negative energies. It’s probably helpful to think of all the things troubliing you (but one at a time!) and think of how it makes you feel, and send those bad feelings down the channels, into the earth. (Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012)

Centering: (Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012)
Maintaining what you have formed while grounding, with the connection to the earth, now you need to replenish your energies, or else you are likely to be drained.
To do this, you can try and feel the energy in the earth and feel it travel up through your channel into your body, or you can think like a vacuum and feel it when you’ve sucked it into yourself. Allow this to fill you up - this can feel like tingling throughout your body, and it feels pleasant.
Make sure these are positive energies! Keep your mind on the idea of bringing calmn, positive, and happy energy into your body from the goddess.
Sometimes, people will also raise their arms to the sky, and envision engergy coming down (like miniature tornedoes?) into you to join that of the earth.
Generally to end this process, one might envision their channels returning into their body. This is important to do, or you may continually exchange energy and this can leave you air-headed and dizzy, or even cause a drain if you aren’t careful.
Try to do this (close your channels) without disconnecting from the Goddess or earth - it can bring reasurance to be able to feel this presence throughout your day.
Antoher note, make sure to appreciate (thank) the Goddess! This can be as simple as thinking kind thoughts toward her and saying “blessed be”. (Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012)
According to an article I read, “Witch burnout and exhaustion is a real thing. Unfortunately, it drives a lot of talented witches away from the craft for years or for life!” (Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012)This is something I do not want to happen. Below are some causes of Witch Burnout:

What Are Grounding Rituals? (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).
Grounding rituals are a great tool to help us feel calm and in control during times of stress. In fact, people who practice grounding rituals regularly report lower levels of anxiety and depression.
There are several different types of grounding. This is the grounding I decided to do, it is Spiritual Grounding: (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).

How Does Spiritual Grounding Benefit Us? (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).
Grounding is one of those techniques that people use to help them manage stress and anxiety. But what does it actually do? And how can we use it to our advantage? Feeling grounded helps us cope better when we’re experiencing stressful situations. Feeling grounded makes it easier to focus on what really matters. And while we often think of being grounded as something that happens outside of our control, there are ways you can help yourself become more grounded. (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).

This article has some excellent points that I feel is worth including in this Challenge (Sorry for the lenght):
How Do You Know When You’re Spiritually Grounded? (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).

⦁ You need to learn what it feels like to be grounded. You probably live a pretty stressful life. Unfortunately, that means that once you start to ground and heal that stress, you’ll probably feel worse before you feel better.
⦁ Being grounded, safe, and happy can register as being boring and uninteresting. Your brain will fight against being boring and uninteresting, and so when you really get into the flow with this spiritual experience you will start to feel self conscious, irritated with yourself, etc.

Below are a couple of reasons you need to be aware of after you become Spiritually Grounded in order to prepare yourself how to deal with these issues: (Emma Kyteler, October 1, 2022)

  1. Focusing Too Hard On Grounding Can Unground You
    When you’re trying to ground yourself, don’t get so caught up in the process that you forget why you’re doing it. If you lose sight of why you’re grounding, you’ll end up feeling ungrounded again. Stressing about doing it right will totally derail your attempts to feel better.
  2. Being Unaware Of Your Own Emotions Is A Common Problem
    If you’re not paying attention to your emotions, then you won’t know if you’ve been grounded or not. The best thing to do is to pay close attention to your feelings. When you notice that you’re feeling anxious or stressed out, take note of it. Then ask yourself whether you need to ground yourself.
  3. Not Knowing What To Do With Your Energy After You Ground Yourself
    If you’re not sure what to do with all of the energy that comes after you ground yourself, then you might find yourself feeling even worse than you were before. So make sure that you have a plan ready beforehand.
  4. Getting Into Patterns That Make Grounding Difficult
    It’s easy to fall into patterns where you always ground yourself at certain times of day. But if you want to stay grounded, then you need to break these patterns. Grounding should be so simple and second nature to you that you instinctively choose to ground yourself whenever it’s needed.
    Not only are there causes, but there are also triggers that will cause reasons to Ground and Center yourself:
    (Eclectic Witchcraft, 2023).

