šŸ‘£ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Your Magickal Roots

You have so much knowledge of both Christianity and many others very diverse. I think this is awesome that you are so knowledgeable. I believe we have the same gift as far as dreams. Once I dreamed someone was going to knock on my door and then it happened. When I look back I see wow I have a good intuition. But wondered if it was more than that. Is it just intuition? I have always wanted to meat a medium but havenā€™t yet.
I can relate to struggling about believing in a higher power or with no existence of god ; however its hard sometimes to believe in what I cant see. The earth is so vase and space and the whole universe. How could I push that off to the side. I am glad that you are spending time with nature. I am planning on going on some road trips to see more. For instance Yellow Stone has a really pretty landscape and some springs I seen I thought would be magical. And just wanted to say how incredible its been to see all your work. Thank you for sharing. Truth be told the closest I ever feel close to God is when I share with others and people share with me. When I can see I am not that different than other people it makes me feel good that I can have close in friendship. When we share our art or our alter makes me feel so good. I really enjoy getting to know you. I am so happy for you and excited for whats to come!!
Blessed Be :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :new_moon: :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Jeannie :star:


@Rowan , thank you so much! Very sweet of you. Itā€™s an honor to know you as well. Iā€™m not out as Wiccan to my family, mostly because I feel itā€™s my own private journey. However, i donā€™t discuss it. My parents Iā€™m sure wouldnā€™t mind and would really embrace it- since they too have had many different experiences spiritually ā€¦My mom is completely into the occult and loves all that stuff. She does her own house cleansings and always doing her thing. I usually buy the sage and make smudge sticks for her. I think on my Wiccan year anniversary i will tell them of my path. Iā€™ll know enough to share spells and rituals . Iā€™m sure weā€™ll have a good laugh at it too. ( Not disrespecting the religion, of course) My sister on the other hand, is a devote Christian. She doesnā€™t accept any other religions but Christianity. My mom is always going over her house on the weekends to spend time with the kids. Therefore, i have to be careful, because I wouldnā€™t want my sister to take it out on my mom and cut down her visits. I would have to tell my parents to keep my Wiccan beliefs a secret. It doesnā€™t bother me in a sense, because I know there are other people at stake. And Iā€™m ok being a solitary- practitioner. Plus, now that I have this amazing Spells8 family- I definitely donā€™t feel alone.
Thank you for sharing too Tameraā€¦
Blessed be.


@Jeannie1 , thank you for sharing as well, and for such a great compliment. Trust me, all this is very new to me. Iā€™m still learning as i go. I donā€™t think I could have gotten this far without the Spells8 familyā€¦Yes i can only imagine how beautiful Yellowstone must be! Itā€™s on my list someday as well.
I agree with everything you say. This community is definitely a special place for like-minded people ( witches in this case) And i understand what u mean about the dreams. Just this morning i dreamt of my momā€™s cousin, which they grew up together. My second cousin. Well, when I was 18, she shot herself and died. Whatā€™s strange is that I told my mom of the dream today, and she told me that come March, marks the anniversary of her suicide. I had no idea of the date because this happened when I was 18. And to be frank, i havenā€™t thought about her in years. So i know they are not coincidences. I donā€™t know, maybe its a message she wants to send? And incidents like this happen to me regularly. More so now that Iā€™ve been more in tune with my Wiccan-spirtuality. Like you say, who knows where Iā€™m heading?! But itā€™s exciting!
Thank you once again.
Blessed be.


Much respect to all the single Moms out there!


That is so cool to see the break-down of your DNA, @Susurrus- thanks for sharing! Iā€™m so glad you found your way back to your practice, it seems like it has truly become a big and important part of who you are :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We are so blessed to have you here!

It sounds like that first tarot deck was calling to you @Rowan- Iā€™m glad it helped to guide your way forward from that point! :flower_playing_cards: It sounds like you have found many blessings along your path- may you continue to find owners and joy on the long road forward! Thank you for sharing your lovely personal journey :heart:

Such a diverse ancestry, @Jeannie1! :star_struck: Thanks for sharing your heritage breakdown.

