Weekly Witchy Challenge - Props and Presents (Handy Witch) 🫶

Merry meet!

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in for the 103rd Weekly Witchy Challenge :heart_hands:

Spells8 HandCrafting Craft Art Witch Challenge

To all those who shared their magickal handiwork this week, here is a special shout-out for you! :mega:

In addition to new experiences, everyone who participated also received the prize of a shiny new title:

:magic_wand: :art: Handy Witch :thread: :raised_hands:

You worked hard for your new title- wear it with pride! :star2:

How to put your new title on display:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the person (:mens:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /“Preferences”
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges” .

Enjoy- the badges you earn are trophies of your magickal accomplishments! :mage:

Art by Willow and Roxas : Stitch Witch

The coven has become a magickal gallery this week- thank you so much to everyone who shared their talents and inspiration this week! It was an honor to see the beautiful things you created with your own two hands and homemade magick :sparkling_heart:

Whether it is or isn’t something you normally focus on in your practice, I hope you enjoyed the theme this week. By trying new things and exploring the entries of fellow coven members, the hope is that this challenge helped you to enrich your Craft :woman_mage:

Thank you again for participating!

Picture from Pixabay

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! Challenges run every week from Wednesday to the following Tuesday: there will be another challenge coming very soon .

Please keep an eye on the main page of the forum for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be! :heart_hands::sparkles:


Thanks, wearing it with pride!


Hooray @IrisW- you wear it well, it suits you! :heart: :blush:

As an extra fun fact- I’m thrilled to say that this challenge has surpassed the 100th Challenge to gain the top spot as the most replied-to witchy challenge at (currently) 174 replies!

It seems the coven likes to craft- woohoo! :partying_face::herb: :heart::thread::scissors: :art::sparkles:


This was so much fun and we do have some crafty witches up in here!! Reading everyone else’s reply was more fun that making my own! Congratulations to everyone!


Thanks for the new badge and congratulations to everyone! So many pretty crafts came through here! Wow. I am awed!


Oooooooo thank u so much @BryWisteria


@BryWisteria Thank you for the fun challenge and the lovely new badge!

Congratulations to all participants! I enjoyed see your creativity and the beautiful things you made. You are inspiring!


As always thank you so much @BryWisteria & congratulations to everyone who participated & also has a shiny new badge!

I couldn’t keep up with responding to each entry, but they were all wonderfully done & it’s awesome to see the handy side of everyone in their practice. :smiling_face:


Congratulations to all the new handy witches! :tada: :partying_face: :heart:


Thank you for the new badge! I loved seeing the beautiful creations this week. We have some very talented witches in our group. Congratulations to all the handy witches!


Kogaan fah siinezin do zonuft lahbriin! Zu’u drey kovir frolok ahst baas do svaangein! Svaangein kiinoot!

Thank you for the Handy Witch badge! I enjoyed looking at everyone’s art! Everyone has talent!

Side note: I used zonuft (useful) instead of handy because there’s no word for it in dovahzul. Pretty sure they mean the same thing.


You’re very welcome everyone- congrats again to all the Handy Witches! :partying_face: :sparkles:

May your beautiful creations continue to bring as much joy as they did in this challenge- it was really such a delight to see everyone’s work and ideas come to life :heart: Keep on crafting!

Looks like “useful” is good substitute- it’s right in the definition! :grinning: :+1:

From Vocabularycom


Yay! :smile::+1:t2::ok_hand:t2:


Thank you very much for this new title :heart:


@BryWisteria :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you for the beautiful badge! This was an amazing challenge! Such a great way for me to start My Journey within this beautiful group of talented witches! So inspired and grateful for the positive energy I got watching the Little Wonders posted this week! CONGRATULATIONS to all!


You’re very welcome @martje and @Anjelique :blush::heart:

The next challenge is in the works and will launch in just a bit! :raised_hands: :grinning:


This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to join current challenges and other fun forum happenings.