Challenge entry
Well, this was the kick in the bum that I needed to get back into physical things.
I love going for walks and my walks are almost always meditative in nature, but the heat recently hasn’t permitted it. And now there’s so much rain… I love rain, but it’s indoor-time weather!
What’s important for me, however, is to ensure I actually get the exercises done that the physiotherapist gave me. They’re core strengthening exercises that help me with a lot of things from posture to balancing out both sides of my body, and reducing any swelling or pain in my knees if I get any. So that’s step one!
Step two is practicing the witches dance! I haven’t had much of a chance to do it and it’s going very slowly… But we’re getting somewhere! I showed what I remembered to my partner without a guide to follow and I got somewhere within the realm of… Something that looks like it.
Yeah, I’m not good at that… But they were very supportive. Maybe supportive enough that I can rope them into doing it with me?
We shall see… We shall see…
Lastly, as a bonus round, I want to do this: Yoga with Adriene. But I want to get my basic exercises (and some stretches) regular first.