This is a useful daily practice for bringing yourself back into alignment. It can help steady your nerves, bring calm, and prepare you for meditation or spell work. You can do an undercover version with just the visualizations and only thinking the words if you want to center yourself in a public space. My favorite centering ritual is a modified version of The Elemental Cross as put forward in The Druid Magic Handbook.

The basic idea is that we each stand at the center of the universe, in between the four elements as well as Earth and Sky. In this role, we stand as a pole that connects the energies above with the energies below, as well as the energies of each of the four directions, holding them in perfect balance within ourselves.

I stand facing East and invoke the names of deities that I associate with each of the directions as I center myself. Zeus above as the sky god, Gaia below as Mother Earth, Hermes before me as the wind deity of the East, Aphrodite behind me as the water deity of the West, Hephaestus to my right as the fire deity of the South, and Demeter to my left as the earth deity of the North. Though the ritual does not speak the words, I imagine the flame of Hestia in the center of my chest where all of these energies converge.

Step 1
Movement: Face East (recommended, but not necessary)

Visualization: Imagine the Sun standing at zenith high above your head, and an equivalent sphere of silver-green fire, the heart of the Earth, far below your feet. Be aware of yourself standing between these two spheres.

Step 2
Movement: Bring both arms up from your sides in an arc, palms joined above the head before drawing them down together to touch the point between the eyebrows.

Auditory: “By Zeus above me”

Visualization: Imagine a ray of light descending from the Sun to form a sphere of light in your head. Call to mind the glory and protective presence of father Zeus.

Step 3
Movement: Druid draws the joined palms down to the level of the heart.

Auditory: “By Gaia below me.”

Visualization: Imagine Zeus’s golden ray of light descending from the head to form a second sphere of golden light in the chest. Meanwhile, a ray of silver-green light shines up from the heart of the Earth to join the sphere of light in the chest. Call to mind the solid, nurturing presence of Mother Gaia.

Step 4
Movement: none

Auditory: “By Hermes before me”

Visualization: Imagine a ray of light shooting out from the sphere of light at your heart into infinite distance before you. Bring to mind the element of Air.

Step 5
Movement: none

Auditory: “By Aphrodite behind me”

Visualization: Imagine a ray of light shooting out from the sphere of light at your heart into infinite distance behind you. Bring to mind the element of Water.

Step 6
Movement: Leave your left hand where it is and pivots right arm outwards to the South.

Auditory: “By Hephaestus to my right”

Visualization: Imagine a ray of light shooting out from the sphere of light at your heart into infinite distance to the right. Bring to mind the element of Fire.

Witch Burnout: How To Ground And Center Yourself When Exhausted - Eclectic Witchcraft,
Emma Kyteler, October 1, 2022

Pagan Ways, Pagan Days: Grounding and Centering,
Lacee Pilgrim, Sunday, April 22, 2012

March 29, 2020

Patti Wigington, June 25, 2019


I spent a large portion of my day outside today. First, working in the garden. Feet and hands in the dirt, sweating from getting the ground ready for plants, and listening to the animals around me. There were two birds, I’m not sure what species, that were hanging out on my fence. Many others flew from tree to tree, and I saw a few butterflies.

At one point, right when I was hitting the point of needing a break, a hornet started to pester me. I asked it nicely to give me a few more minutes and then I would take a break, but no. It wouldn’t leave and I was forced to take a break – so thank you to whichever spirit told me to listen to my body :sweat_smile: I get really overstimulated in the heat and I’m very sensitive to the sun, and I will overwork myself to get the job done. But since the hornet was pestering me, and they did so multiple times, I was reminded to take breaks often and I didn’t get sick from the heat!

Later, once all the work was done – and there was more to do elsewhere – we all hopped in the pool and cooled off. It was a bit cold, but very refreshing after all the work I did today.

I don’t have any pictures of the garden to share just yet, but I did take this really pretty picture of two oak trees next to each other. The leaves of one are brighter than the leaves of the other. I’m not sure why, as I’m pretty sure they’re the same species. Our theory is that the tree on the left (with the brighter leaves) is younger than the tree on the right!

