:tree_of_life: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Grounding & Centering

I can’t believe it’s Sunday :flushed:

I’m reading everyone’s entries & there are so many great ways to approach this & I love :heart: everyone’s unique way of approaching this challenge!

@Garnet I have come across Drawing Down the Moon on the site I never thought about combining them either.

I have tried using different Chakra techniques though! I’m glad that it works so well for you this way :heartpulse:

@Heav3n I love finding new ways to work with New Moon & Eclipse energies. I live when I am able to feel the same way after grounding. It’s always like I feel a bit lighter too :smiling_face:

@Kasandra I had just come across a Red Jasper bracelet & had thought about it to wear for grounding with earrings that I have. I do have a piece of Green Tourmaline & Black Tourmaline that I keep with me… I remember finding a Shower :shower: Chakra cleanse. That also helped too.

@Medea thank you for the tips & reminders. I thought about it & at first I used to do some of these things… ie: focusing to hard on grounding… It was definitely a learning process to NOT do this.

@Phoenix_Fire I love Emerald Lotus spreads. They seem to have at least 1 for literally Everything

@Shadeweaver that sounds lovely! I should maybe try something similar before I go to bed & see how I feel before laying down. :hugs:

@brandy20 I actually have much better results & very similar when I can do them with the Sun or even just have a Sunny day :sun:

@Phoenix_Rose yeah I agree! I don’t know what it is but it really helps me. My mind is a mystery sometimes on where it takes me :rofl:

I loved reading everyone’s entries. I hope I didn’t miss any since earlier in the week & everyone is having a great weekend!


Amazing entry, as usual :heart: Such a lovely your description of your journey.
I am with you 100% on your edit, it’s a fabulous idea
Also I am so glad that someone else here is old enough to remember There’s an app for that. I made reference to and then tried to explain it to my 18 year old and the look on his face was priceless :laughing: as if I was making up a world before apps existed :rofl:


I love the grounding spreads, I don’t know why I never thought of that as a possible thing. I am definitely going to try one, or all, of those.
Right my new deck and I are still getting to know each other and my current deck that knew me as well as anyone could hope a deck to know them isn’t speaking to me.
I was thinking and I actually have no idea how I still have it as it’s from Take 1 of rebuilding my life, I suspect my boyfriend somehow had something to do with that.
That deck didn’t mind when he helped me gather it up if the floor once and a time that I had him hold it for me for a reason that I don’t recall. But while my husband was trying to demonstrate a few ways to shuffle, that ability is completely gone from my memory, with a deck of playing cards he picked up my deck and now it’s mad at me


Thank you! :heart:


Word trouble today, might be choppy.
I haven’t been meditating much lately so I decided instead of doing some random meditations I would for beck and do the course again.

I was having trouble enough with everything before this last concussion personally think that meditation could benefit from a refresher any time.

I realized that my breathing has been off and noticed that ability to keep attention is lacking.

I have a book with fabulous grounding techniques and that’s always come naturally for me and there are ones in there that I had forgoten.

And of course I did a little research, it is me after all, that I can’t recall well right now but I notes of helpful ones and sites.

Challenge was fun and perfectly timed.


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, April 25 at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

So many wonderful ways to get grounded and become centered! Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to share an entry so far- your tips, wisdom, methods, and experiences are very much appreciated! :person_in_lotus_position: :earth_element: :cyclone:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :tree_of_life: :sparkles:


“ I went to Alemeda to help my aunti my her dog passed away and we Barried the remains! I would have to say “I am staying grounded” and learning it’s okay to be sad or cry just don’t be stuck like that. I felt sad but she was an old pup :dog: lived 19 years! I My spirit said bring gloves :gloves: know I know why! We buried and I am glad I had them. Always listen :ear: to the voice inside. I think I can be clairvoyant, I knew something was going to happen and I needed those gloves!
Rest in peace coco!