Love goes even deeper than family- it ties us all together as one big family! Beautifully put, @Christina4 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Lots of love back to you too- thanks for being awesome! :hugs:

Thanks for adding the link here too, @Kasandra- once again, it was a delight to read your challenge entry! Thanks for sharing :blush:

Beautifully written, @walter- you come from a culture of many talents and interests! Reading tea leaves is so cool :heart_eyes: :tea: I think it is all of these experiences and your interactions with different people and cultures that helped shape you into the wonderful and very talented person you are today :heart:

You are very welcome for the challenge- it was a delight to read your story, Walter. Thank you so much for blessing us with both your presence and your words!

Thanks once again for your post in the other thread, @Amethyst- it was a delight to read! :open_book:


Really well done to everyone who has posted so far- reading your personal journeys has been an absolute delight! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :grey_exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your elemental magick experience by the deadline: Tomorrow: March 2nd, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)

Blessed be! :footprints: :heart:


Yay! :kissing_heart:

Do we need a secret handshake or something? Iā€™ve never had a sister before! :purple_heart: :hugs: :purple_heart:


@BryWisteria , thank you so much! You are always so kind and helpful!
Blessed be.


@christina4 , beautifully expressed! Your kids will have the base and foundation of what love is because of such a great Mother you are to them. Itā€™s a gift, that they shall pass along to their childrenā€™s, childrenā€¦
Great to be here and know all you wonderful people. It is truly a pleasure and a blessing.
Blessed be.


Walter, I want to second this whole statement. I enjoy all of the information you bring to this coven. You communicate well, and you seem to have a wealth of information. Thank you, also, for all the love you share with those of us that need it.


@praecog29 , thank you! Itā€™s a pleasure and honor to be here, and learn from everyone on this beautiful forum. Thank you also for your caring and kind heart, as well as all the amazing material you put out for the Coven.
Blessed be


I can imagine how you feel about missing your family! Sending you some love your way!
Are you going to do anything for her? Maybe you can do something in her memory.
Remember all the good memories and cherish them!
Blessed be


When I was younger, I lived with my grandparents who where catholic. I was raised to pray with the prayer beads. We had a statue of Jesus Christ. I liked the statue; it was in my grandparentā€™s hall wall along with some holy water and her beads for prayer. She prayed the our father prayer, and hail Mary full of grace. Holy Mary full of grace the lord is with the pray for our sinners know and at the hour of our death. My grandfather embedded the our father prayer too in me. I went to catechism. To be honest when I was in junior high, I refused to go to church. I told my grandma that I did not want to go and that is how it went. I never walked in St Joseph Church again to pray for my sins. I really didnā€™t feel comfortable going to a priest about my sins. My grandfather was also very abusive.
As I got older, my aunt introduced me to the Oija Board, I started contacting spirit through the Oija Bored. I knew that there was spirit & liked speaking to the dead. I contacted spirits and nothing bad happened but there was some phenomenon that happened. I was never scared, but knew people who freaked out about talking to the dead. I thought I would put my board away. I just didnā€™t know that it was a form of divination to in my 30ā€™s did I even learn about divination. Or put a label on it but I knew about it and did it.
In my 20s I got a book that I still have that had the Tarot and spent a lot of time trying to figure the cards out and learning astrology. I felt like I could relate to the cards in the book and I would have people come over and I would try to figure out when their birthday to connect the dots. See I have been a seeker my whole life I knew there was something. I just could not put my finger on it. It helped me because I wanted to understand people better and get to know them on a personal level. Also my friend introduced me to crystals and often wished I could do a grid but had no idea where to get hold of many crystals. But at the same time I knew about crystals just didnā€™t know where to find crystals and I was to poor. I knew nothing about witchcraft but used sage because I had a Indian friend that gave me some sage to help me and the kids protect the home. I saged the house and cleansed my home and blessed my home.
I started digging into my dreams and going deep. I thought that I had a gift or something cause I would dream and then it would actually happen. Thatā€™s when I went to church because it was imbedded in me that if I didnā€™t get my sins cleansed, I would go to hell.This was the time when I had very vivid dreams. I was so scared because I knew I needed help. I got baptized myself in a Christian church. I got married and turned my life over to Christ. Today, I understand Christ to be a archetype. I do not believe that Christ is the only way. What about everyone else what kind of God is he? Why would he turn his back on Hinduism, budism, Judaism, and didnā€™t make any scene. How could I be a disciple if I did not believe that he died on the cross for my sins and anyway I lost my faith. I could not go preach the gospel. I learned that since I did not marry and that my kids were born out of wedlock. Thatā€™s the Christian view so much dogma! I started to ask question like what will happen to my kids since they where never baptized. I canā€™t believe that they will go to hell if they were not baptized. And they cant be in the lambs book of life? DOGMA Needless to say me and my husband were band from the church. My husband got paid to
do sound and they did not need us after many years.

