šŸŒ¦ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Weather Witchery

Weekly Witchy Challenge - Weather Witchery ENTRY

Today we will be getting snow as well as cutting down our Yule tree. I will be using the snow to help cleanse the tree before blessing it and asking its permission to be cut. I will also use snow water in place of moon water to create a water cleanse (most likely the smokeless smudging mist from spells8). I will use this to cleanse my home for Yule and for the new year.


Challenge Entry

Spell for Energy on a Cloudy/Dreary Day

You will need:
An orange
An orange candle (for energy)
Orange essential oil (optional)

  1. On a cloudy day, light an orange candle on your altar. You may diffuse orange essential oil or spray your sacred space with an orange scented cleaning product.
  2. When the candle is lit, say: Though the clouds are in the sky, the sun has not said goodbye
  3. Hold an orange in your hand. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply. With each exhalation, visualize a growing sphere of orange light that eventually surrounds your entire body, filling you with warmth.
  4. Peel the orange. As you eat it, feel as it moves through your body, energizing you. Oranges are full of B1 or thiamin, a necessary component of cells, which aids your body in processing nutrients and converting the food you eat into energy. They are also rich in Vitamin C, which reduces oxidative stress in the body, preventing fatigue.
  5. When you are finished eating your orange, say: Blue or gray, my mood is bright, Today and everyday, I shine with the sunā€™s light
  6. Dispose of the orange peels in a garden or in the woods. You could also use them to make sun salts to use on the solstices.
  7. Cast this spell whenever you need a boost of energy on a cloudy/dreary day. And remember: rain or snow, sleet or hail, the sun shines everyday!

Challenge Entry

Well, weā€™ve had a week ofā€¦ some minor winds :wind_face: for the most part, lots of clouds :cloud: & overcast days, along with everything from a drizzle to steady rains :cloud_with_rain: No thunder or lightning though, so not as much fun :rofl: I also wasnā€™t able to make any more Storm Water, but I think for right now Iā€™m doing good. :smiling_face:

I use the weather as a guide to how I am going to do things in my house & sometimes just to feel the energy & recharge my own. I love to feel the wind through my hair & as it blows through & around me. I watch the trees, plants, & water & how they interact with each other. Itā€™s common for us to sit on the couch during a storm & just watch out our bay window. Or sit in the back of my car with the hatch up & listen to the rain & watch the ā€œriversā€ it makes going down our street & how they flow with ease & keeps going as it works through the blockage it may have come up against.

The sun :sun: is a huge source of positive energy for me & productivity. Just for a break, I would sit on my back porch in the sun where it comes across our backyard & we get direct sunlight for about 6 hours as it moves through its daily path over our area. Feeling the wind with the sun refreshes my outlook, energy, mindsetā€¦ just everythingā€¦ the brighter the sun, the better I feel.

With that in mind, since we did have a very overcast & dreary week, I have been using my diffusers to change the ā€œweatherā€ in my home. While there are overcast & cloudy skies bringing in daylight in a gray sense, I have been using scents in my diffusers to brighten the rooms & just bring a sense of lighter energy & happiness to our days. Of course, during the week, itā€™s mostly myself at the house & it works to keep me from getting to down & out where Iā€™m napping most of the day.

In our room which is also my sacred spaceā€¦ for the diffuser there I have been using:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Chamomile

In the one that I have in our living room that also has an open way to the kitchenā€¦ I have been using the Florida Water diffuser recipe from this post:

Itā€™s been a while since I made it on the stove top, but I think I may do that this week. Probably on Thursday.

So far there have been no complaints & the people that have come to the house have really enjoyed the scent mixes in the diffusers & the feeling in the house when they are inside. I bring the good weather to my home now when we have extended periods of gray & dreary days. :hugs:

I do have Moon Water, but I also make Storm Water & store it in an old brown glass bottle that my son had found me on a construction site where they were digging a foundation. It didnā€™t have its own cover, so I use a piece of plastic wrap that is held on by twine & a key hanging from the twine. Iā€™m going to see if I can find a cork that will fit the top. Also on my list of things to do :laughing:

I use the Storm Water mostly as part of an offering to the Morrigan :raven: when I need to meet with Her or connect in any way during different things that come up in life. I add either a couple of drops of Dragonā€™s Blood to it or Calendula & Hibiscus water to it for the deep shade of red it makes or I use it just by itself. I do have a couple of small pieces of Clear Quartz in my Storm Water & my Moon Water bottles. Normally, I put them out under the Full Moon :full_moon: but I didnā€™t this week. We had a busy week!