Honestly, though this isn’t the typical “grounding and centering” that you see talked about in witchcraft spaces, this is exactly what I needed.


I think coming up with a new idea is a good idea rather than risking a flair.

Don’t be as stupidly stubborn I
am. :laughing: A while back I did something laughably stupid. I insisted on going full tilt on everything, ignored the flair I felt coming and kept going until my husband forced me to rest on the couch while he sat making sure I didn’t get up. After 3 days I told him I was better and went back to full tilt until all I could do was sip protein shakes through a straw while my husband held the straw. Yes I am that stubborn and that dumb.

Only someone with fibro would find that dumb and slightly comforting at the same time :rofl: :woman_facepalming:t3:


Hello Witches & This Weekly Witchy Challenge -Grounding and Centering
I am really excited to do this spiritual Work cause this is my Life Line in a scene.
In the book, keeping her keys by Cyndi Brannen she writes about doing a Self Check inn
she also states it is important to check in with
"How am I feeling? Am I Hungry? Tired? In Pain?
I think making sure that we check in with are selves is important to see what kind of work that we can do! Like if I am tired I wouldn’t plan a field trip and go out late if I need rest.
Also She states in order to do a self check inn we should ask ourselves “What am I thinking”? “Are my thoughts swirling?” What do I need to accomplish this next activity?"Is this my own best interest? If not how can I make it so?

For me I need to try making some time so I can ask these questions in my head! I need to make sure that I do my check inns all the time.
strong text Phonix Rose
I went outside and sat on the lawn and sat under the stars so that way I would feel better yesterday. The moderates are suppose to be showing in the skys so this could be a good way to ground yourself. Farmers Almanac Meteor Showers


To be honest I need to do more check inns! I have not been feeling like even getting online with the coven because I have not been grounding myself. I think I have been feeling like my energy has been Sapped because I am a mother, worker, and I barley have time to unwind.

I agree with you 100%
This Witch is getting grounded and Centered and Balanced
I am starting with affirmations!!
**Garnet **

I just started with a Journal just for spells 8 so that way during my challenges I can jot things down that are important to me.
I can bookmark your post and always come back to this if I need to.
My husband said that I could actually do my ritual things outside. I really like it when it is a full moon cause I can just open the door and there is the full moon. My neighbor wants to put a fence up so that way we can have some more privacy and that would be nice cause I don’t want anyone to interrupt me.
Thank you for sharing this ritual!

I used the meditation on insight timer that Soifra Suggested and it was only for 5minutes and didnt relize I was doing it to center myself. I think what happens is that I do meditate but forgot why I am doing it. LOL

I agree yesterday me and my husband were reading out of Cyndi Brannes book and she states that if you want to center yourself "It helps us to achieve the state of calm awareness using our physical being. If we get in our head alot like I do we tend to get stressors!
I forget to drink lots of water and that is because I am not centered enough and I need this in order to do my magickal workings also I will tend to get utis cause I wont drink enough water and forget to go to the bathroom

that helps alot @AIRAM I finally made this connection! I feel like I learned something today! The Heart Chakra is so important on Temu they had a bunch of Art this vase that represents the heart and I just have to share
Heart Chakra
The heart Chakra
Colour: Red
Sanskrit Name: Mu-lad-hara
Representated by A Lotus of four Petals
Locationnear the sacral-coccyx joint at the bottiom of the spine *
Flow of Energy
Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the physical auric body*
Regulates *** Lower bacj/coccyx, adrenal glands, blood, skeloton, feet, kness, hips, teeth, nails, rectum and spine
Associated with
Physical, stability, security, self-sufficiency, and responsibility for self *
Personal growth areas Connection to earth, survival instincts

I often use this technique and I love doing this as well Now I know what it is for! LOL I hope I dont forget! I often get so much info its hard to remember evrything but if I apply it to art maybe I wont forget!
**@Soifra_Strega **

