:pentagram: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Symbols & Sigils

Don’t belittle that sigil - it is fantastic!
It has value and true Sigil-nificance! lol


I decide to use this challenge as an excuse to make a traditional sigil out of my name. I have a few I use for a variety of uses. But those are for another time.


Oh. My. Goddess.

I have been slacking lately on the challenges as I’ve been in a bit of a rut. Maybe a bit depressed.

But I was reading the challenge with the hopes of maybe getting back on track and then I saw… RUNES. Bam, I’m in!

I know I would like to learn more about them but this might also spur me to finish making my bronze runes set.

Thank you for putting together this challenge!



In an effort to keep myself accountable, I did manage to roll out bronze clay for the 14 more runes left in my set. A first pass at carving the sigils was made and I’ll wait until tomorrow to finish the carving and fire them in the kiln on Monday. I’m excited to finally have my persona rune set completed. In the meantime, I am hoping to look into making my own sigil as well.

My patterns in my sketchbook

The new runes still damp but carved waiting to be dried before I file off excess and carve more details.

The ones I’ve already carved, fired, and polished.

All of the runes


They look awesome :sunglasses:


Challenge Entry

I decided to do 1 this for my entry rather than all the ideas that came to mind :thinking: :rofl: (Queen Overthinker :person_with_crown: :face_with_monocle: )

I cleansed my altar space & the :nazar_amulet: Evil Eye items in that space with sage :herb:. I asked Brighid & the Morrigan to assist with my ritual.

Now I an wearing the necklace & cleansed the one I took off. Also, with sage :herb: & the hanging glass 1 :nazar_amulet: is hanging from the top of my mirror :mirror: until I can hang it on the window :window: behind my bed.


Beautiful work on the sigils and love the boxes!
You are so creative I don’t know what to do for the challenge I’ve been thinking about it all week lol
I’m so envious I want to get all my runes done! I started making mines out of oak know I want to use birch tree instead. Anyway your runes look great :+1:
Siofra I love :heart: the evil eye :nazar_amulet: and your alter looks so good :blush:! Nice and clean too!I think you will appreciate my findings



@Jeannie1 that is lovely! Lucky you! I have a bracelet too, but it’s too fragile to wear now, so I also have that hanging on my mirror. I love it! :heart:


When I first read this week’s challenge, I thought, “Oh, geez.”

And I headed to see what might be in the fridge calling my name.

But I couldn’t get it out of my head. So I did a little research. And I thought about it and what is important to me right now, at this point in my life. Then I pulled out a stack of sticky notes. I wrote down the three words that seemed to sum up things for my personal goals/needs/wants list, made a new list of the unique letters of those words … and as I thought about my life and my goals, I drew the most important letter in my list (at least it felt like it at that moment). I began adding, and in just a few minutes, I had created my first symbol … or possibly a sigil?

With all the intention I was putting into the act of drawing the symbol of my wishes, I believe it is probably also a sigil for me. Let me know what you think or where I may have gone wrong – this is a totally new thing for me … much more personal than when I needed a logo for my business!

Be blessed.


My weekly witchy Challenge I used dragons blood :drop_of_blood: incense to give my sigil a little extra power :boom: I also did a Oracle reading, from my “Runes For Modern Life bye Camilla Perkins”! Then I lite my candle :candle: and laid it on my deck and then going counter clockwise I banished all negativity then I bring forth protection over my deck. Then I asked the cards what do I need to know to to help me for first card, and what do I need to cast away from me for second card. First card “Success” says I can achieve success if I think right strong textwhich was right on with what my sigil was for creating good thought forms because that will predict my fate and future. I need to think positively and trust myself. It’s always been something I struggled with. Ensure your plans and dreams are in place and I am grounded but don’t lose touch with reality! I need to get rid of a lot of stuff for the move or I will be delayed!
Second Card Kenaz -Creativity There is light at the end of the tunnel but since it is a rune of fire :fire: I must be careful because fire can destroy and I must understand there needs to be a end to something before a beginning can happen. So yes this is a new beginning moving and starting over and I must keep trucking!


I had a good Oracle reading too and was Aligned with what I was thinking :thinking: it just helped to clear my vision of the light at the end of the tunnel! I know I am protected! All is good, I just need to stay positive you know!


I created this after my 1st atonement in Reiki.

