Third Entry: I will combine them into one post from here on out to avoid spamming this thread. I just had unexpected free time and was inspired to work on challenges this morning!
I chose to do a Green Candle Meditation. I feel like I have been withdrawn and feeling weak and unmotivated lately and NEED to kick myself out of this funk! I know what I need to do, I’m just having trouble motivating myself/not procrastinating.
I gathered my tools, dressed the candle in frankincense oil and placed it in a fireproof container (on a wooden coaster), and filled the vessel with salt. I added the feather that I found on my morning run as it seemed appropriate. After finishing my tea, I lit the candle, held my green adventurine heart, and clicked start on the meditation.
I will admit I was very pleasantly surprised to have another guided meditation take me into a field and forest. It’s honestly one of my favorite places in real life and is easy for me to bring clearly to my mind’s eye. I chose to keep my eyes open but fixed on the flame during the entirety of the meditation. I chose to set my intention firmly in regard to my business, thanked mother earth, and extinguished the candle.
I did jot some quick notes in my BoS / All Purpose Magickal Journal just to put thoughts to paper (reality).
I’ve got a few more ideas and some energy left today so I may work on a couple more. Otherwise, I’ll tackle them tomorrow or Monday. Weekends are much too busy for me to eek time out for this.