I am going to be honest here I have no sense of fashion, and have reduced myself to a regular subscription to one of those clothing sites For years, the only thing you’d find in my closet would be basic black, brown or navy and a splatter of pink, purple, or green. I am employed as a professional where reasonable office attire is expected, and wear my hair up. Don’t get me wrong, I am drawn to Goth, Renaissance, and Bohemian type-style clothing and would love, love to wear it more often! Definitely showing the feminine dynamics
When it comes to gathering with my sisters and performing rituals, for me - it’ll just be what I am wearing, but perhaps I may have loser fitting clothing, colors associated with the ritual being performed, and wearing an EO. BUT - and this is a must for me - I have to have my hair down and free flowing, and my feet, bare. Don’t really care what I am dressed in - I just have this dreadful feeling approaching an alter prior to performing a ritual that if my hair isn’t down or feet bare, I am performing some sort of sacrilege. Once the ritual is done, I cover my feet, and will most likely put my hair back up.
I was particularly curious about this as no one has ever told me to unbind/pin my hair - and its waist length. In ancient times, a woman unbinding her hair and wearing it loose before worshipping a deity is perceived as acting in a manner of humility and reverence, hence, similarly with bare feet. I am not digging at anyone that practices “Veiling” - my experience only pertains to me. In some Eastern cultures, and Native American cultures, the hair is considered a spiritual aspect of a person and leaving it unbound, and free, increases the sensitivity for the other five senses. Thus wearing loose hair an individual can attract energies, both negative and positive. My favorite is in an article written by Patti Wigington, Learn Religions, March 2019, “…a woman with long hair who wears it up in a bun, pulled back from her face, while she does her job, tends family, so forth…once she steps into a magical setting, she removes the pins and combs, letting her hair down…it’s a liberating feeling…brings a primitive sense of wildness and raw sexuality to the moment, and that in itself can be very powerful indeed…”. In my experience, I sense an increased awareness and energy.
Now… my spoiler alert… I love JEWELRY and GEMS! While I may not have witchy clothing (YET ), I do have rings and necklaces that I prefer to wear while doing spell work and rituals. I have a heavy preference for Moonstone, and have an artisan silver moonstone ring; an amber ring which is almost my daily go-to ring along with my black spinel, and my a locally made tiger’s eye ring.
Moonstone: I believe that this enhances my intuition, energy, and femininity; my rising is Cancer. This is a must when I am spell working and doing rituals.
Amber: I wear this ring almost daily, and feel naked without it. Its instantly warming to me.
Tiger’s eye: Yep - definitely wear this as a talisman when I am feeling plagued, or feeling attacked.
Black Spinel: Another daily ring worn - and I feel naked and unprotected without it. As an Empath, I feel like a volcanic magnet for negative energy, and those emotional vampires If I leave home without it, my stress level is up and I feel weighted down with negative energies!
I am looking at gathering my sisters together to make our own personal talismans, perhaps some bracelets, and witches ladders.
To all, I love the recommendations and will be coming back to this page for all the sites and want express my gratitude at being able to share my practice with you. Blessed Be