⚖ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Magickal Equilibrium: Balance

Challenge Entry

As part of my Mabon ritual, I diffused some cinnamon essential oil, held my besom over the diffuser, and swept my sacred space with it.

I said something along the lines of (based on the suggestions on this site):

Peace and prosperity will accompany this season,
For me, my friends and family

I then did a tarot reading on how I can achieve balance in my life and I drew The Devil (reversed).

I think it’s telling me to let go of the belief that I can’t take a day off from my writing; that I have to write something everyday, even if it’s just fifty words.

My Fantasy Cats Oracle deck told me that rest is part of the writing process. It helps you to take a step back and gain a new perspective on how to move forward.



I love how this challenge falls just as we move into the season of Libra, the sign of balance and harmony. I wondered what it was I perhaps had to find balance in and thought where better look than to Libra and her 11 zodiac friends.

I used the Astro-Seek website to create my chart showing not only the natal positions of the planets, bit also their current locations.

I then used this to find the balance of elements in my life currently based on the planets transit position. I found that right now:

I have a lot, perhaps too much, of Earth
I have fair balance of air
I have a lack of fire and water.

Excess Earth can manifest as overindulgence (check!), laziness (check!) and a general feeling of being down (check!) While lack of water can leave you feeling like you don’t want to connect with others (check!) and fire deficiency leads to a lack of drive and enthusiasm (check and check!).

Therefore, I need to reduce my Earth element and up my fire and water. I looked for activities that could achieve this and made my checklist to undertake next week:

[ ] Exercise particularly cardio (reduces Earth and increases fire)
[ ] Twisting and chest opening postures in Yoga (increases fire )
[ ] Candle focus Meditation (increases fire)
[ ] Eating iron rich foods and using spices (increases fire and decreases Earth)
[ ] Root vegetables and juicy fruits increases Water)
[ ] Increase daily water intake (increases Water)
[ ] Spending time with loved ones (increases Water)

I will start these tomorrow and will keep a note in my journal as to what actities I did and how I feel each day to determine if it has helped.

Blessed be



Challenge Entry

There are some that would say I’ve never been balanced. I am always chasing some new interest and usually I go “All In” when the chase begins. I normally go WAY overboard in organizing, setting up the material end and educating myself on as many aspects of the new interest as possible. This has been no different in my pursuit of the Craft and my learning of Magick. :exploding_head:

I need to start using the information I have found more than I have and develop a routine. The routine is what will bring me more into balance than I am now. I also need to start writing things down. I don’t know if that means a “journal” or just random writings to start with, but it needs to start somewhere. I have been teetering on the knife edge of so many things and need to “flesh out” these to keep from falling off to one side or the other. :wunjo:

This may sound odd, but it is the way I see it now. Quit cramming more into my head and start using what it is I have learned in the past 6 months. My library on the Craft and the supporting books have grown. The materials needed to create the tools I need have been accumulated. You fine witches have given me the inspiration and knowledge I need. I suppose I need to $&^% or get off the pot. :sweat_smile:

:goat: :people_hugging:


I have been struggling and struggling to figure out what to do for this challenge. Things aren’t balanced for me at all right now, and focusing is getting pretty difficult. So, I decided to create a tarot spread to figure out how to balance things out in one’s life!

Card One → This card represents yourself as you are right now in all your unbalanced glory. There are no judgments, no reservations, and no hiding from the truth. If you’re struggling to figure out where you stand and how you feel, this card will help you see past that.

Cards Two and Three → These cards represent what you can do to embrace balance. They can be interpreted in whatever way makes sense to you in the moment; things to let go of or things to embrace, depending on the circumstances. Whatever they represent, these two cards are the important pieces of the puzzle to help you find your balance.

I haven’t done a reading with this spread yet, but I will be doing it sometime today or tomorrow. I have an idea of what the answers will be, even a guess as to which cards I will pull, but I need this reading very much!


Happy Birthday @ChooChee

I love your candle, Stacie, what a great challenge entry!

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always,

P.S. Read Your Birthday Message Here…


Challenge entry-Magickal Equilibrium
Oh my gosh, this was so timely. So I’m due to take a certifying exam this Saturday, and I had a family emergency come smashing in like a wrecking ball. If you looked up unbalanced in the dictionary, my name would be listed as an example.
So I decided to do an increase component, and a decrease component.
For the increase, I could always do with more luck, so I did the sun sigil to pass a test, there’s a very tiny one traced into the binding margin of my test book (it’s an open book test, but that doesn’t make it easy).
For the decrease, seeing as it’s the equinox, I had seen a few folks mention Moon Medicine Yoga’s videos on Youtube, so I did their Fall Equinox class to decrease stress.