Ow that is a good thing you are such a strong person I would love to get inn some garden work everyday! I am trying to get up earlier so that way I can water the garden, too! I would also like to get up earlier to do yoga in the morning instead of at night!
*In the book of Cyndi Brannen She states to “Envision a cord running through your body down into the earth and up to the sky. Is the cord straight? Correct your posture as necessary to straighten it out Continue with the relaxing technique up through your shoulders neck and down into your fingers tips. Then pull that calm awareness up to meet the same in the mind . When doing any sort of working you should start by ensuring that you are centered by checking this cord. Of course you need to be balanced and grounded as well. When your working is complete do the grounding if required and check in with that cord” **Cyndi Brannen book Keeping Her Keys ** * I think for this challenge I am going to try this small exercise to help my centering!
Also I think I am going to home depot to get some new plants for the flower beds that I told you about. I have about 6 Flower beds and they need dirt and flowers. I am growing some cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, flowers and a whole bunch more. I did get a late start but I am not going to get down on myself. I think I told you all about how the self critic comes out! I believe that if I ground myself that wont happen right. We are all witches here and we know that we got to do this work or else we can have psychic attacks and so much more. For this challenge I want to develop **The mind of the witch ** Keeping my passion alive and thriving in my craft with witchcraft! I just need to be more creative!

One more thing I was wondering I have been music alot and what does music help with? Centering or Balancing?


Hi @Jeannie1 :wave: I did work in my yard for a bit for most of the week… but then Mother Nature decided we were taking a few steps back :rofl:

Music :musical_note: can help with a lot of things! Releasing, grounding, clearing, & processing… raising vibrations, energy shifts… a lot :smiling_face:

We are going to see what we can get done this week to clean up the rest of the leaves & hopefully be able to have a fire :fire: too at some point.


I am sorry I didnt catch that I am trying to be a better listener and for what it is worth! You my darling are a hudge inspiration and I will try to get outside more!
Thank you so much for answering the question I am not sure who it was on this cite that helped me find Lisa Thiel I think it was Francisco during Yule time or Christina or you but she it my favorite. I listen to her everyday!
Do you have any more suggestions with music ill look it up but I want to make sure that I have plenty of music to listen too~!


OHHH NIXI I so do understand!!! I have had Fibro since I was 16 years old (59 years old now). Once I had a flair up for 3 Weeks, I considered [tw: self harm]suicide as an option for a slight second, instead I cut myself so I could feel something different. I would have my kids squeeze my feet and hands as it was only on my left side. I have volunteered for a study on Fibro. As you know, there is good days and very bad days.
This Challenge was very need for me and has helped me realize how important it is to take care of myself…Mote it Be.

Blessed Be,


I also agree…that was my thought as well. :sun: :woman_mage:t4: :tree_of_life: :infinite_roots:


Thank you Kasandra. Excellent information. I just found out I have Scoliosis of the Spine and it has dilatating days with it. Maybe this might help in more ways than one. Blessed Be