I did get to watch & see it in different aspects of the sky & took some pictures as it was becoming full through its changing over about 3 or 4 days. Last night I took this one where itā€™s not completely full, but looks really good in the sky despite the cloud cover we had:


I made storm water last night and I have this beautiful bottle that I got from Good Will a few weeks ago. I have corks, but I didnā€™t realize until this morning that they are to small. I was going around the kitchen looking for a lid to fit. Everything was to big or to small so I use the metal part of a tea light candle to use as a lid. As long as it doesnā€™t get knocked over it should work for now. Lol!


I think I will put a rubber band around it to hold a little better.


Lol. I am such an over thinker, I would be worried about causing a drought. :crazy_face: I also find rhyming my hardest part of creating a spell. I know it doesnā€™t have to rhyme. But I do like it rhyming.

I donā€™t think it makes a difference. It is all about intention. The book -Tarot by the Moon by Victoria Constantino discusses how intention is very important and touches on how everything is energy, even thoughts. I tell my kids- where thoughts go energy follows.
Here is an excerpt from that book

I love sitting and watching a storm, but from the safety of my porch. :blush:

Cool. I hasnā€™t thought of doing this. Great idea.

That would be so awesome in the truest sense of that word.

Nice pics of the moon!

@charlotte2 I hope your spell has turned out well.

That would be something to see!!

It is hard to take pictures of the moon through a telescope. My 14 year old has had the best success between us. It took awhile to get a good pic but it was worth it.

Thank you, @Francessca for this challenge!

That is a great suggestion! I may use this chant @Amaris_Bane with this change when it is raining too much here. Hope you donā€™t mind :purple_heart:

Great idea! There are so many things to learn in witchcraft. I hadnā€™t even thought of using storm water with Jupiter influenced spells.
I hope you get a storm soon (a mild one) so you can do your knotting and collecting.

I hope your snow spell works out well!

Great idea! I am looking forward to seeing that spell.

@LadyDennaRahl thank you for that information on snowwater and snowstorm water.

@Phoenix_Fire great idea about collecting sticks that broke off during the storm. I hope they have made great wands! Seeing/getting/making connections is exhilarating.

Love it! Great challenge entry. :grinning:

I had not thought of charging the same moon water under all the different full moons. Definitely something to look into.
I hope you feel better soon!

@Ostara I am glad you survived the lightening strike! Scary. I was only almost struck and that was freaky enough. The air was so energized all the hairs on my body were standing up. The air was sizzling.
So, I love this entry as when I am playing sports outside I would like to have something to help protect as I run for cover. :grin:

@Jeannie1 nice entry! Where did you get the Falconā€™s invocation?

That must feel so powerful and invigorating!

That gave me such a warm feeling. Your home must be so cozy and warm during Yule.

Love this!!!

@Susurrus :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: bringing the nice weather into your home with EOs. I hope you are enjoying your week and feel bright and energized!


Thanks! It is still snowing!! :grinning:


Thank you for your reply. You are such an empathetic person itā€™s a quality not everybody has. Iā€™m learning so much doing this challenge that I started to go off in way too many different directions that I had to just keep it brief and basic. But it is also fascinating and itā€™s explaining a lot to me, things that I didnā€™t understand but do now.
This class has been so enlightening and at the age of 59 I am very happy to be able to take time out of my life and just do me!

Lots of love :two_hearts: Blessed Be


Thatā€™s awesome. When it snows in Texas the whole state shuts down! Our A/C is on at the moment. Lol!


Yes I am glad youā€™re carving out time for you! You are growing and just like nature we grow. Nature can be a bliss, also I believe that nature can also has an empathetic heart and wounds just like us. She has emotions just like us look :eyes: she was so angry about something or she could be bringing death to bring something new to be reborn.
My aunt sent me some pics of the snow in Oregon some day Iā€™ll be able to move out there in a quiet place surrounded by beauty! I am a libra so I can appreciate the beauty of nature.

Look what I found today on my nature walk!

I am glad ur taking out time to learn look nature has a way of saying to love you! I am making prayer beads but itā€™s not for this challenge but I will pray for mother nature and my own journey that I continue to grow and develop my green thumb because that helps her!


Iā€™m hoping to be able to make some snow :snowflake: water this year, but right now it seems too warm for us to even get snow yet. So it will probably be a bit before Iā€™m able to do that part.

