šŸ—£ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Multilingual Magick

Wow, fonts and everything. Great job, Garnet!

ā€œNo more rhymes now, I mean it!ā€ LOL!


Huh, gonna have to put my thinking cap on for this one for sure. I will have to see what I can come up with around hereā€¦ I meanā€¦ I did take 6 years of Spanish when I was in schoolā€¦ butā€¦ I canā€™t recall all that information right now.

But, I did start reading a book on Celtic Paganism & I have been wanting to dive more into the Ogham Alphabet :thinking: Iā€™ll have to see what I have in my space about it or even my laptop because goodness knows that I have more than 1 Celtic file on here :rofl:


My practice and deities are either celtic or norse so definatatly can look at runes and oghram this week. Ive also alreafy been looking at recentering myself in my practice and reconnecting with deities as my previous methods had left me feeling spread thing and not feeling i was doing my clan justice as i was trying to do way too much that i was only connecting on a surface level. So i was looking at how to get deeper connections ( not specifically for a reason but just for closer connections and interactions i was looking at wats to include things in my home that would make them feel more welcome in my home like having scents they like in the home and using things like scents even as an offering or meditation tool in times i spent with them. I was looking at books or materials to connect to my celtic and norse deities on a deeper level and relooking at ways to honor them and how to do tjay without spreasing muself too thin or burning out ( at least in any other ways besides work n study burnout which feeling atm). I was looking at things like shamanic drumming n journeying for Cernunnos and learning music for Lugh, self care buisness n even self care of self for Freya. Brigid was obvious as i already wass looking at herbalism in food etc and studying that n practicing that was a way to work with, learn from n honor her. I had a list of things working with deities and even using a bit of wisdom i needed, looked at times i can honor cerridwen during moon phases and Arionhod at times of the wheel. Which meant i wasnt trying to do too much daily but that fit those deities n still choosing times n ways that more fot busy schedule that honors n respects deities but where my attenyion isnt so thinly spread but also not overwhelned trying to do too much. I looked at alot of what i was doing n what was workibg and what wasnt so i could better connect to my clan on deeper level.
I also realised after a reading some interest in deities may not be best done on same level as the deity had a faith or belief system that didnt exactly fit into celtic or norse systems and after a really good book lisrened to ( audionook version) on paganism i realised while i may respect that deity i couldnt follow their path as it had another velief system tgat didnt fit celtic or norse and out of respect for them i thanked them for theor time n patience and stepped back. Not to say cant connecy to them at times but from sounds of it from the book some belief systems make working with or following some deities contridictory and cant honor those deities properly bevause follow differenr system that doesnt fit with the established system of that deity. Im not sure if that made sense or if explained that propely but out of respect for my clan and each deity including the deity that i found was from shinto or Buddhism faith systems i realised that i couldnt fully honor them properly because im jot shinto or Buddhist. I really hope that made sense. I still like japanese culture and i disovered that deity looking into kitsune but i realised i couldnt follow them properly when im more celtic /norse and trying to do so wasnt honoring them as much as i thought i was by trying to. Even if intention was pure as soon as realised i made it right even if still respect them.
But this does mean that i have come to really centre myself n refocus myself in my celtic and norse path and deities and culture, even though in Australia i also have ancestors from the UK. And ive had deities from Norse patheon reach out to me. So its been very much a reflective period and recentering n reevaluaying my path and practice but its help me to refocus myself n my time n efforts. Ive got a scribed account n thats become my library or pagan and witchy books includibg on specific or genrral books on deities or patheons. N because ive been looking at how to honor n spend time with each deity in my clan in order to connect and learn about them and honor them, even just for the connection snd spending time with them, coming from a faith system years ago where felt worthless n rejected and abadoned and thrown to the wolves,having a strong connection to deities that actually want yo spend time with me is a big thing. And the tshirt that talks about veing thrown to the wolves and coming back leading the pack hits me even if im not so much leafing the pack in my case but i feel i have a pack backing me especially with Fenrir who knows what its like to be betrayed. I think thats why he has been so hugely associated to protection and fighting back. Either He or a wolf messenger/spirit walks with me when i need it. Its those things that first connected me to my clanā€¦ comming back to what drew me to them is good becausr i feel ive been able to unclutter my practice and recentre myself in just connecting and honoring them even by just engaging with their stories. Thay initial connection. Recentering myself seems ti come to mind in this.