It is dusk here I am leaving Alemeda and when I get home :house: I’ll play a meditation! Okay did the meditation
“I am rooted”
“I am powerful”
“I am supported”
“ I trust life”
“ I am experiencing life through my senses and through my soul”
“ I nourish my body and my spirit and soul”
“ I am passionate”
“ I enjoy my body”
“ I Xpress, my creativity and sexuality”
“ I feel joy”
“ I feel Happiness”
I really do feel empowered when I do my meditation. I feel that my power source has been restored! I am grateful to share my experience with you!
Thanks :blush: for letting me share!


Amethyst’s Challenge Entry:

Okay, so I love guided meditation from YouTube. This first one is a great one when you have some time, like before sleep, and it’s just great! You ground yourself into a tree and then it provides other trees in the grove and reminds you that people love and support you. It really reminds me of Infinite Roots and all of you here. It’s just lovely.

Then this next one is for when you only have ten minutes and creates a loadstone to ground you where ever you go that day. Really nice.

I hope you enjoy them if you try them!


challenge entry 3
Aftet a rather traumatic trip home, after nearly splitting head open at work. Onlu a lil gash and didnt bleed much but then thr trip home i was still shaking anf crying an hour later… one thing i did onve i finally got off thr floor was a shower hoping the hot water would calm me and wash away the day. I lost appitire from crying so much and split heaf hurt worse but ate food with strong flavour. I did my bed routine but say in bed under covers conforyed by my locked doors and warm blankets. I even lit a candle and now something sweet. I was shaking and almost hystericall the whole walk home after incident on bus but even if this not entirely magical the intention was there to ground and centre after a horific snd terrifying experience. Im glad public holiday tommorow for us cause i dont want to leave the house after tjat, but at least now calm and not crying and bit mote grounded and centred after the ordeal of the night.


Challenge: Grounding and Centering
This is particularly timely as I’ve been grappling with no time and feeling unmoored.
There’s one dance conditioning class I go to every week that’s fairly stretch, balance, and form intensive, but the last few minutes the teacher turns the lights off and has us lay on our mats and take a moment for ourselves. Some folks are so relaxed they fall asleep on their mats, but I’m not there yet.
I’m using the class to focus on continuing to rehab as it’s going to be at least a year long process, but in that final section at class (me, who is terrible at meditating) I’ve been getting a lot better at keeping my mind in the present and not wandering off to the to do list waiting for me at home.
It’s been a very popular section and students have started calling it the Cult of Stretch.


**Challenge entry - Grounding & Centering

There are so many wonderful entries, and as I went through this practice, I learned that I will need to repeat both many, many times :roll_eyes:

Grounding and Centering: What’s the Difference and How to Practice – Spells8 This was a good study for me and I am going to go back and review it again and again. In looking up just general information, I came across a quote that just stood out for me, and that was that being is ground is most like an awareness of the moment, “present”, and I I like the comparative of experiencing clarity, wholeness and a “rightness and harmony” while centering or centeredness was a point of reference to return to in moments of unbalance. I did not grab the article, but “Psychology Today - featuring Dr. Diana Raab”.

Session 3: Grounding Mindfulness – Spells8 I attempted to do a guided meditation, but I do not have the app for running some of these in Spells8 so every time my phone would lock, the tape would stop playing :laughing: I do enjoy the daily candle meditations and use this time to reflect, let go, or just slow down the moment. I have always been the picture taker or historian in my family which, although great, taught me to “step out of the moment” in order to capture the experience, time in history and those that “were in the moment - living it” and in doing so, I put myself on the outside. It’s taken a few years to realize that I love photos, but I am truly missing those moments - the moments of being grounded, aware - kinda of a superficial feeling :confused: :face_with_diagonal_mouth: It’s hard not to take those photos, but I am learning to be present in the moment, so that I can experience the wholeness of the moment and allow someone else to capture it. :smiling_face: :sunrise:

After my workouts this weekend, I practiced doing some mindful cooldown exercises focusing on breath :wind_face: :wind_face: and outdoor walks to enjoy the smell and sensation of the outdoors, thanking Gaia for the experience :earth_asia: :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :infinite_roots:

@Garnet I have Golden Dawn, and a book on Drawing down the Moon - and just realized that when I read your post. Thank you for reminding me that I had these!

I think it’ll take me a week to read through everyone’s entries! :infinite_roots: :infinite_roots:


Challenge Entry

During a recent therapy session we talked about changes in life, both “positive” and “negative” as we perceive them. As I’m about to start working again soon, she asked me, what’s the thing that’s going to stop me from being overwhelmed and being washed away by all the sudden changes and new opportunities and responsibilities. “Grounding and centering” I said. “Good girl”, I could almost hear her answer, in emotions if not words :smile_cat:

Grounding for me is when I’m fully present in my body, and I’m feeling safe and secure from all harm. My breathing is even, and I have minimal tension in my body. My body is relaxed, and my mind free of intrusive thoughts. :person_in_lotus_position:

I connect grounding with the lower four chakras, the divine feminine, the divine mother, and my inner child feeling safe. This is where the energy can build and grow. Creativity only comes when one’s feeling safe.

When I’m centered, I’m connected to my power, and I’m able to focus it towards an intention. I can direct my will and attention, and the energies follow. Being grounded is a prerequisite, and also, being awake enough and if there are distractions, being able to rise above them. When being centered, I’m also living in the present.

I connect centering with the upper three chakras, and the divine masculine. Presence, awareness, focus, the ability to channel the raw energy that freely flows from the loving divine feminine.

When we have both, we are truly unstoppable conscious creators. :sparkles: :lotus: :sparkling_heart:


Challenge Entry - Grounding & Centering
For this challenge, I chose to make a grounding and centering spell jar.


  • Small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
  • Dried lavender buds
  • Dried lemon balm (from my garden)
  • Frankincense resin pieces
  • Dried rose petals (from my garden last year)
  • 1 black tourmaline chunk
  • 1 small piece of paper and a pen


  • Began by cleansing and charging all the ingredients. I did this by smudging them with palo santo.
  • Wrote down my grounding & centering mantra on a small piece of paper, folded it and placed it in the jar.
  • Placed the herbs, flowers, crystals, and resin in the jar while visualizing myself becoming more grounded and centered.
  • Once the jar was complete, I closed and the lid held it in my hands. I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes, and visualized myself standing strong and tall like a tree, firmly rooted in the earth.

I chose to make my jar in a spice jar as it’s easy to carry with me on tough days. Whenever I feel the need to ground and center myself, I can hold the jar in my hands and focus on the energy of the ingredients. I can also shake the jar gently to release the energy and smell of the herbs (which I did before taking photos)

Why I picked these items:

  • Black tourmaline: A powerful grounding stone that can help absorb negative energy and provide protection.

  • Lemon balm: While lemon balm is not typically thought of as a grounding herb, it does have some calming and soothing properties that could potentially be used to promote a sense of centeredness. Lemon balm is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve mood.

  • Rose petals: Roses are often associated with love and beauty, but their petals can also be used in grounding and centering rituals to promote self-love and inner peace.

  • Frankincense: Used for centuries in spiritual practices, frankincense can help deepen meditation and promote feelings of tranquility.

  • Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender can help ease anxiety and promote relaxation.


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

There’s peace and balance in the forum this week- thank you so much to everyone who shared their experiences about grounding and centering! So many amazing ideas, methods, stories, tips, spellwork and resources on display, it’s really inspirational to see! :person_in_lotus_position: :cyclone:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :tree_of_life: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in! :sparkles:

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents Post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Props and Presents for the Grounding & Centering Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional prizes will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


That is awesome, I am planning on making one myself as well. Just waiting to collect all the stuff to put in it.


Phoenix Fire thank you for all the tarot spreads I’ll try them tonight when I get home.
I did some garden work and my hands got dirty not my feet, but my hands so I started off this morning really good here’s some pics!

I feel good I have the suns warmth against my face this morning!


Beautiful garden space @Jeannie1 It’s great grounding and happy time