šŸŒ• Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Moon Magick!

Thank you for that @Durga! That will be very useful!


@walter I think you are doing just fine! Any adaptations that you make are whatā€™s right for you. I use the top of my dresser as my altar and it changes almost daily. So do what works for you and as long as your intentions are clear, I believe that you will manifest what you are looking for just fine.


Thank you @Susurrus. Get a little confused sometimes . I plan Everything in my head but worry I forget procedures. I guess I over-think it too! Plus constantly looking at my phone for notes. Especially when casting the circle or calling the quarters. Is there a video on Spell8 for casting the circle and calling the quarters? I read a forum which I found. However, Iā€™m more a visual learner and do better with videos and by doing.

Thank you!


Thank you @christina4. Great to know.


I believe there is a video cast along for some of these things, you would find them in the courses I believe. I would look through the Wicca Self Initiation courses or @Francisco may be able to point you directly to them. I am not a visual learner. I need to read or write them down so my Book of Shadows is very full. I like to read through it, I doubt that I will be memorize much of it because I have cognitive and memory issues, but thatā€™s why I like to have them in there so I know right where to look. I do use the videos at times for different things, but mostly I print things out or write them down.


There are several videos that may help you but none thatā€™s actually just a circle casting and calling the quarters. Iā€™ll work on that!

Meanwhile, these may be useful:

And these are the Forum topics you mentioned but adding them just in case:


Hi everyone :blush:

For the Full Corn Moon, I also followed the ritual and spell for abundance, and made a little jar. It was actually my first time filling a jar and sealing it with wax, so it was lots of fun!

I had an important exam the day after the Full Moon - and have another one coming up probably at the end of the month - so I didnā€™t focus so much on prosperity as in money while doing the spell, but more as in achieving my goals and being successful. I added the following to the jar:

  • salt for protection :salt:

  • seven coins (1 cent) :moneybag:

  • oats (stealing food from my horses :joy:)

  • thyme, rue, and cloves for prosperity :herb:

  • dried sunflowers and peonyā€™s for good fortune and luck :sunflower:

I will admit though that sealing the jar with wax was definitely a bit messy :laughing: I just used the green candle I had lit on my altar to drip wax on the jar, and while that was very satisfying, wax most certainly also landed elsewhere :joy:


Looking great @christine4! That looks nice!


:grin: Lovely to see another over-thinker! Your intentions seem intact, colors of the candles, little trick I did when I didnā€™t have them, mindset. See the color you need. Or color a small piece of paper with that color and place it near or under the candle.
Breathe, itā€™s your practice, do it your way. :blush:


@francisco, Thanks Francisco, yes I saw them already and used their informationā€¦


@Rowan, thatā€™s for advice! Thatā€™s a great idea! Thank you!


@christina4, looks great! Awesome job!


Beautiful jarā€‹:bouquet::heart: oh yeah, wax dripping is fun! I put my jar in a glass bowl and melted wax to set the candle in place on top of the jar. I had a small candle but I ordered more. You did a great job!


Learning is part of the practice. I still look at notes! Nothing wrong with that. And Iā€™m a visual learner too. Half the time, I read things a couple times but I like when @Francisco casts along for us.


You had a lovely set-up, @walter! :candle::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: As others have mentioned, it is perfectly fine to substitute materials for what you have on hand :+1: . It sounds like the most important aspect of any spell or ritual- your intent!- was on point,and the fact that you felt strong energy during the ritual is a very good sign! Brawo on your moon ritual- enjoy the blessings of the Full Corn Moon! :full_moon::two_hearts:

It sounds like you had a fun (even if slightly messy! :laughing::candle: ) full moon ritual, @christine4! :full_moon_with_face: I hope the previous exam went well, and sending good thoughts for your upcoming exam later this month! :raised_hands: May your ritual jar bring you an abundance of success :blush:


:heavy_heart_exclamation: This challenge is now CLOSED! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Thank you to all to who joined in and shared the light of their moon magick this week! :full_moon_with_face: This thread will remain open for continued discussion, but please be aware that no more prizes will be awarded after today.

There will be a post very soon with shout-outs and prizes for all participants- keep an eye on the main page of the forums!

Blessed Be :sparkling_heart:


@BryWisteria, thank you ! Was great to have participated! Even though was a rocky start! I actually completed it on Wednesday at around 4-5 am. Only left the jar out in the moonlight for about an hour. I hope that was ok? My home cleansing and my shower Ritual lasted longer than I anticipated before I sat down for the ritual. However, the moon was right outside my window as I performed the ritual. It kept going in and out of the clouds. I was surprised it was actually still pretty high up in the sky for being so late. Normally at that time itā€™s much lower and harder for me to see out of my window, unless I go outside.

Blessed be.


I used to do wax dripping over bottles and with all kinds of different colors. I always thought it was so interesting how far the drips would go down and the designs the different colors would make. I didnā€™t even think to use it to seal the jar, thatā€™s a great idea! Maybe next time if I remember. Iā€™m having memory issues right now that we are working on with my doctors.


Iā€™d suggest toss out the rule book and listen to your intuition remember your the magick everything else is just stuff. Your intention ultimately is whatā€™s doing it. I do get it though as sometimes I get caught up in the details and I can be a perfectionist but doesnā€™t serve any higher purpose so now I donā€™t put pressure on myself. Law of attraction if you believe itā€™s working then itā€™s working

Blessed be darling
Lots of love from down Under


@kira-marie thatā€™s the spirit!

ā€œRules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise menā€ . Harry Day

One hour? Five? 20 minutes? 3 days? Did you ask the Moon to bless it? Yes. Then you did well!