In regards to specifics on this challenge this initial reflection and discovery actially helps to focus myself in this challenge and i knew straight away that oghram and runes was going to play a big part in this weeks challege but also celebrating and exploring the celtic and norse culture and stories further. I have a playlist for my clan and path and i find playing it is a way to not onlu honor but connect to deities and i find recently ive even been dancing n building energy and i dont want to say shamanic dancing cause im not sure if thats a thing, and its not fully trance like syate but like i just go into a zone n i fibd my dance is like im dancing for my clan as an offering n connection to them.
So yeah thia challenge is a contination ( great timing :grin:) of things ive already been starting tk refocus n recentre myself n doing. N i can look at further honoring and cinnevting to deities but also looking at placing runes or orghrams around or carrying them not only for intention but also out of connection and respect for clan. Also i realised this morning i actually also have celtic tree oracle which us based around oghram and also rune oracle cards. So i can use those this week. My divination has kinda dwindled lately and i feel ive been burning out a bit at work n study. To the point that though not the entire unit just tge assignment ( so still chance to pass unit) but failing tge assignment handed in recently hadnt fased me and i was suprised when tutor said that they know id be upset. I realised that my reaction was unusual esp since id worked really hard on it n pushed through alot to get it dine on time. But my reaction to failing the assignment was the suprise n concern because i didnt care. I didnt feel i was too exhausted n run down. Im not suprised the industry is about to go on strike xause i find out after 10 years of struggle n constantly veing run down n undervalued tgat its nit just me but the industry in general and no wonder ppl are leaving it. Im doing all i can to help my workplave n those we care for but its commitment to families and children and my workmates n not wanting to let them down that keeps me staying. At leadt for now . But even if im undervalued by conpany or industry reconnecting to my faith /path and my clan gives me strebgth and hope and giving time to connect and spend time with my clan who wants to connect or spend time with me ( ans also connecting with community here as well). . It helps me to keep going and stay positive in such a turbelent time. And even when im so often focused and worried about everyone else, i have my clan reminding me that i need to xare for myself too. Esp as my asthma has been flaring up and low staff meant i worked 3 says straight with severe chest pains and repeated minor asthma attacks through out the day. Just minor, like id go several minutes trying to get air vefore my inhaler kick in and id feel like crying but them id push through anf just keep working or going like i didnā€™t justā€¦ but to me its normal, pushing tjrough. Esp as so often it feels like if its not covid tgen theirs no reason to call in sick. If im not dying then i cam work and esp with low staff and im still having to operate above my pay grade ( which is more a show of undervalue than me complain about money and being overworked and under appreciated). So if i have to contunue doing job aboce pay grafe cause no one thrre to do it cause of a shoetage in industry and so low staff as well, ive gotten used to working through times that others ( if we werent so understaffed) would of sent me home sick for working in that state. But it makes me feel emotional and tearful ( in a good way cause i feel touched by ut, especially coming from a faiyh and deity i had no worth to) that i feel my clan esp certain deities who are pushing for me to take better care of myself and see me as worth something, not just an object to use. N it makes me want to connect morw to them and honor them more even withour doing any magical working with them or asking for something. Just being of some value to someone especially deities after so long thinking the only deity out there didnt care or hated me or just didntnthink i was worth anything. To have a clan that values me or things im worth something, to have a community here on spells8 that im welcome in and valued in( even online rsther than in person) is so much better than what i had and gives the hope and comfory to keep going and brings a light into the darkness. I am refilled with the feeling this path n this clan and this communityā€¦ i feel like i came home and found my place i belong. And though things may still be a storm around me this path, my clan and tjis community helps me stay calm and centered in the midfle of this storm. And for that i thank this community, i thank my clan ( deities n any other spirit guides) and im grateful for this path ans practice. N this week im going to continue to explore honoring and connecting to clan more deeply, looking at connecting more ( ive been thinking bout it foe a while but craziness and health lately has been making it hard) on here and i still want to fo a post on rainbow magic :joy:someone asked for that n i actually really excited to do that when i get a chance. I want to contribute more to the community here so thats a goal. And also i want to reconnect n explore the use and meanings etc of runes and oghram, maybe even doibg some divination, wgether daily or in connection to deities. Maybe they may pass wisdom or message like something they want me to do or know or think about. And while some tears were shed writing this post, its a good thing, and im looking forward to the week ahead explorung n connecting to the community, my clan and also tge languages from the cultures my path and clan are a part of.


