My first witchy Halloween as well and my Friday night activity is magical simmer pot, apples, Oranges, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary and cinnamon. Thought about my intention of each ingredient as I added it. House smells wonderful
I was just saying yesterday that I need to make 1 up soon! Thank you for the reminder!
I would like to share my 3 Bean Chili Halloween tradition (now a Halloween and Samhain tradition!). Almost every year, I make vegetarian chili that I serve with cheese, tortilla chips, apple cider or pumpkin beer and pumpkin pie for dessert. I try to make it at least a day ahead because this chili tastes so much better on the second day. It also freezes well. I love adding the spices and stirring it.
And now I know that these spices have health and magickal benefits, it is even better. This chili has plenty of protective ingredients to keep evil spirits at bay. I read that beans can keep away poltergeists!

Makes about 6 bowls.
1 large yellow onion, chopped - Prosperity and protection.
1 -3 cloves of garlic, minced - Healing and protection
(optional: a shallot or two, if you have them) – luck
At least 3 green onions, chopped - protection, maybe divination (like chives)
Bell pepper (any color) chopped - creativity, energy (and vitamin C!)
Olive oil
“Cans” Use any beans you like…use 3 different kinds for good luck!
1 can of black beans (drain and rinse all the beans)
1 can of pinto beans or cannellini beans
I can of garbanzo beans
I can (reg or large size) tomatoes in their juice – love, courage (and lycopene!)
1 can of tomato sauce
1 or 2 bay whole leaves – protection and good fortune
1 teaspoon of curry or cumin – both are protective
1 teaspoon of basil – love and wealth
1 Tablespoon of paprika – Amplifying
1 teaspoon of chili powder (or to taste) - Love; breaks hexes
Salt, to taste - Purifying
Black pepper, to taste - Courage and banishing negativity
1 teaspoon of cinnamon or 2 sticks - Prosperity, success
1 -2 teaspoons of cocoa powder - love, ancestor connection
In a large pot or Dutch oven, saute the yellow onion and green pepper in olive oil until the yellow onion is transparent, over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and green onion and saute for about 2 min. or so. Add all the “cans” (including the juice from the tomatoes) and a can or two of water and stir. Add the spices and stir. Bring to a boil over medium heat then reduce heat to simmer for about an hour or so. Cool and reheat the next day for best flavor. Remove bay leaves before serving.
That sounds so wonderful! I can just picture it!
I love that idea and I’m stealing it! Pentacle pumpkin pie!
I hope it doesn’t detract from the magic because I’m using a Marie Calendar’s pie! LOL!
I looks so yummy, I have thinking about making chili and I will use all of your recipes!
Looks so refreshing Peaches!
I cannot cook, but I can eat and bless the meal.
So, I am going to bless my meal with this spell on this happy occasion of Halloween:
Trick or treat! Blessed Be!
This is a wonderful holiday for us witches and I am so excited to share some pumpkin magic with you for this challenge.
It has been a family tradition to carve Jack O Lanterns during Samhain and every Hollow’s-eve to set outside the door(to ward off the evil spirits who might slip over from the other side of the veil during this end time of the year) my sons grew up hearing the story about jack and now today they are the ones telling it! They like to tell the story during Yule when we are all gathered together. It’s really fun because they get into it. I also save the seeds to roast, snack on, and for seed magic! With my sons grown and doing their thing in college, I find myself doing this year’s tradition solo!
In addition to setting the carved pumpkins outside my door to ward off evil on Hollows’eve, I also craft a simple candle spell with a short prayer for the dead and then put a candle in the window to welcome good spirits…
Pumpkin Magic:
my purpose for this ritual is to create a charm of protection and good energy
As I mentioned, carving jack o lanterns this time of year has been a family tradition that I have done with them ever since when they were little kids. We first bless our pumpkins with our intentions and give thanks to Mother Earth for providing before the carving ritual.
OK! Let’s get the supplies together
-a pumpkin
-a carving tool and a tool to scoop out seeds
-black pepper (to ward off evil)
-dried catnip (attract good spirits and good luck)
-a tea light candle (black or white)
Before I begin to carve I take a minute and hold the carving tool in my hand, close my eyes, and concentrate to put my magical energy into it. I am Thinking thoughts of blessings, protection, and re-birth. When I feel like it is charged I then (carefully) cut out the lid and scoop out the seeds to save them for later for seed magic and to snack on.
- (one at a time) I carved a face in one pumpkin and the other one I carved moon goddess
- Sprinkling a pinch of black pepper into the pumpkin I whispered
“May you protect me from angry and evil spirits”* - Sprinkled a pinch of catnip into the pumpkin and whispered
“May you bring Me spirits sweet and kind” - Then I placed candles inside the carved pumpkins and set them outside my door.
Jack O Lantern Blessing:
“May the light of this lantern frighten away all evil spirits that wish to do us harm and light the way for all good spirits and ancestors who wish to visit us into this night”
I also like to preserve and save a handful of pumpkin seeds to use in charm bags, jars, and spells throughout the new year and roast some to snack on.