I can be the same at times esp at work even just with health. Id have sharp pain to poibt be unable to stand and cry out in pain then after it passes go back to working like nothing happened. I had one day i had sharp pain in chest, i was on my knees on ground with head also ob ground clutchibg my chest. My cowirker asked if needed inhaler as also have asthma but i said no it was my chest so lol she went on with what was doing and once the pain fibalky subsided i got up and kept working.
And then last no two weeks aho on mu way to work i projectile vomited on the bus and thinking i was just car sick i was trying to figute out gow to get cleaned up ( i was only an hour into my 3hr trip on public transpott to work…) and get to work before i was late. When i called boss to say its ok everythings fibe but just to let her know ill need to get cleabed up when gey to work and explained what happened sge sajd no turn atound and go home. Just incase it was more than just getting car sick. Fair enough but i laugh because i could be dying, chest pains, or in pain, exhausted or dizzy, throwing up, asthma attack and unless i think its contageous n put others at risk ill still keep working or keep heading into work. . Im slowely at times get better but then other times i push through like living off no doz tablets cause i dont have time to make coffee and ive been on extta days and hours for months except for the 2 weeks i finally got off for leave n i came back to work amd back to extra hours and cause trains down 4hrs of travel on buses… which is extra hour a day. So i go in stages where i try to look after myself better and then the demands/needs of others take over and im pushing myself through pain, exhaustion and near callapse at times. Yesterday i didnt fully wake till bout 4pm after a late night and loooong chaos week n i was still feeling dizzy. Ive put off getting food to save having to walk to shops. Even if i feel a little better i got lots to do but im limiting what i do to low energy stuff that are necessary like washing work clothes, working in front of compurer, washing hair and figuring out what to take to work for lunch tommorow with min food in house lol.
I did have an idea for the challenge this week that is light energy, so im going to look at that today once ive changed washing over. Lol i only have 2 camp washers. One can only spin, one can only wash… :woman_shrugging:so its a pain and it only does 15 min max on wash so have to turn for longer and if forget it sits there, and i think 5 min max on the spin so once transfer one macine to another i hace to keep restarting spin before hang up to dry. And only fits small amounts at a time like a few shirts and pants, 1 towel, 1 sheet wtc so it takes longer. But today im taking it easy and just washing esentials. Just so not trying to do too much today esp since now to add to flair up i think ive got sick too. And getting blood noses. Lol its all fun​:woman_facepalming:not but yeah i get the two sides of seeing stuff like that, we try to keep going knowing that struggling and tgen crash and burn and kinda have to laugh at ourselves for trying to do so much. Like i still laugh how… oh heres an example not so much fibro but this sort of thing… i nearly drowned in a lake and someone called ambulance. I was insisting i was better after id been put in one of the sleeping bags ( it was a company trip and we sold camping stuff, long yime ago) but i was trying to sell the benefits of the sleeping bag to the ambulamce people… they figyred id recovered enough and didnt need to go to hospital because i was trying to sell them sleeping bags and how they were so good helped with the shock or keeping warm etc. I could be dying and still try and keep going . . So i so fet the being stubborn at times and truing to do so much and then crashing and burning needing recovery time. Esp when ppl need you. . I find it hard to put my health first when im needed… but yeah your not alone and yeah protein shajes are great ( as long as they are not all youve had before get on an hr long bus ride where you get car sick :joy:yep i can laugh at my own misfortune, tjough i felt bad i made mess n caused a delay most of it was on me ans my bag n i still laugh though everyonr eas like do you need an ambulance and im like no im on my way ro work :woman_facepalming::joy:… i just need to get cleaned up… i was stubbornly focused on getting to work :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::joy:


challenge entry1
So ive looked at various ways to ground and i kept thinking of a grounding spread and then lookibg up on pinterest i foubd its actually a thing. I love me some divination spreads so i did a search for some that i could maybe try one of. Ill include the top choices i had in case anyone might like to try. I know i might choose one that i find useful but soneobe might find a different one more useful for them.

and now i just need to select which one to use and what deck i want to use ror the spread😁


I don’t normally read other people’s entries before doing my own so that it is my own. However, I caught sight of @PhoenixFire’s post about the tarot spreads and I am so excited to do these!! I should not be surprised that there was a spread for that, similar to -there’s an app for that- Tarot has a spread for that. :slight_smile:

Challenge Entry

I am posting now as I will likely not get another chance. I have not had the chance to fully explore if I have a more dominant/receptive foot. At first experience, I didn’t notice much of a difference. I do intend to explore this more-if there is a difference is it because I have sciatica, is it because I am working through mother or father matters (left side/right side), is it because I have rejected the cool side over the hot side or vice versa(using these terms instead of gender references), so basically is it because I am not balanced between left to right, etc. Likely I will find it is immaterial in a way as there is always the overriding intention of how I approach it that will bring balance on a deeper level that will permeate to my present level- as within, so without, as above, so below.

Grounding- haven’t always, sometimes thought I have and hadn’t done a great job, other times have felt quite grounded without doing anything specifically. In those moments I think it was because of the support of the universe, my higher self and allies that were guiding me in those moments.

I was taught to tell myself " I command myself to ground" I spent years thinking I was not very good at grounding. (Note: I have spent a life time around people who do energy work and one who has done witchcraft. I joined Spells8 when I was ready to Then, as I started to ready to explore witchcraft as a whole rather than keep dabbling with energy and tarot.) This past year I realized that because I am a bit of an obstinate person who defies someone telling me what to do, that I was defying myself. So now I say “I invite myself to ground” That change in wording has made all the difference.

