🛡 Weekly Witchy Challenge - Powerful Protection

Thank you for another interesting challenge. I’ve used small protective spells (putting salt around the house, using black tourmaline, etc.)

I use salt or sage to smudge and clear my space and say a protective spell when I cast my circles you may know: walking clockwise three times, I say: “I cast the circle thrice about to keep love in and evil out.” When I open the circle when I am done, I walk counter clockwise three times and thank any energy I have invoked, asking them to go in peace and love.

I am taking advantage of the inexpensive orange and black tape candles now available to do protective and justice spells. Tonight, I had intended to do the Spells 8 Legal Blessings spell (and that uses bay leaves which has protective properties) , so I did that and I also consecrated a pendant and a bracelet I made (made of onyx, quartz, tiger eye, unakite, black jasper, snowflake obsidian and lava rock) to protect me from negative energy while I work on a legal matter. I am safe :slight_smile: but oh, the negativity. For this, I used the Amulet Consecration Spell on Spells8. I also burned in my cauldron a mixture of a small amount of protective herbs: angelica, rosemary, mugwort, rue and yarrow. The white sage, incense and protective herbs were very fragrant as they burned and the sensory aspect, in addition to the flame of the candelight, was conducive for meditating on my intentions and needs. I like these spells because they help me focus on my inner peace and self-determination.


@zari that is very similar to my family too. See my husband is Afghan but grew up in Iran and I have visited many time in 12 years so our day to day life is reflective


@zari @BryWisteria my husband also smokes us with badra it is a Afghan tradition which can be burnt similar to sage smudge sticks… it is mainly used on babies however it can be used on anyone… Also the last time I visited Iran I we went to se a religious shaman who lived in the country side in Bandar Abbas Iran and he gave me this amulet for protection from evil eye as I seem to get headaches when ever I visit different peoples houses… it must be their different energies don’t agree with me

The last picture is esfand also known as wild rue as @zari said and the beige plant based thing to the left is badra


@zari the egg breaking we use is when it is when we say a prayer or also called Duma on it then smash it into a big bowl or bucket and if there are bubbles in it then someone has evil eyed you :nazar_amulet:


:grey_exclamation: Mod Edit Potentially triggering content has been hidden behind a blur.

For this week’s challenge, I would like to share with permission granted from my friend (who requested to remain nameless) how I protected myself and attempted to help rid of the negative energy my friend was suffering from.

It was Tuesday afternoon when I got the call from my friend who told me, she had been unable to sleep well for some time and she couldn’t take it anymore. Then she proceeded to tell me that she is trying to figure out the best way to end her life. OMG! I thought, so with her still on the phone without a second thought I immediately gathered some of my “tools” and went straight to her.

As I was driving I realized that I didn’t take any steps to protect myself and so in my car driving down the road I surrounded myself with a shield of protective light.

*This is how I did it ( I have never done this on the go before)

  • Outloud I asked the protector of all witches, Hekate to be present with me and to protect me from any evil forces that are seen or unseen and to guard me against all that would do me harm and to hold back the dangers of the darkness that I am about to walk into, then I thanked her of course. Simply asking your guide, angel, or whatever your protective source for their help will enable them to help you. I was taught this is because in accordance with the law of “free will” the spiritual realm is limited to what they can do until you ask.
    -After asking for her protection I knew Hekate was with me (she has a powerful presence and cannot be mistaken) As I pulled up and parked, I visualized the protective shield surrounding me, and with the piece of black tourmaline in my pocket, I walked through her door and into her house. I gave my friend a hug, told her I love her and that I want to help her. After getting my friend’s permission I lit a white candle said a short prayer and started to cleanse her with palo santo and then every corner and space of her house. starting at her front door I worked clockwise. Then I started a small fire in my portable cauldron that I brought and took a handful of salt, passed it around her head 3 times, and had her repeat after me three times “I invoke the light in me, I am a clear and perfect channel, light is my guide”. and I threw the salt in the fire. After that was done my friend smiled at me and gave me a huge hug then thanked me. She then made a phone call to her doctor and is currently in treatment doing really well. She should be going home next week sometime.
    I have never done that for anyone before and you could imagine my feeling of relief when she almost immediately took it upon herself to get help for her suicidal thoughts and her insomnia.

This challenge is important because It’s important to take the steps to protect ourselves. In our world today there are many energies that are seeking out an energy source to attach to for nourishment. If we don’t protect ourselves we can unknowingly pick up energies or entities sucked into our aura and drain us making us feel tired, exhausted, unmotivated, and depressed. If our energy is weak or not protected these energies can easily enter into us and cause negative influences on our life.