@Amethyst anybody want a peanut


Fantastic! That is awesome :slight_smile:


@Amethyst Thereā€™s no gatekeeping languages in this challenge- jump into and explore any language(s) that call to you, Amethyst! :grinning: :+1: Iā€™m cheering for you!

@Gardenstone Hieroglyphics!!! How exciting!! :star_struck: Hahaha the internet does indeed open up many more resources and learning materials- I hope you can find some great sources and enjoy your studies! :open_book: :blush:

@Garnet You are on fire with your rhymes, Garnet- I love your healing prayer! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I canā€™t read Arabic, Greek, nor Hebrew, but your prayer certainly looks impressive when translated. You keep on thriving with your rhymes, my friend- they are such fun to read! :raised_hands: :heart:

@Susurrus If the Ogham is calling to you then jump on in- that sounds awesome, Siofra! :blush: Whatever you choose, Iā€™m sure it will be lovely. Good luck and enjoy! :open_book:

@Phoenix_Fire Youā€™ve really poured your heart and soul into your research- I think that alone is a sign of true devotion and a wonderful offering to your deities :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m not sure which site(s) you were looking at that said you canā€™t fully honor a deity if you arenā€™t from that belief system, but I donā€™t think that can be a blanket statement across the board. Especially for those who believe in soft polytheism or similar beliefs that all deities across pantheons are the same/related in some sense. That being said, definitely stick to what feels right to you, and if you feel more deeply tied to your clan, then definitely pursue that bond! :blush: Wishing you all the best and sending lots of love and light your way :books::candle::two_hearts:


Amrystaaahhh faga oru mach filimu

Baila antstra me falta kuuuu

Minimu ahla me kanstra sju

Bachanta ke dra mani faht uuu

Ik verzin mijn eigen fantasie taal

Twee maal in de ronde en nog een maal

Ik geloof niet dat ik faal

Al sta ik honderd keer voor paal

Gevoel en intentie dat is waar ik het uit haal

En het werkt als een laserstraal.

I make up my own fantasy language

Twice around and another one

I donā€™t believe I am going to fail

Even if I am hundred times embarrassed

Sensing and intention that s where I get it from

And it s working like a laser beam

I couldnā€™t rime in English :crazy_face:


Hey Bry!
You want me to"

Keep on thriving
with my rhyming.
That I shall do,
Just for you.

Have a nice day,
for all of you I pray
One more thing to sayā€¦
Blessed be


HEE! I was hoping someone would say that. LOL!

Sigh, thatā€™s just it, so many call to me. I have no idea how to go about rhyming in a different language. Maybe something in Latin? I have to choose! LOL!


You keep on thinking, youā€™ll come up with something oro!
Blessed be


It was an audio book on paganism. I think it was more that it was saying some paths are not compatible because beliefs were so different le shinto or buddist and say Celtic or another different path. Im not sure if that was the example usedā€¦ id have to relisten to the book to be sure it wass just what id understood at the time i listened. But i will keep an open mind :grin: im still learning. I think part of it may of been about appropriations?? Or it might of been just talked about in same chapter. I cant remember. Obviously i am not norse or haveancestors that are as far know but i still follow norse deities. I do have ancestoes from around Uk and follow celtic deities. My understanding was that it was more to do with following deitys from two paths that have opposite beliefs and maybe along tge lines that to take bits n pieces from a path to follow when tje culture already had a faith system already. Lol im not sure if makes sense. Mahbe i ahould relisteb to the audio book to see if i can better explain. . . And it better straight in my head.


I have decided to use this week to learn about runes. I have completed most of the courses.

I am going to look at the Rune meanings 1 at a time. I have an app that lets me ā€œdrawā€ a rune. I will use that to guide my focus for the day.

Later, I would like to create my own set of runes and a white draw string bag to hold them.


starker Zauber
schwacher Zauber

Ich rufe die Bestien der Unterwelt
und die Bestien der Oberwelt auf,
ein Portal zwischen den Welten
zu ernten und das Unmƶgliche mƶglich

zu machen


I use this Moonly app and itā€™s great!!! :first_quarter_moon_with_face:


Nice! german is quite similar to dutch so I can understand it all :blush:


@john.knox & @martje & to the coven participating in this challenge:

My ancestral family comes from Germanic Europe, Germany, etcā€¦ & I have met & been friends with people fluent in the German language. Different languages intrigue me especially when they are similar but different.

My Great Grandfather was from Campania area of Italy & the Eastern side of Sicily along with the Phlagraen Islands & the Island of Capri. I have also traced it back to Cyprus. At any rate, my Great Grandfather only spoke Italian. I remember being the only child at the time that could spend an overnight or the weekend with him because we could understand each other. Obviously, my Grandmother & Great Uncle could also communicate with him, as he lived in an in law apartment attached to my Great Uncleā€™s house.

As I went through school, I want to say there was some kind of introduction into the language choices we would have once we went to the Junior High School. I chose Spanish because the languages in the surrounding areas of Spain were very close to Italian plus we lived in a highly Portuguese & Italian populated area. As we moved throughout the years, I found that it was helpful when speaking to other Hispanic regions such as Brazil, Columbia, Puerto Ricoā€¦ they all were very similar but different dialects & some translation issues. Still fascinating to me though.

I never learned German or anything like it after taking the equivalent of 7 years of Spanish. Until recently, I didnā€™t have to regularly use it. Now I can understand it when I hear it, but I wouldnā€™t be able to answer back.

