I cringe when the JW come to the door, but I found a way to keep them gone, tell them you were one once and/or studied and are not interested. By their laws they are not able to speak to you again,haven’t had one in over a year,
I know what you mean about cringing, Just cos I know a lot of the history and background,
A lot of things are perception, what one calls bad the other may call good,
I learned a long time ago, that if someone cusses ya out, that is a curse in reality, I just say, you better take that back,a return to sender ha ha,
Eh let em pray for you about false gods,I just think to myself,wake up, lol a spell without the accoutrements? Perhaps, words need to be carefully said and thoughts are words too,
I will do spells for people too. and a lot of times I will find someone suffering, about something, and just say to them, "may you find peace and comfort, "
I also know that to win the lottery may not be in someones best interest, so, I just say, may it be as it needs to be,
Words and thoughts are a strange thing huh?