-much love and many blessings
-much love


It sounds like a protection or Empath pouch would be a great plan, @Susurrus. Perhaps one for your son as well as he overcomes the waves of heartbreak- it sounds like a tough time all around. Sending good energy to you both- hang in there! :pray:

Awesome @NickWick! Hope you enjoy your protective spellwork! :sparkles:

You’re very welcome @mary25- thank you for joining in with such a lovely entry! That is a beautiful protective ritual. And good for you for taking advantage of the seasonal black and orange candles! :grin::+1: You chose some great herbs to include as well- all around great job!

That’s really interesting, @TheMuslimWitch! I haven’t heard of badra before, but it sounds like it is similar to sage in how it functions. As for the headaches… have you considered that you might be an Empath? Not a diagnosis, just a suggestion as you seem to be able to feel the emotions of others very keenly! :+1:

Thank goodness you went to her rescue, @moonshadow- you are a very good friend. In such a tense and stressful situation it is a very good idea to protect yourself too. Beautiful ritual- you followed your heart and worked magick with a strong protective intent. Well done! :heart:


I really love this kinds of ways to ward and protect yourselves and your family @TheMuslimWitch & @zari, thank you for sharing it.
I do use some amulets and stones in which I carry on or with me. Most of the time, I rely on my guides, or entities that are with me. Is funny, specially to those that had see me in Zoom in our meetings, I’m always smiling and soft when speaking. At least that’s how I perceive myself. Witnessing the reaction of some practitioners over here where I live when I greet them, and knowing that they can see the unseen, specially the entities with me, hesitating to give to me a simple hand shake, and when they do, with fear. And from me, making eye contact to the person with a smirk, but saying hello, how do you do, with courtesy.
I’m going to share a prayer I used to do in Daemonolatry, is from a book from S. Connolly:
Demonic Prayer and Prayer Cord


The light of Lucifer surrounds me, The love of Flereous enfolds me, The power of Belial protects me, The presence of Leviathan watches over me, Grant me Protection By the Daemonic Divine, Grant Thy protection And in protection, strength And in strength, understanding And in understanding, knowledge And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it And in the love of it, the love of all existences And in that love, the love of spirit and all creation. Amen.


The traditions of different provinces and cities are very different, so I did not go into details and Afghanistan was part of Iran in the past, and yes, many Afghans live in our country, but there are many differences with Iranians in culture and tradition. have. But I like to do things myself. As for Badra and Badra, I do not know what they are. And I have to do a stronger protective spell for myself because I also absorb a lot of negative energy from others … and I can’t get rid of it for days and weeks and it hurts me. I hope that in this challenge I can find a spell that has a high power in protecting my energies and repelling unwanted energies because it tortures me.


For this challenge I want to mention 24 crystals you can use for protection. They can help in various ways e.g., (psychic abilities, aura, travel, home, energy, situations, relationships, and more). This is not a definite list so I encourage you to research more out there!
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Crystals for Protection

  • Agate, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst
  • Black Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Blue Kyanite, Bronzite
  • Carnelian
  • Fluorite
  • Garnet
  • Hematite
  • Jet
  • Labradorite
  • Malachite
  • Obsidian, Onyx
  • Pyrite
  • Red Jasper
  • Shungite, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite
  • Tiger’s Eye, Tourmalated Quartz

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“Crystal protection is a means of protecting oneself from unwanted spiritual and emotional energies with the use of specific healing and protecting crystals. When we feel out of balance from taking on negativity around us, or directed at us, that feeling is a good indicator that we are in need of protection…”

“…Protecting oneself comes in different forms and for different reasons. Protection is not just physical, but spiritual and emotional as well. One may use crystals for protection from the judgement, manipulation and anger of others that may be directed our way, or the negative energy that is being emitted. Using crystals for protection helps us to be more mindful and aware of the negative energy being directed towards us, allowing us to change our focus…”

“…The spaces that we frequent, such as work and home, may also benefit from crystals for protection. The energy that fills our environment may sometimes need shifting, and crystals can help shield you from unwanted vibrations that may be surrounding you…”

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@BryWisteria thats very interesting… I have heard of empaths but never really went into too much thought about it… I checked out the link you put up and a lot of these things sound similar to me. Unfortunately I am in a household with a lot of anger and discomfort and perhaps this is why I just can’t get comfortable and am always frustrated and on edge…most days I will find any excuse to take off and ride on my motorbike with no one else around… I do get exhausted as I do fell what others are feeling even to the point where I start crying when I feel a pain of someone who has had a loved one that died. I have even had a glass fall off a cupboard shelf without anyone touching it and almost hit a person I sensed who did not like me and had negative intentions towards me and another ncident when they were holding a glass cup and when I looked at them it smashed into pieces… that may not be a empath example but it is relatable…. Thanks Brianna for the information :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, thank you for this list! I have most of them & regularly use some of them for protection already for certain circumstances.