I had another person who knew me and asked if they could do a reading, I realized that those were the cards from my book in my astrology book I use to read all the time. Then I finally realized that this whole time I was being someone I was not. It has always been there the whole time only I didnā€™t connect the dots. It was a aw ha moment realizing that tarot, crystals and herbs and even the Gods were linked to Witchcraft. I had dreams of a women dancing me around and left. I even had a experience where I came out of my body and learned about astral projection. I feel we all have gifts they just need to be activated. I started seeking the tarot and started listening to Tarot Bytes bye Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady. I needed a change I would try to embody the chariot card, and moving forward she would always say ā€œPay close attention to your intuition and let it guide you and make brave excellent choices remember that you are in the driver seat of your life you are in charge of your decisions and plans the action steps that you take or donā€™t take youā€™re the boss and if you donā€™t like where your life is headed you can change that the tarot cards tell a story but you write the endingā€(Teressa Reed)! I wanted to embody the magician and then realized that god is not going to do nothing for me I need to do it myself. I can change. started to use affirmation that helps me in my everyday life. I found the self -care that is very vital to human existence. It has been a healing journey for me and I like learning about different stories about the Gods to embody their life and see if there are any similarities in my life.Just like the heros journey. Aphrodite I liked she had many lovers and she is a god of sexuality. She is about self -care so I leaned into her. I also like mother Gaia as I feel a connection to earth. I feel a connection to plants and thats who I resenate with. I like the Bast and how the Gods worshiped the cat. So these are some connections that I have. I feel like I connect with the each one of the Gods in a way but trying to learn more about them and their stories and how I connect to them. I feel a connection with the moon and the universe and the triple Goddess.
I learned about spells 8 and did a self- initiation. I did that a little while ago. This is my first time making it public. I feel I am on the right path for me. I never felt I fit in church after being kicked out. Just was not ment to be. I like making my own decisions about what path where I can choose my own way, and find whatā€™s good for me. Since I have been apart of spells 8 I have learned more about myself. I have dedicated my life to the wiccan view. Let harm none do what you will. I am free spirited person who likes art and music! I like to do spells on my free time almost everyday & I am learning that I can do magic too. I apologize about this being so long!! I am sorry this is so long you deserve three :star::star::star:
Blessed Be


It sounds like all of the pieces eventually came to together and you found your way, @Jeannie1! I imagine those deep questions about life, God, and religions were confusing and scary at the time, but it sounds like you have come a long way on your quest to find both answers and yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™m proud of you!

You have a beautiful story and a beautiful soul- I am glad you emerged so strong from the ups and downs of your journey. Thank you for finding your way here- we are so blessed to have you as a member of the coven! :sparkles:


:exclamation: This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Great job, everyone! A huge thank you to each and every one of you who jumped in for this challenge. I hope you all enjoyed exploring your own magickal history while strengthening the ties of the community. It has been a pleasure reading your stories! :open_book: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : This post will remain open for continued discussion for a few more days, but no additional prizes will be given after today.

Blessed be! :sparkles:


Youā€™re so brave @Jeannie1, most just leave the church but you stayed, asking the questions a lot of us ask before being kicked out. Thatā€™s awesome. So glad youā€™ve brought that inquisitive mind here.


Just saw I got my new badge! Fanciest one yet for me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @Jeannie1 , it was A long time ago. Iā€™m sure my Mom lights a candle for herā€¦


Thank you Walter she still alive but they have her on morphine and she still hanging in there.
Thank you
May The God and Goddesses give us reverence! Put the light around her and put a protective shield :shield:
Blessed be


Your story was very well ahem crafted @walter ! Thanks for sharing. :sparkles: