šŸ” Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Land Beneath Our Feet

While I havenā€™t always lived here, I have grown up in the shadows of the West Virginia mountains. Theyā€™ve become home to me, so much so that I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without their comforting presence.

I live in a town quite close to the New River Gorge Bridge. It was built to turn a 40-minute drive down the mountain trails and back up into a journey of just a few minutes.

Itā€™s also the longest span bridge in the United States and the third highest. Thereā€™s a wee little rail underneath it where you can walk across it or if youā€™re really adventurous, you can come on Bridge Day.

Bridge Day is the 3rd Saturday in October, right when the leaves are starting to turn so itā€™s usually a wonderful sight of the mountains. People come from all over the world to, get this, BASE jump off the bridge.

Oh, thereā€™s food and other things to see and do, but mostly people catapult themselves off the Bridge. Crazy, am I right? Oh, theyā€™ve had to cancel it at the last minute the last few years due to Covid, which is a shame. I hope they get to continue it this year, for tourismā€™s sake.

I donā€™t really know what kind of chant or spell I could write that describes the beauty of the mountains here. So Iā€™m just gonna leave a link to some iStock photos so you can see some of the beauty in my area. Also, thereā€™s a link to information about the Bridge in case youā€™re interested in it.

New River Gorge Bridge

iStock photos of the Mountains.


Ooo, thank you @Amethyst for your entry! I have been to a few mountain ranges in that area. It was a long time ago. Iā€™ll see what pictures I have from NH & when we went to PA/VA area

Everyoneā€™s entries are so interesting & informative about how itā€™s approached & where people have been in their lifetimes. I love learning so much about different areas of the country & the world. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Amethyst I have been to the New River Gorge Bridge! I completely forgot that I saw mountains before Colorado! My ex husband jumped off of the New River Gorge Bridge with a parachute on our honeymoon. Lol! Suppressed memories of Mountains! It was the honeymoon from HELL and the next 10 years were Hell. Maybe thatā€™s why I suppressed it! LOL! That person even made the front page of the paper! This is one of those WOW moments.


I was 5 months pregnant with my son (and it was our honeymoon) and this person wanted me to jump off the bridge with a static line! He was and is such an idiot. I will find some pictures of bridge day. I really need to do some shadow work, but why would I want to. Lol!


Here is my mini ā€œmountainā€. I set up a Crystal Grid with citrine, amethyst, clear quartz, and obsidian.


Ooh,I have that book aswell :blush:


I tell you whatā€¦ itā€™s a handy book!


Impressive pictures Amethyst ! It s gorgeous! :heart_eyes:


Youā€™re welcome! I donā€™t have many pictures, I donā€™t get out and hike at all so I used iStock! LOL! My pictures would be from the highway if they even came out.

You probably drove by my town, Oak Hill! Iā€™m sorry you had such a bad experience here. Personally, I think all of the people jumping are going for a Darwin award but thatā€™s just me.

Thank you! Itā€™s really pretty here, especially in the fall when the trees turn.


This ritual took a lot of work, but I finally finished it! I was going to perform it last night, but I was tired. Tonight, for sure!
Originally, I was thinking of putting the candle out with some water, but I had a feeling this would be a bad idea. I looked it up and :warning:pouring water on a burning candle is dangerous! :warning: You can splatter wax everywhere and burn yourself!
Thankfully, I was able to find an alternative use for the water that worked out just as well. I decided to wash my hands with the water to cool them down. Our actions have been beating the earth. So, by cooling the actions of our hands, we may, in turn, cool the earth down and beat human-made climate change.

Himdah Neben Un Koz (Land Beneath Our Feet), Prayer For An End To Climate Change

You will need:
Green candle
Stones and/or dirt (from a mountainous region), picture or a drawing of a mountain (if not from a mountainous region)
Water (preferably from a natural water source such as a creek, but bottled spring water is fine)

  1. Light a green candle on your earth. The lit green candle represents our heating planet. If youā€™d like, diffuse essential oils such as cedar, a tree which grows in mountainous regions.

  2. Arrange the stones in a circle around the candle. If you have a picture or a drawing, place it by the candle.

  3. Close your eyes and think of an event that has been caused by climate change (droughts in the American west, the record heat in Seattle, Washington of 2021, the record heat in India this year, etc).

  4. Say the following in dovahzul (or in English):

mu kent jaaril faal gol (we must protect the earth)
rek meyz zuk farin (she is becoming hotter)
freykro, sendaar, strunmah, briin, ahrk rath (forest, desert, mountain, ocean, and river)
hofkiinu, lokalaat hofkiinu (our home, our beloved home)

  1. Wash your hands with the water. Make sure it is cool and say:

hon draanu, Gaia (hear our prayer, Gaia)
monahu (our mother)

  1. Pick up the candle and say:
    aal un haalle meyz krahus (May our hands become cool
    krahus med strunmah (cool as a mountain)
    ahrk med lom do strunmah (and as mountain water)

  2. Chant kos krahus (be cool) as you visualize the temperature of the earth cooling beneath your hands.

  3. Blow out the candle and say:
    aal un haalle jaaril faal golā€¦
    unstiid (May our hands protect the earthā€¦always)


My Challenge entry - 8-Minute Mountain Meditation by Oschner Health

Between knocking out more than a few challenges last week and being knocked out this week from a GI bug, I chose an easier task for this weekā€™s challenge.

While I hadnā€™t intended to pick a location while doing this visualization, I ended up seeing the mountains in Glacier National Park that I hiked over the summer that I work for the park. Brought back some really beautiful and amazing memories. Might even have to find my pictures from that amazing summer after high school graduation!


Hi Kasandra, what is this language you use?


Itā€™s a conlang (constructed language) called dovahzul (dragon voice) from the game Skyrim, the fifth title in The Elder Scrolls series.


Thanks I am going to look for it


I attuned (activated) my tigerā€™s eye today (all I could find, but especially my pendant). My plan is to activate all (most, my favorites, and/or most used) of my crystals. I am following the daily rituals so I will attune a crystal type (or 2) that corresponds to that day. (I am a teacher so this month I have a bit of extra time to dedicate to my craft.)

Question: How often should I attune my crystals?

I found some lovely candles that I am using to smudge my crystals (my husband doesnā€™t care for incense or smoke). Today I used paleo santo. It is the universal white to replace the yellow candle. When I find room on my phone I will share a picture.


Thank you for the warning! :warning: @Kasandra

Question: What is the best method of extinguishing a cotton wick? A wooden wick? I thought about just putting the lid on.


Wow! That is an amazing spell! Thank you @Kasandra for sharing and including the dragon language. It amazes me what members are willing to share on the forum.


My set up for attuning my crystals. I realize my granite counter is a perfect backdrop for our mountain theme.


Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder!

Weā€™ve reached the peak of mountain magick this week- I havenā€™t had a moment to respond yet, but I am checking the entries and am amazed at what Iā€™m seeing! Thank you so much to everyone who has trekked into the theme so far :mountain: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you havenā€™t already shared an entry but would like to join in, please know that you still have some time:

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: July 5th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

Blessed be! :mountain_snow: :sparkles:


I tried Yoga with Adrieneā€™s Mountain pose video and the mountain meditation reminded me of a song. Here it all is in a playlist. (This is Adriene at her chattiest. I find it amusing (but I wonder through topics at random as well) othher people may find it distracting.)