I hope you have a great day!


Thats awesome! I hope you have a great day as well :slight_smile:


You said,


I think when I do my spells I’d like to go outside so I can have more room.
But that is a great thing to incorporate that you walk around the quarters for protection! :+1:
Blessed be!


This made me tear up : ) I was so moved by your kindness on behalf of your friend and the great thoughtfulness you put into the protective rituals. How wise of you to take steps to protect yourself also from negative energies. I learned a lot from your entry


I love to work outside when I can. I live in an apartment complex so I have to be careful not to be too conspicuous as my patio can be seen from some angles. I laugh sometimes because I invoke SO much – I mean, quarters, and ancestors, and mother earth, father sky, moon, sun, my regular God, deities, angels, I mean, it gets to be a bit much! Then when I’m closing, I"m like OH NO. Did I forget to mention anyone? Did I forget to thank anyone? I really need to streamline my invocations. But I love invoking the quarters the best, I must admit. I love talking about the elements in all their forms.


Hi Zari, I’m reading through everyone’s comments and I came across yours that struck a chord. I have a little techniques or more so a few simple quick and easy things that I do that helps me when I feel outside energies from others or what have you. I felt compelled to share it with you.

if your chakras are wide open there is actually a really simple easy way to close them up so they are not wide open and absorbing all the energies. I don’t mean closing them DOWN I just mean closing them UP or if the word zipping them up works better, so that you are not a sponge of picking up everything. And even if a person is not an empath it does not mean that you’re not still picking up other things it just means that you can’t feel it but it does still affect you even if you’re aware of it or not.

It is so simple to zip up your chakras. Take your left hand, palm parallel and facing your chest where your heart chakra is a few inches away, then take your right hand and flip it over so that way the palm of your right hand faces the palm of your left hand still parallel to your heart chakra. Bring them together, laying against each other. And rub them back-and-forth while still parallel to your chest/heart chakra. Once you get enough energy generated from your palms because you’re in your heart center your core self, hold your left hand in front of your heart parallel and take your right hand go down to your root chakra with the intent of scooping the energies that you generated a few inches from your body from your root chakra bring your scooping hand all the way up not touching your body and go over your head (from root to crown chakra I do this twice) so you were essentially taking all of that yummy energy you just generated from your heart chakra and basically zipping up your chakras. Does that make sense? It’s hard to describe in words how to do it.

The other thing that I do is literally I will take a hand it doesn’t matter which one and I bring my hand with my palm parallel to my body with my thumb being on top, it’s usually between my heart chakra and my solar plexus chakra and I will make a scooping motion with my hand so that way my palm ends up facing away from me with my thumb now facing down though still parallel to my body and I set the intent that I am scooping whatever energy that was, away from me and I physically push it away with my hand and push away from my body. I sent the intent that it is to be removed for me and out of my energy field. I do take it one step further so that those energies are not still in the area that I will send it to Creators/Sources white light of pure and conditional love for transformation. I hope that makes sense because it’s hard to describe.

If you do decide to try these techniques out I do hope it works for you and it’s all about faith and intent of believing the action that you’re doing is occurring in a perfect love and perfect trust. Blessed be!


Hello, thank you for your wisdom and sincerity of intention, and for the detailed explanations you gave, and for your response to me. I thank you for your positive energy and everything, but because I use the translated version of Google, it translates words back and forth a bit Understandably difficult to understand what you explained to do the gestures, I could only understand what my problem was, if there was a video or a few photos that I saw in practice it would be a little better next to your description, thank you.:ok_hand:t2::kissing_heart::pray:t2::mage:


¡Gracias! Thanks for sharing! It’s very very useful!

Sending blessings your way :crystal_ball:


I picked up a protection spell from the Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall that I’ve been meaning to use. I’ll take a look at what’s involved tomorrow and hopefully add my own flare to it.


Here is a link to my weekly challenge- powerful protection :arrow_right: https://forum.spells8.com/t/my-weekly-challenge-powerful-peotection7/14404