I applaud anyoneā€™s ability to be able to speak more than 1 or even 2 languages with a full understanding of what they are conveying.

Which brings me to another fun story:

  • My son & husband both work for a landscape construction company, a large outfit here in my areaā€¦ they go everywhereā€¦ anywayā€¦ there are a lot of Portuguese, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Columbian, and other Hispanic or Brazilian backgrounds that work for the same company. Their manager who lived & grew up here in town on Cape Cod, wonā€™t say anything but will listen to what they have to say at work, before work, after work, on breakā€¦ and fluently understand everything they are saying right down to the slang words & phrases. He just out of nowhere will start speaking like he was born into it. Gets them going but the look of surprise on their faces when the newer guys encounter it is honestly priceless. :laughing:

The Spells8 team works their magick yet again with this weekly challenge. Throughout alchemical and magickal history (correct me if Iā€™m wrong) the power of the spoken or written word itself is profound. Iā€™m referring specifically to practices such as Kabballah, where each letter has a numeric value and knowing the deityā€™s magickal name affords a unique power or ownership over them. Lillithā€™s ascension and the Keys of Solomon show how powerful words can be.
Words altered to create sigils continue this concept, I believe. Sigils can also confer additional powers as they have visually graphic effects as well as intention/chanting effects.
For me, though, I would say that, as the challenge states, talking to the deities in their ā€˜native tongueā€™ so to speak, may increase the adherentā€™s personal relationship and experiences. Not unlike best friends sharing a secret language or family conversing in their native language in public.
Thanks for this challenge.


If you are studying Runes, here is a helpful link to thread that was created by @Susurrus. It includes detailed information about each written by @Liisa and @Susurrus. Runes Information


Veaug Devotional

Light a black or purple candle during this devotional.

Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Lavender

Offerings: Not Required

Veaug, faal Vonun Rah,
Soven ko Vulom,
Voth hin Suleyk, Fille ni ruvaan vothni Mornd,
Gutleinne sook um faal Krein
Pah los ko tozeinuv Tahlon

Veaug, Tirdun do Tirdunne
Zok wuth arhk zok onik do pah Dovahhe
Lig Bodiir hin Onikaan fah zuā€™u

Wuth uv goraan
Doj nid geblaan
Fah hi, zuā€™u fen yah mindoraana digoliikke do lass ahrk lein
Orin waan Fahraldde ni bo fah zuā€™u voth Nelom

Zuā€™u laan doja pah zuā€™u vis
Ni nunon voth deykaalle
Voth Joriin ko Lassi ahrk Seiraki

Voth mindok zuā€™u rimaan, zuā€™u vaat zuā€™u fent nid aax aanvorey
Zuā€™u draal zuā€™u unstiid brah pah zuā€™u mindokaan fah doroksepogaan
Ahrk nid iliis fos fend ni kos vonun

Voth hin Onikaan, Oo Veaug,
Aal zuā€™u doj mindoka dumedak nix fos fend ahrk fend ni fey ko vokunne

Ko vulom, aal zuā€™u ahkrin yina ahrk mindoraana vonun malur do dimaar
Leikke ko lass nivudoz
Dahik hi naal dii reid, zuā€™u vis kurlank zeim niin
Ahrk zuā€™u vis yin vomindok vothni faas

Dahik ko volum nox fos kolost lein pavoth
Ahrk ko vomindok nox tovokei vuukke nahkiiva

Veaug, The Unseen God,
Hidden in the Darkness
With your power, stars do not wander aimlessly,
and the planets revolve around the sun
All is in perfect order

Veaug, Sage of Sages,
Oldest wisest of all dragons,
please lend me your wisdom

Old or young,
Leaning never ends
For you, I shall seek to understand the mysteries of life and the universe,
even if those answers do not come to me immediately

I want to learn all that I can
Not just from books
But from the people in my life and my experiences

With the knowledge, I have gained, I swear to not harm another
I pray that I will always use all that I have learned for the benefit of everyone, and not hide what should not be hidden

With your wisdom, O Veaug,
may I learn to know the difference between what should and should not be hidden in the shadows

In the darkness, may I have the courage to confront and to understand the hidden parts of myself

Difficulties in life are inevitable,
But because you are by my side, I can navigate through them,
and I can confront the unknown with no fear

For in the darkness lies that which holds the universe together
And in the unknown, there are wondrous things to discover


I can imagine the surprise Siofra, It s wonderful if someone can do this so fluently and from feeling the language. Kids can do that too!
Here in the Netherlands we are a very small country so there are very few foreign people who speak our language. So we learn other languages at school. I have had English of course, French, German and Spanish. Donā€™t ask me to tell a story in French or have a fluent conversation in Spanish cause I canā€™t.
But I know some words still and I can make myself clear with a few words, and my hands and feet