This is for the 50th challenge entry!
Making a Besom
- Search for a Willow or Burch twig
Besoms? Did you make yours?
2. Tools are a Scraper, Electric Palm Sander, Sand Paper 80 Large Grit, Pencil, Wood burner, Symbols, Corn broom from Wallmart, 3 nails, hammer, Twine, and Charms.
🜹 Magical Symbols for Protection Amulets
Use the scraper to scrape the twigs first layer of bark
Use Electric Palm Sander till the top of the bark is completely gone.
Draw symbols with a pencil, that is meaningful to you for your magickal practice.I used Hekates keys! Libra symbol, stag, masculine and feminine symbols, Earth, Air, Fire, water, Spirit, & triple moon.
Get out your wood burner and burn the symbols in the wood
Stain your broom
with any stain that you feel is pleasing to the wood that you picked for your besom.
Dismantle a Corn Broom and take the wire off and cut the thread.
Nail in two inches apart a nail. One on the bottom of the besom. Two inches apart, Attach a wire to nail from the corn broom. Wire and wrap the corn straw to the besom and connect to the second nail on top. Totally of three nails one is for the twine.
Attach the rest of the corn straw to the besom using the twine and attach to nail.
Twine Twine
All around the besom
To keep the negativity out
All the negativity shall be out
I banish all that is profane
Only the clean and
positive remains!
So mote it be!!
Do a second coat of stain
Add any herbs to the besom that you want
Add a charm
Now your besom is ready to be consecrated and ready for ritual.
Here is the final
I had such a great time learning how to make a besom. It was nice creating my own besom with my own hands. I chanted while I did my twine. And I did it rhyme. So I followed the wiccan reed.
A lot of work went into my bosom. I am glad to know before I do my ritual ill have a besom to cleanse my ritual area.
I found a concentration ritual used for a new moon or full moon so I’ll wait till then. I might add to it later.
Too bad, I didn’t use birch wood! Know I now to look out for birch wood. I won’t mind doing it again!
I am learning that being a witch and it is not easy because it takes a lot of planning. I wrote it in my Book of Mirrors! And maybe ill find something to go in my bos for my besom. I know there is a lot out there about besoms so if you have any suggestions I am open for discussion.
I found an altar cleansing ritual for my besom and there is one on infinite roots
How to use Besoms/Broomsticks?
Thank you!
Love and light & be magical!
I tried to make my own page so I didn’t hog up the content my apologies! I forgot how to do that! Can someone help me with that please?
Blessed be✨