As with any recipe or spell, this can be changed up for your liking by leaving something out or adding something, or arranging… It doesn’t matter what and how. All that matters is what feels right for you and what works for you
This is how the ritual goes:
- pumpkin seeds
- large bowl
- baking sheet
- around 2 tbsp butter
- salt
- black pepper
- butter
- garlic powder
- Place the seeds in a bowl and rinse them with warm water. Pick off any excess pumpkin attached to the seeds and drain the water.
- Place the seeds in a saucepan with boiling salty water to simmer for 5 minutes then dry them as dry as possible set them on a paper towel, baking sheet, or any space and pat them dry and then leave them out for about 15 min.
- Preheat oven for 350 degrees f
- Place them in a bowl and place around 2 tbsp of butter or coconut oil(it might need more bc of the size, but just make sure all the seeds are coated nicely in butter or oil
- Give a couple of swirls of salt, until they’re fully covered. Then lightly dust the seeds with garlic powder and a few pinches of pepper.
- Make sure you mix well so that all the seeds are evenly covered. While you mix say the chant at the end, or use your own, and focus an orange-red color onto the seeds. Give them a powerful color or one you associate with strength, and fuel it with the desire to no longer be controlled by a suffocating shadow.
- Place on a baking sheet and make sure they’re evenly spread out. Place the sheet in the oven and cook for around 15 min. Keep an eye on it and wait until they’re golden. My seeds always like to cook through different times, so make sure you’re paying attention to them.
- Once done, take them out and wait for them to cool down. Then enjoy
I am more than what you make me.
Let these seeds grow, let them root
in my depths and rip away the weight
*of this shadow latched to me.*strong text
Banish harmful words, harmful people,
and let me be reborn.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Samhain and I hope we can overcome these worldly struggles we are all facing together and let this time of year rejuvenate our souls
-much love and many blessings
Amazing challenge entry! I really like that tradition that you have with your son & the blessings to say for the carved pumpkins & the seeds. We save the seeds too & snack on them. My husband bakes them, I’ll have to see what he puts on them for seasoning. Usually 1 batch is the same every year & the 2nd is seasoned something different.
I will be gathering the ingredients for the 2 food items that I am making for Sunday night. Soul Cakes & Non-Alcoholic Cider Mead. I’m also using a fresh Samhain incense that I will mix up.
We have jars for a spell, should we so choose to do 1 of those & I am going to look for my pentacle candle chandelier that my husband made me for my birthday last year. We are going to put white tealights in the little cauldrons that hang from each point. I believe we are getting dressed up too! I’ll have to see if I can get some pictures by the firepit. Or have my husband be all paparazzi & sneak them in from the porch.
I had a busy afternoon and evening yesterday carving my pumpkin,
roasting pumpkin seeds with rosemary and salt,
and making 200+ Trick-Or-Treat bags!
I said a blessing over the seeds:
O Great Solar Dragon,
Before I say farewell to you,
I give thanks for the life-giving warmth you have provided for the earth.
May these pumpkin seeds serve as a reminder, as we enter the darker and colder half of the year, that the earth shall burst forth with new life and that the sun shall glow a warm orange like a Jack-O-Lantern once again in the spring.
Hail and farewell, Great Solar Dragon, as you make your journey through the Land of Summer.
Like the Great Lunar Dragon, I look forward to celebrating your rebirth at Yule.
Ooo… I like that blessing too! & the seasoning I may have to try this year. I found out in the past year or so that I like to cook with Rosemary.
Looks delicious !
Thank-you! It smells wonderful. My daughter walked in last night and said “it smells witchy up in here!”
I’m using a store bought one as well, going to use redi whip to draw the pentacle and sprinkle with nutmeg and /or cinnamon
I also have some pollo guisado going in the crock pot with some rosemary and bay leaves
always having to edit because my phone automatically puts in RoseMary instead of rosemary. Not adding myself to anything, only intentions!
Wonderful jack o’lanterns! And I love the pumpkin seed recipe! Good job!
Love his nose and eyebrows @Kasandra! Very creative!
Glad it’s not just me! LOL! And that pollo guisado, whatever it is, looks great!
Peaches? Is that like an autumn cider drink?
Can I share one more treat? I have been making pumpkin smoothies all month! I add a little apple juice, and wow. It is super delicious and it makes me feel confident, energetic and happy.
In a blender, add
- 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin puree - protection, prosperity, Samhain symbol
- 1/2 cup of plain yogurt - creativity, spirituality
- Honey - to taste (1 - 2 tsp, maybe) - love, healing, prosperity
- A big dash of cinnamon - success, protection, prosperity
- A small dash each of
- nutmeg - luck, protection, prosperity
- ground ginger - amplification, prosperity, success
- ground cloves - protection, friendship
- 1/2 cap of vanilla extract - love, happiness and vitality
- A splash of apple juice or water - love, healing, symbol of Samhain
- 6 ice cubes…or so. I just like the number 6
If desired, top with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel syrup or extra shake of cinnamon. Tip: Freeze leftover canned pumpkin.
Oh my bad, I could have sworn I put the translation in Pollo guisado is Spanish for chicken stew.