đŸȘ† Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Taglocks & Tokens

I use to have a real fancy sewing machine. I sewed a lot when I was younger. I made tons of Barbie clothes for my daughters and made several tops for myself my achy body can’t handle all the sewing I use to do so just got me a very simple machine for sewing witchy things.


challenge entry
Im not sure if this falls under tokens as its something i wear not carry and not specifically spell related. But i have been continueing to wear the colours associsted to each day while at home to draw on the energy not only of that corresponding colour but the day itself. Ie monday ( light blue as dont have white or silver top) for the moon, tuesday red singlet, wednesday blue or purple singlet or tshirt, thursday green, fridsy pink, Saturday black, sunday yellow or even orange. And as i put the top on i am drawing on that intention and remembering whst energy im connecting to. Its a simple way to connect to practice daily and to draw on energies of the days
and gelps me keep track of ehat day up to lol


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, July 9 at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

Taglocks and tokens and treasures, oh my! :star_struck: A big thank to you everyone who has shared their spellwork using representative items so far. Whether you’re interested in taglocks, tokens, or other creative ways to represent people, influences, and more in your spellwork, thanks for joining in in! :dolls:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :nesting_dolls: :sparkles:


Challenge Entry

Full Wolf Moon Tarot Spread with taglock



I hesitated to join this one since what I have used a taglock for is controversial with some. I suppose I should begin by saying I am not 100% light nor 100% dark. I embrace both sides of me and my magic does as well. I’m not posting this to debate whether you believe what I did was good/bad/dangerous or other. I ask none to cast magic the way I do and I expect none to “should” on me. I am not Wiccan and I don’t subscribe to the Wiccan Rede nor to anyone else’s code of ethics. I have my own.

So that being out of the way, and after much deliberation, I created a poppet and have cast a spell on someone so that everything they attempt goes wrong UNTIL they make things right with someone they are treating abominably.

The story in a nutshell: Former boss who was also a long time friend of myself and J. Myself and J were number 2 & 3 in the company. It is a small company. A a cost cutting measure, the former boss let myself and number 2 go with no notice. We never saw it coming. J had been there 20 years, myself 17 years. It was traumatic but as the Universe does, both J and I landed in a much better place, better job, more money, better benefits-everything better. Both J and I had, at times in the past loaned money to former boss’s business because he was a dear friend and to keep it going. That is a long story I won’t bore you with. J, who was CFO, made sure my loan was paid back, but hers was still outstanding at the time of layoff.

J tried to work out payback plans with former boss who kept dodging her. Then, former boss, files a lawsuit against J as a tactic to avoid having to pay back the money. Allegations are so bogus. But of course, a lawsuit, even bogus, must be defended against. Former boss is probably hoping J won’t want to spend money defending.

Until former boss makes it right with J and makes her whole monetarily, my poppet remains in place. I add power to it every full moon as well as pins to up the discomfort level.

Nothing will go right for former boss, until he does right.

So, how does a taglock apply? I didn’t have anything as personal as hair or toenail clippings and no way to get them given how things are. I did some research and after poking around a bit I decided to use a photo that I took of him. I don’t think it’s as strong as if I had something more personal. But this is my first taglock and I’m giving it a go and hoping for the best.

For those of you I made uncomfortable with this post, I apologize.


Nothing wrong with your post Doll. We are a very open coven and everyone is welcome.

Just to show here is my post with some hexes I have done.


I also work intimately with Satan

Your perfectly safe :heart:


I’m like you. Not light but not dark, whichever way I need to go with my magick I do. Also not Wiccan and don’t follow the Rede and have my own rules. Love it! Sister at heart! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Love your spell! I may keep that in mind for the future!


Thank you :blush: I just wanted to add a little something to the Leo energy tonight

It’s also followed up with the Radiant Light of Leo :leo: that shines through its that Heckataen energy!
Just ordered a new deck tonight it’s the Oracle of Hecate it’s on its way I’m so excited :laughing: can’t wait :stuck_out_tongue:!
Stand up with my torches and Leo :leo:
Get ur copy if you want to be more connected to our Dark Mother!
I was going to share my other mirror and realized it’s slightly crooked
But It’s all good

It’s all good I think I should adjust it it’s just that it keeps coming off and I can’t get it to stay!
[Jeannie ](https://Oracle of the Hekatean Path by Kenn Payne Cards Book)


Challenge entry- the gold candle is where I put my taglock I did a spell for transformation and I put drops of my blood in the incantations that I etched into the candle. This was a spell I did last year I don’t use taglocks much :witch_pentacle: :infinite_roots:


Challenge Entry

I’m working on a Home Protection Spell. For my Tokens I’m painting rocks with Eye symbols from across many cultures. I also want to do a little polymer clay statuette. I did not get as far as I had hoped! (I work in a supermarket. I worked the 4 day holiday weekend AND a co-worker’s sister passed on Sunday so now I have overtime for a while. That’s OK.)


The two Tokens I’ve finished so far are a set of Nazar, primarily Turkish. Protection from Evil Eye. Shown here with a Black Candle I’ll anoint with Cedarwood Oil. an Amber Necklace, and Myrrh Resin Incense.


I want to add an Eye of Horus, a Hamsa, an All Seeing Eye (Masonic?) etc. I do have a statuette planned as well.

Question: Is there a Celtic Eye of Protection? I haven’t come across one!

I’m seeing Eyes everywhere!

Book covers:

Jewelry, Charms, Tokens:

Last, but not least, this googly eyed Devilish mask my daughter made when she was 12. (She’ll be 38 in October) It has been protecting my apartments since 2008.:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

A big bravo to all entrants! There is a lot of great spellwork, wisdom, theory, and more shared amongst the coven this week - whether you explored/worked with tokens, taglocks, or other ways to represent things in your spellwork, thank you so much to everyone who joined in for this challenge this week.

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :nesting_dolls: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

→ Award Post for the Taglocks and Tokens Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Beautiful mask I gave mine away it was a cat mask !
:purple_heart::black_heart::purple_heart: I love the long nose


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit Activities to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (And if you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)