“ let there be love and light frequencies in alignment with those that maintain the balance of good and evil“
“ I come in peace! please protect my structure atomically & anatomically”
“On Earth as it is in heaven; Tam ifra Quam Supra”
In love, I travel amongst my liege, my bloodline & a host of those that support, guide & protect my soul purpose”

Love amplified & Protected

This by far has been my most used sigil.
It must be drawn a certain way to amplify its power. There’s a wheel of change, within the loop of love. Assisting in transmuting any deafening energy that may disrupt the flow of any amplified love generated from this power symbol.

I experience peace, clarity, a calmness of serenity of sorts.

Thank you for creating this challenge.
Blessings to all that enter.
Love you all
SAGEDOVE :dove::heart::bangbang:


Beautiful sigil


This is so true. That type of signature ( with a glitch/ what we would normally call a mistake) makes it a lil special :grin:


Weekly Challenge Entry - Symbols & Sigils

Thank you, @BryWisteria, for creating another thought-stimulating weekly challenge! :slight_smile:

I have created sigils before and I think there is a great metaphysical and personal value in the intuitive and creative process of sigil creation.

On the other hand, there is also a parallel value in releasing control and being open to influences and intepretations that are generated by external means, e.g., when someone does a reading for you.

To that end, there is technomancy. The Sigil Engine (created by [Spirit Box podcaster Darragh Mason] (Spirit Box | Podcast on Spotify)) automatically generates a sigil for you based on the intention you set. It does not do all the work for you. The Sigil Engine recommends you state the intention in a particular way and charge it but it does generate a 2D symbol of your intention for you in a way that is elegant and super-rapid.

This is the sigil the engine created for my intention.


For my challenge entry I wrote the words I am protected. I crossed out all the vowels and was left with MPRTCTD. I marked out one of the T’s and after several attempts finally came out with one I am happy with. I am going to write it on a stone and carry it with me.


My new Talisman!


Veaug (the Dragon God of Obscurity) is the god I’ve worked with the most since I’ve started practicing. He is also the most intimidating. I’d like to think that he has lent me his wisdom, shown me images (even though it has taken me a long time to interpret them or I haven’t been able to interpret them at all) because he can sense that I’m genuinely curious, willing to learn, and looking for answers. You can invoke his presence for divination spells and rituals or when you need some spiritual guidance.

I learned of his name after doing some heavy digging on the Internet for anything on Draconic Wicca. During my research, I was able to find a list of Dragon gods and goddesses who revealed themselves to some Draconic Wiccan practitioners. Unlike Brigid or Aphrodite, there is no history of anyone worshipping them, no lists of offerings or titles (I have been calling Veaug The Sage of Sages, The Light in the Dark, The Light of Truth and Knowledge), symbols or sigils, etc.

Before I suggested this challenge, I had been meditating to learn Veaug’s symbol (dragons love symbols). I have a statue of a black dragon wearing golden armor and holding what is either a star or diamond. The statue has a light, which shines on the object.

With this image in mind, I set off to create a symbol.
It’s hard to for me to draw on a phone, so the proportions are a bit uneven.

A quick disclaimer: any similarities to others’s symbols is purely coincidental and unintentional.
The center “X” represents the light coming from the star or diamond that Veaug holds. The four smaller “X” ‘s are supposed to be two arrows, pointing in opposite directions. The “arrows” pointing toward the “X” represent the draw or the pull we feel towards knowledge and the truth. And finally, the “arrows” pointing outwards represents Veaug’s “Light of Truth and Knowledge”.

I am not getting any more answers to how I can improve on this, so maybe Veaug is satisfied with this symbol? Who knows? It might change as time goes on.


Well, I don’t know what the heck I’ve done but it looks like a sigil so that’s something. LOL! I want health and happiness, to be surrounded by love with a bit of money in the end so I don’t have to worry about bills and food. This is what I came up with:


@rachel21 @Athena @Wysteria_Norn @SageDove thank you everyone! I’ve always been a doodler. Not artistic bone in my body but a doodle here a doodle there, everywhere a doodle I do do haha.


Hello!! So i use Sigil Magic a ton in my practice and I actually started keeping a book filled with different sigils I have created so I can not only keep a record but also if I need one quickly, I can grab my book and pick one. Here are a couple of my favorites.
(I forgot to write down the letter M in the last photo)