We used to sit on my parentā€™s farmerā€™s porch out back & watch the thunder storms come through during the summer! One of my favorite things to do then! Now we watch out of our bay window unless I can make it to the beach road without too much flooding on the way. Depends on how the tides are when the storm comes through. :smiling_face:


Gorgeous feathers! They look to me like a Northern Flicker (woodpecker) and a Spot Bellied Eagle Owl. Omens for luck, prosperity, and wisdom :crossed_fingers:




Blockquote Peel the orange. As you eat it, feel as it moves through your body, energizing you. Oranges are full of B1 or thiamin, a necessary component of cells, which aids your body in processing nutrients and converting the food you eat into energy. They are also rich in Vitamin C, which reduces oxidative stress in the body, preventing fatigue

Ow my thanks I will incorporate some :tangerine: oranges to help my body. Thank you for caring what I do to help heal.

Soifra Strega,

Thatā€™s great to keep track of the weather :snowflake: I sometimes use Alexa and she tells me the weather.


I love the feeling to when the cool wind when I am stressed in the car I roll the window down.

I used Babara Moores deck
[Witch Crystals: Casting Stones for Divination and Magic https://a.co/d/h19fXRu](Witch Crystals: Casting Stones for Divination and Magic https://a.co/d/h19fXRu)
I think itā€™s important to have relationships with indigenous peoples so we can support their projects and keep connections so we can help.
They need money to help the islands because of the valcanos. During this time of yule we have more time in the house. apparently it looks like since I have the green ever terrine, it might suggest an increase in resources in red jasper could mean that I will be in a position to help someone else.Tigers Eye :eye: provides protection and grounding, and it encourages a realistic plan or goal. Rose Quartz or or it can bring unconditional love and serenity, deep, inner healing and self-love. It brings love all kinds of love, but it also brings love to relationships! or it can bring unconditional love and serenity, deep, inner healing and self-love. It brings love all kinds of love, but it also brings love to relationships it spells. White onyx brings happiness and good fortune by creating a strong alignment with the divine. This is a receptive crystal, and it signifies receptivity on my part. It helps absorb energy that is needed and encourages the learning of life lessons and increases your connection with a higher guidance. White onyx creates such a safe environment and adit to find connection and you can also focus on your past life and healing old wounds that have held back.


Thanks, Charlette I thought maybe a Red Robin but appreciate your input! I will look them up!


I am a Libra as well I canā€™t tell you how deeply I miss the country I thought I was missing something in the big city about 20 years ago. As soon as this lawsuit settles Iā€™m heading back to the country the country is where itā€™s at! It


Challenge entry:
For my entry I just wanted to share the wonderful crazy weather have here. It has been 4 seasons in one day here today. Windy, humid, raining and sunny

You can really few the power Mother Nature has put out there and am so excited to be able to connect to her and utilise her magnificent weather. I am truely grateful :blush:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

ā†’ December 13, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

One of the fun things about being in an online coven is being spread out across so many different climates- it is a delight seeing different weather patterns and seasons being used in weather magick this week! Snow, sun, storms, rain, etc- so many types of weather being used magically in so much wonderful ways. Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their weather magick so far! :zap: :grinning:

If you havenā€™t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :sun_behind_rain_cloud: :sparkles:


Itā€™s funny you mention that all four seasons in one day, we say that all the time here in upstate New York. Those pictures are beautiful. I am homesick. When I was a little kid, I would walk through the wood and make little forts and look for old bottles and misc. things.

Mote it Be,


I am totally behind on this challenge! Usually I would write a really nice post but I think I just want to collect some folklore for weather magic from around the world! Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got for you all :heart:

ā€œRed sky at night, sailorā€™s delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.ā€

ā€œIf there is a ring around the moon, expect rain or snow soon.ā€

ā€œIf the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd, there will be six more weeks of winter.ā€

ā€œLightning never strikes the same place twice.ā€

ā€œA cricket can tell you the current temperature by the frequency of its chirpā€.

ā€œIf spiders are spinning their webs, look for dry weather ahead.ā€

ā€“ Weather Folklore Truths and Myths Revealed

And then these are from Duchas.ie, a collection of Irish follklore directly from the people!