In writing about this challenge it also brings home the nagging sensations and messages that I have been getting lately that I have been over focused at succeeding at work and not focusing on other, more important, aspects of my life.
Because of that hyper focus I have not been intentionally grounding often which isn’t great either because if I was more grounded then being successful at work would come much easier.

Ways I have grounded:
When I was Catholic- I would say the Guardian Angel prayer. There was one time I was saying it, over and over, and I looked up to the blue sky dotted with white clouds and I felt connected to everything and felt so grounded and at peace in a deeply profound way. I have not experienced that same deep sense since, and my teacher had said we are lucky to feel that once, let alone twice. BTW, as I explore witchcraft more and reading posts on hear about angels, I am glad with a couple of tweaks, I can still say this prayer.

I found a rock that just made me feel so grounded. I would carry it on my person when things started to feel wonky especially since I felt I couldn’t ground myself.

My grandfather made it through WWII. He was a runner. He would go back and get supplies and bring them up to the front line and also go out on the field to retrieve the wounded. He was a piper as well. He was one of the first of the allied forces (not including the Russians who were there first) to enter Germany. I was given his St. Christopher medal. I had only met him once in my life (a long story that no longer needs to be told). I figured if St. Christopher got him through the war, he could help me get through the day/journey I was on. It also helped me connect with my grandfather.


I would envision roots going into the earth and the grounding energy come up into me (not always successfully as noted in other posts), the successful times the rooted energy came up and out the crown of my head and surrounded me with branches like a shield, grounded and protected.

Sitting by trees or leaning with my spine along the trunk of the tree and trying to sense its deeply rooted energy. Different trees feel different.

This week I walked out back, took off my shoes and stood on mother earth and asked to connect with her and I felt this sense of ease start from my feet gradually going up my body. It was like getting a hug from someone you feel really safe with. That makes me feel grounded. Unfortunately, the sensation only got up to my belly as the dogs caught my attention.

As I go forth, I will allow myself to understand, that I don’t have to ground the same way all the time. I can do what feels right in the moment. I will charge some of the stones and jewelry with earth/grounding energy and maybe one as a dispeller of energy/over-emotions so that in those moments when I think I won’t have time to do a ritual, I have a back up. Also, I will charge an action of mine and a word or phrase that I associate with my grounding experiences so that I can, in a flash call upon the grounding energy instantaneously. To do this, I realize I must have a way to honour and process my emotions ( I am very good at setting them aside to deal with later and later doesn’t often come) as for me, it is not only my unaddressed thoughts/old tapes that can cause issues but it is also the unresolved/unacknowledged emotions. It is also a lack of trust in the universe that I am ok as I am, a narrative of having to achieve, be successful, to fit others’ image of what I need to be. Being grounded and centered in who I am as me and as a part of the whole universe, I believe, is the best grounding of all. Acceptance, love, presence and grace for me and others/all things would be the ultimate groundedness/centeredness and being grounded/centered allows me to be these things-accepting, loving, present and graceful. (I may find out in time that I am wrong, but that is what I currently believe and what I am working towards. Probably not explained well because I am trying to be brief in this already super long post. Thank you for reading)

Oh, and I am now exploring in my long and winding way- the three witch cauldrons of being- as if my lower, middle, and higher self are in alignment then I will be centered. I am so excited to explore this as I have been raised by someone who does not have a healthy relationship with ego and we were squashed if we showed confidence. And having a healthy ego is as important for centeredness as it is to have balance in my lower and higher self.

Have a blessed week everyone! Thank you @BryWisteria for these wonderful challenges each week. It keeps me from taking so long to do things that I end up not doing them. LOL. Now, I am able to explore each week as I have a deadline! :wink:

Edit: I forgot to mention earlier, I also want to find a way to ground in the mundane tasks of life so that they increase in value to me. :joy: Most times I feel like I am missing out on living by stopping to enjoy a meal or cleaning/tidying. Not that I don’t do these things they just feel like they are in the way. If I can add in a balancing/grounding element to them, I may not mind doing them as much.