Hey, if the pot is comfortable, take all the time in the world. :smile:

But, I get it. I feel like, in some areas, I’m 90% research, organisation, and setup, and 10% action. Sometimes it’s because that’s the most fun part. Sometimes it’s because I don’t have the energy after all the preparation. And sometimes, it’s just because I don’t really have any idea of what I want to use it for. :sweat_smile:

This is something I’m trying to figure out as well. Will be curious to know how you manage to get everything sorted and into a routine, if you’re up for sharing!


I probably need to get up a little earlier and do my little morning ritual before my chores. I just need to figure out what my morning ritual is to become. :rofl:

I agree, but then everything is there and nothing gets done. I suppose that is the balance I seek. :sweat_smile:



:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, Sep 26th at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

Welcome to the new season! Thank you so much to all those who joined in to welcome autumn/spring and Libra season by striking balance and evening the scales- may you face the coming weeks feeling grounded and stable :pray: :relieved:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :balance_scale: :sparkles:


I chose to do a banishing spell and a road opener spell. It felt like a good balance between getting rid of and inviting in. Funny that they used similar ingredients!

It felt appropriate to get rid of the negative first.

The spell suggests burying the apple in a garden, and I almost did but it didn’t feel right to put something that is supposed to be a negative focus into my garden, so I opted to move it a few feet away and bury it in the woods.

I bet you can’t even tell where I put it!

Then I did

(‘The Door Opener’: Wiccan Chant + Bag for Getting a Job – Spells8)
since I am trying to open doors for my business.

Then, I bagged up the rice and bay leaves and tucked them away for a week.

Phew… glad I got a chance to get a challenge done this week. STILL have not recovered from my trip - the 5 hour time difference is still kicking my behind. I’m lucky if I can make it to 8pm before passing out! :zzz:


Oh wow… I don’t think I’ve ever said it this way, but this is 100% me. I love to research, plan, plot out, and organize but often fail at the actual DO part of my projects. I do enjoy the giddiness of the chase to learn and find and plan.


This was sooo the challenge for me this week. I’ve been struggling to find balance within myself and my family.
Routinely, I meditate and practice mindfulness. I have a ritual for baths and showers where I cleanse myself of all that no longer serves me and replace those things with positive affirmations. I also use rose incense to promote self love.
This week, I purged some of the things that I don’t want or need and prepared them for donations. I’m going to take them to a shelter or nursing home. This helps balance abundance in my life.
I did the YouTube meditation that @Amethyst posted. Those were words I need to hear and helped me see that I am not powerless!
I also did the Mabon Ritual. I wrote down on pieces of paper all the things that are weighing me down and burned them. Then I meditated on what I want to bring into my life. I did feel lighter. This was my first ever ritual!
I’m still struggling with imbalance within my family. I’ve mentioned this a few times. I hope I’m not coming off as whiny, but I’m really struggling. I’ve spoken with my husband and my boys about the imbalance and either they’re unwilling to change or complacent. So, if that’s the case, I have to figure out how to be balanced among the not great relationships in my family. We’re not functioning as a whole, just as individuals, despite instilling the importance of family. Now that I have ALS, the need for unity is more important than ever.
I’m struggling to find a way to be balanced. what can I do to bring balance back into myself? And, can I send energy to my family or do a spell to help my husband and children?
This was a difficult challenge for me this week, but definitely needed!
:silver_heart: :people_hugging: :melting_face: :thinking: :last_quarter_moon:


#Weekly Witchy Challenge - Magickal Equilibrium

I thought I best post to this challenge as I have been working with balance and grounding. For the Fall Equinox, I chose to do @BryWisteria fire spell on removing obstacles.

I used cinnamon for my herb/spice, a mix of carnelian and citrine. The item that I chose to represent my obstacles was (hopefully this offends no one) my wedding set. I have been divorced for years but have long held into ideals and values that have not served me well and have created a vacuum for me in clinging to the old thus becoming my obstacles. The item I chose for protecting those which I do not want burned away - was my daily ring I wear as a talis for protection, fondness for family & friends, my career path - where I am going. I will let you know how this works out!

My next was a meditation for balance of Yin&Yang using two candles, one black and one white and adding an aromatic scent of lavender. Only I don’t have a picture for that.

My family and I met for dinner, had our Bon Fire at sunset with a circle and burning old patterns that do lot serve as well as a thanks of gratitude. My sister and I did the Mahon apple spell, with a little spin.

I feel better than I have in a long time. Blessed be.

BTW - @ChooChee Happy Birthday!


I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling. Please don’t worry about coming off as whiny – what you’re going through is incredibly rough. :people_hugging:

But I’m also glad that the self-care and ritual you have been partaking in have been working for you. And congratulations on completing your first ritual! Does it seem less daunting now that you’ve done one? :grin:

It sounds like the way forward for you isn’t very clear right now. Perhaps if there was another area you wanted to dive into, you could try some divination techniques? At the very least, they’re a way to tap into your higher consciousness, breaking through the barrier of the conscious that fills us with anxiety and doubt. Just don’t forget to rest in between expending your energy. Burnout isn’t fun – trust me, I’m an expert at burning out. :smile:

Sending you all the love and strength. :black_heart:


It’s funny @starborn I’m starting think you can read my mind :exploding_head:! I was learning tarot and decided that was a bit too much and I needed to get my face out of a book and do a spell! :laughing:
As I was tossing ideas around in my head about what I could do next (which actually made my head spin :woozy_face: because I just added to my list instead of a focus) I thought about oracle cards. I bought a deck a few months ago and I was thinking I should try that! Now I have to find the deck!
Definitely not as daunting. The ritual was calming and peaceful! I was surprised to find I was tired :sleepy: shortly after. I made sure I had a drink and then took a nap! :sleeping: :zzz:
Thank you so much for your support and guidance. I feel like somehow you know me on a more than surface level. :silver_heart: :people_hugging: :blush: :heart: :silver_heart: :purple_heart:


As my Challenge Entry :sparkles:
I would like to relate how I try to achieve inner balance.
First, and most important step is the thought :thought_balloon:. If you are sending the correct and clear message to universe - good results are to be expected. And usually, I think of peace, calmness and positivity.
Second step is a must as well. The environment. :camping: Get comfortable in a place that allows you to be alone with your mind and soul. Meditation is a good mechanism to achieve inner balance :balance_scale: and peace.
The last, and optional step are the instruments :gem::candle:. Crystals, candles, incense sticks, symbols and all the little things we all like to decorate the altar and house with, are just for manifestation. You want them, you can have them, you don’t have to have them.

I would also like to add that my last meditation took place in my bathtub, with pine tree scented bath salt, blue candles and a big piece of walnut pie at the end. I called for calmness, as last month has been hard from all points of view.
Expecting this week to go smooth, as full moon :full_moon_with_face: on this Friday is approaching. I have high hopes for a cleansing ritual to also help with my struggles.

I hope you have a great week, my lovely witches. :hugs:


To meet the challenge of achieving balance this week, I embarked on a transformative journey through the practice of the Rosemary Wash: A Wiccan Bath and Spell for Career Success. This morning, as the sun began its ascent, I tended to a pot of rainwater, watching it reach a rolling boil. With care and intention, I added roughly a cup of fragrant Rosemary and ten bay leaves, allowing their energies to infuse the water. Patience was my guide as I let this concoction steep for hours, eventually straining it and safeguarding the resulting “tea” for a later purpose.

As night descended like a comforting veil, I immersed myself in the soothing “tea,” letting its purifying essence wash over my body and soul. With a heart full of aspirations, I penned a letter to both myself and the higher power, articulating my desires for my career and pinpointing areas I sought to improve in my current journey. The act of crafting this list was a deeply gratifying experience, enhancing my ability to visualize my goals with newfound clarity. Surprisingly, it unearthed previously unconsidered areas for personal growth.

I arranged my yellow, green, and white candles in a sacred circle around the folded letter, igniting the warm glow of cinnamon incense alongside them. In this sacred space, I harnessed my energy and embarked on a vivid visualization journey, meticulously imagining every detail inscribed within that letter.

My commitment to this spell extends over the next seven days, and already I sense a remarkable shift—a clearer path illuminated before me and an unshakable belief that the universe is aligning itself for my highest good. I am profoundly grateful for this challenge and eagerly anticipate the next step in my journey towards balance and fulfillment.



So I’ve been working on a forgiveness spell for a while and just I couldn’t get it right.

Getting Rid of the Hate and Freeing Yourself from the Pain to Let Love In: A Spell to Forgive Someone You Love

1 Black Candle for removing negativity
1 Blue Candle for peace
1 White Candle for healing
1 Pink Candle for balance and love
1 Red Candle for courage

Arrange the black, blue, pink and red candles in a circle and place the white candle in the middle

That is kinda where I got stuck. I had a few pages of scribbles and adapted spells and a bit about feeling the weight lift but I couldn’t put it all together.

Then it hit me. Keep the candles and ditch the frills.

Look into the candles. Think about the light. Visualize the person. Say:
“I forgive you. I let go of the hate. I let go of the pain and I forgive you.”


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

The equinox has come and gone, and Libra season has now begun- thank you so much to everyone who joined in to channel the energy of balance in the air over the past week! The amazing diversity and creativity in spellwork and Crafting this week has been amazing to see. Great job to all those who embraced the theme! :balance_scale: :raised_hands:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :balance_scale: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!