ā€œIf the mountains were looking near it is the sign of bad weather. If the clouds were over the mountains it is the sign of bad weather. A rainbow in the morning is the sign of bad weather and a rainbow in the evening is the sign of good weather. If the swallows were flying low it is the sign of bad weather. If there were a circle around the moon it is the sign of bad weather. If the moon is cloudy it is the sign of bad weather. If the moon were clear it is the sign of good weather. A blue blaze in the fire is the sign of frost. If the curlews were bawling it is the sign of bad weather. If cattle were lazy it is the sign of bad weather. If the white birds were around it is the sign of bad weather. If the clouds were moving from us it is the sign of good weather.ā€ - Weather-Lore Ā· Ballyhurst, Tipperary Ā· The Schools' Collection | dĆŗchas.ie

It is a sign of dry weather when we see the wild geese going to the north. It is a sign of dry weather to see red clouds in the west at sunset. When we see swallows flying very high it is a sign of dry weather. When we see the sun setting very red it is a sign of dry weather. Whenever we are going to have dry weather the wind is nearly always blowing from the north. It is a sign of dry weather to see the moon rising very red. It is a sign of dry weather to see the sun rising very bright. It is a sign of dry weather to see a new moon on her back. Another sign of dry weather is to see crows flying up very high. It is a sign of dry weather to hear the birds singing in the evening. When bats fly about at night it is a sign of dry weather. - Signs of Dry Weather Ā· Whitecastle Ā· The Schools' Collection | dĆŗchas.ie

I also heard of one folk magic tip for getting it to rain. You basically yell at the sky and show it how to rain :laughing: it involves filling a bucket with water, going outside, pouring the water out, and yelling ā€œThis is how you do it, sky! Get it done! We need rain!!ā€ ā€“ I canā€™t remember where I read that, though, so forgive me for not having a source :blush:


Happy December everyone!!! Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m such a :poop: responder lately work is just insanely busy in the lead up to the summer holidays for the kids. Everywhere else is winding down and weā€™re just getting started. I do get a few days off for Christmas so Iā€™m holding out for that then the real work begins until February when things go back to normal! Gonna be putting my crystals to work to get me though it all!

Just would like to pop in quickly to share a couple of things I found in the witchy libraryā€¦
The following two rituals come from ā€˜The Little Book of Earth Magic: Connect to the Magic of the World around Youā€™ by Sarah Bartlett.

ā€˜Being at One with the Rain for Creative Powerā€™

This spell will enable you to benefit from being at one with the nourishing, fertilizing aspects of rain and to invoke your creative power. If you are living in a location where it is very unlikely to rain for some time, perform the following spell twice, once at the New Crescent Moon and once at the Full Moon.

You will need:

  • 1 white quartz crystal
  • jug of spring water, naturally sourced or recent rainfall (optional)
  • sieve (optional)

1. It is best to do this spell on a rainy day at the New Crescent Moon if you can. Go outside and stand in the rain, and place your crystal on the ground, letting the rain fall onto it. If you canā€™t stand out in the rain, place your piece of quartz on a surface that can get wet, and gradually pour a jug of water through a sieve so that it rains over the crystal.

2. As the rain falls, repeat:

ā€˜Rain, it comes to bring me power;
Rain, it comes to bring me growth;
Rain, it comes with creative joy!ā€™ā€™

3. As the rain pours over you, or water falls on the quartz, feel it washing you with creative energy, mirroring your purification of the white quartz.

4. Take up the crystal and keep it on your desk, work space or wherever you want to get creative, and it will imbue you with the spirit of the rain.

ā€˜Spell to Clear Away the Mist for Prosperous Ideasā€™

To clear the air and to make way for sunshiny, prosperous days ahead, perform this practice to honor the mist, knowing it will soon disperse to reveal a bright, sunny day and sense of reawakening. If you have the chance to walk through the mist or fog during this spell, then so much the better. If you donā€™t, then close your eyes and imagine you are in the middle of thick fog and have lost your way completely.

1. Stand in the mist or fog and be aware of the stillness, how sounds are muffled or distorted, how damp the air feels and how vague and indistinct the landscape looks. ā€™

2. Reach your arms out in front of you and begin to move your hands in circles, as if you were massaging a horse. Continue for twenty seconds or so, then repeat in the opposite direction. Can you feel the air move? The water particle touching your hands? Is the mist actually as real as you are? If so, then it too has a part to play in nature and its very obscurity id the pathway to seeing th light.

3. Make your way out of the mist when you can, or wait for it to clear away, and with a flash of insight, you will see clearly how to make your future a prosperous one. If you are using your imagination for this practice, open your eyes and see the sunny day, and how the mist has cleared away to give you a new perspective on life. Now you are ready to engage in prosperous ideas with self-determination.