Challenge Entry

I usually work in my gardens and would consider myself grounded most of the time. Centering usually happens when I’m meditating.

I was meditating last night before bed.
Smudged my altar as usual.
Lit a green candle for SaturnDay/Earthday.
Lit a white candle for why not.
Drank my cup of Tension Tamer tea.
Held my Tiger Eye wand.
Held my Eagle Tree Stick and
started my breathing

While in meditation it came to me to ground and center at the same time incorporated into my breathing. I was concentrating on feeding energy to our Great Mother by breathing energy in through my crown to my heart on the inhale and out through my feet on the exhale. This is something I often do. This is often centering and allows me to do other things while in this state.

Then I remembered, @Bry I think, mentioning getting energy from the earth. Sooo… every other breath became receiving energy from the Great Mother on the inhale to my heart, and out through the crown on the exhale.

As the conduit for this I was a recipient of some of this energy. It was joyful for not only me, but I felt the other energies being appreciative as well. I could almost feel the Great Mother smiling as She was able to share her energies with not only me, but with the energy of the cosmos.

It was a wonderful feeling afterwards

Love and Light


That is awesome! I am going to try this. Sounds wonderful.


Challenge Entry
Perfect timing for this challenge as I’m suffering from a “low phase” from bpd but I meditated by myself with the sunlight shining on me through the window and after was totally relaxed felt great and got really inspired so I’ve been making sugar scrubs and herbal bath salts now for my little shop. This challenge helped calm and focus my mind and body and I’m greatly appreciated!


challenge entry2
So i decided on this spread for grounding

And i used my wildwood tarot app as it seemed to be an earthy deck to use.
And this is what i got…

My first notes
And cause i was being kinda descriptive so i remembered images and my initial reactions ( ie the guardian, id not known what he was till looked it up and he was equiv of the devil but i was a little freaked at the skeleton man i can admit it lol

The emojis on first few were obvious but the last two i had a question mark as i wasnt sure where they were going with it…

But i think ive kinda got an idea on the messages here, might need more reflection but i did note the guardian according to this deck is associated to samhain. If im not mistaken thats the next sabbat for us in the south and as its about facing fears and shadow side and i get by doing this it would lead to the next card of what happen if do this of the card 5 of vessels - esctasy. So thats cool… even if the sight of the skeleton man had been scary at first.
The first question of how i can ground myself in this moment 8 of arrows- struggle was showing a woman strugglung in a storm with so much swirling around her and needung the courage and strength to keep going… to reach down deep inside of ourselves or myself in this case to find the courage and wisdom i need to face the storm and get through which in turn will help me centtre amd ground myself even when its a shit storm around me :joy:which ive had alot of lately.
The lynx is related to going from midwinter to imbolc and as a process talks of keepinf things down to earth and making practical plans

And the last one clearance ( 7 of bows ) is about clearing away things that no longer serve me. So yeah i think it was a good spread to do and good choice to use that deck as i felt i got alot out of it, lol even if the scary arse skeleton man freaked me out at first, now i can see his place and purpose in the journey :grin:



Bahaha my mind is very similar.

I know what you mean about the woman’s voice on the Spells 8 meditations- love her voice!

@Medea thank you for such an amazing informative post!!!

@MeganB glad to see you listened to the hornets and had a wonderful grounding experience. It can happen in so many ways.

@Jeannie1. I was sorry to read of your significant loss. :people_hugging:. Sending love and comfort your way.

I have to read this book! I have to tell myself that my check-in’s are valid. In the past, I have checked-in and then told myself I was either stupid or silly or wrong to have those thoughts, feelings etc. I like what you have written here and I think the will help me figure out how to identify where I am at. Then the next thing will be to learn how to process them.

@Jeannie1 being outside and feeling connected to the universe by watching the meteors would be a great way to ground!

I so understand what you mean!

@Phoenix_Fire it sounds like your stubbornness can be a great strength as well as also causing you to push too hard. You are so very strong!