Weekly Witchy Challenge - Props and Presents (One Who Is Connected) šŸ«‚

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in for the 97th Weekly Witchy Challenge :people_hugging:

As Above So Below Connect Interconnection Challenge

To all those who explored interconnectivity in magick this week, here is a special shout-out for you! :mega:

In addition to new experiences, everyone who participated has also received the prize of a shiny new title:

:people_hugging: :sparkles: One Who Is Connected :handshake: :earth_africa:

You worked hard for your new title- wear it with honor! :star2:

How to put your new title on display:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the person (:mens:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /ā€œPreferencesā€
  4. Scroll down the page until you see ā€œTitleā€. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click ā€œSaveā€ at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section ā€œBadgesā€ .

Enjoy- the badges you earn are trophies of your magickal accomplishments! :mage:

Painting by Skount: Nature Interconnection

ā€œAs Above, So Belowā€ has many translations and applications- it is a phrase used across languages, practices, traditions, and cultures. Four simple words that connect us across borders and time. To all those who explored what this phrase means to them and who treasured their magickal connections this week- thank you so much for joining in! :handshake:

Whether it is or isnā€™t something you normally focus on in your practice, I hope you enjoyed the theme this week. By trying new things and exploring the entries of fellow coven members, the hope is that this challenge helped you to enrich your Craft :woman_mage:

Thank you again for participating! :tada::blush:

Picture from Pixabay

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this weekā€™s challenge- no fear! Challenges run every week from Wednesday to the following Tuesday: there will be another challenge coming very soon ! Please keep an eye on the main page of the forum for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be! :people_hugging: :sparkles:


Thank you @BryWisteria for the new badge!


Congrats to everyone getting a new badge! :partying_face: :heart:

This challenge was interesting especially with all the liminality that showed up last week :laughing: I just had to write about it!


Thank you! Congrats all. I really liked this challenge and loved reading everyoneā€™s entries. Iā€™m looking forward to this weeks challenge. :heart:


Thank you for the shiny new badge to add to my ever growing collection :rofl: Although, being where I am right now, I may just have to change it again :thinking:

Congratulations to all of those that were a part of the challenge & to those that received their shiny new badges too! :tada: I liked reading everyoneā€™s entries & how they are, want to, or are working on their connections to different aspects of their practice.


Thank you for my new badge!


I want to thank Silverbear for the idea and Bri for the challenge.


Thank you for my brand new badge! :heart:


Thank you! This is my 75th badge already!


Thank you for the new badge. @BryWisteria Iā€™ve noticed your responses are growing! Itā€™s very cool to see more members participating in the challlenges. Thank you @BryWisteria for taking the time to respond to all of us with your loving and encouraging words :revolving_hearts:

Also, I meant to shout out to @SilverBear for the great recipe on the Empath spray!
Thank you @SilverBear for the recipe and your wonderful video :heart:


Thanks so very much @BryWisteria for all you do! Thank you for the ā€˜Shinyā€™ New Title!

This challenge was so thought-provoking, and soul searching. I feel I have progressed so much with just this challenge, my thoughts are still a little jumbled but itā€™s becoming more clear.

Last night I was almost done with my post and I lost my post, it wasnā€™t saved in drafts. I knew that it was an operator errorā€¦ duh! So I had to start overā€¦ It was late and I was tired, but I believe accidents (errors) happen for a reason.

With Love and Magick always!


Well done, everyone!!


Thank YOU all for joining in the challenge and sharing your wisdom- itā€™s such a gift to learn from you all, a shiny little badge is the least I can give in return! :gift_heart: :blush:

Great job once again, everyone! :clap:

@MeganB It sounds like liminality is calling to you, Megan! :laughing: Perhaps itā€™s time for a journey somewhere, or maybe a meditation in a liminal space? :milky_way:

@WitchAngel111 So glad you enjoyed the challenge, Angela! Next one is coming up very soon- I hope you like the new theme! :blush:

@Susurrus Nothing wrong with switching up badges- they can be like an outfit! Choose the one that suits you for the day :grin: :dress:

@Kasandra 75 is a lot of badges- congrats! :partying_face:

@Sarafeena_Sage It is really my pleasure, Sarall- you are so kind! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And yes! We are blessed with so many wonderful entries in the challenges these days- it is such an honor to have so many folks joining in :heart: :blush:

@Marsha Youā€™re very sweet- thank you, Marsha! :heart: Iā€™m so happy that this challenge resonated so strongly with you- it was a very deep topic, so no worries if it takes a while to process everything. Something like interconnectivity is a great thing to set on a back burner and let it bubble away, continuing to develop with time :pray:.

But oh no- Iā€™m so sorry to hear about the lost post though! :cry: I wonder why it didnā€™t save to drafts? Was there maybe a disconnect from the internet? Or perhaps something in your settings (either in the forum or with your browser cookies) doesnā€™t allow things to save automatically? I hope if it was just a bloop in the system that it has fixed now! Either way, thank you for saving it and sharing your entry- it really was a delight to read! :heart:

Next challenge, coming right up! :wink: Please keep an eye on the main page of the forum (or the Activities Category where it is homed)- the next challenge will be up within the next few hours! :sparkles:

Blessed be, challengers!


The system is fine, it was my error!!! I had the post open in 2 different tabsā€¦ I tend to have way too many open at one time! I have over 20 open right nowā€¦ and I wonder why my computer is so slow!!! Duh! (No answer is necessary)

I lost the post because I closed the wrong window and not the one I was almost done with. It was totally my fault. As soon as I closed it I knew what I had done but it was too late. The system did save the draft but it was just the beginning of the post :slightly_frowning_face:

Note to self: Live and learn. :rofl:
So the moral of the story (for me) is donā€™t open the post in more than one tab in Google Chrome!!!

Much love and magick :magic_wand:


Google Chrome strikes againā€¦


Great job everybody :clap: i loved reading through all the entries. And, thank you kindly @BryWisteria :gift_heart:


Thatā€™s me too! :laughing: I try to stop myself at around 10, but sometimes Iā€™m click-happy and keep opening up new tabs. It drives my ā€œone-tab-at-a-timeā€ partner up the wall :joy:

I blame my ā€œcurious cat brainā€- it works much faster than my processing brain haha.

Still sorry that the post ran away, but Iā€™m glad that everything worked out okay in the end :blush:

Lots of love and magick back to you too, Marsha! :heart:


The pleasure is all mine! :blush: Thanks so much for joining in, Christina! :two_hearts:


This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to join current challenges and other fun forum happenings.