šŸ‘£ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Your Magickal Roots

I can especially identify with this part. That was a great story! Thanks for sharing how you heard the calling to magic. It really feels like a warm blanket sometimes.

@Jeannie1 Your results are so diverse! You have family all over the world! :laughing: :earth_africa:


Thank you, Jeannie. Always trust in yourself, even in the hardest times. I am so glad we all have each other also. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And if Iā€™ve helped you then thatā€™s even better!
Blessed Be,


Thank you Francisco!


My Magical Roots come from love. This presentation made me think of my personal journey:

I may not know my true ancestors or relatives, but Iā€™ve always had love! So, what I did for this challenge was think long and hard. I asked my kids if they could go anywhere in the world at all, anytime at all, future or past, where would it be. Now, this is all through meditation.

Where would you go??
Who would you see???
What would you do??

Iā€™d be right here loving my kids, exactly right here and now! Love is what Iā€™ve always known of my journey and is what I hope will continue.
I never got the chance to know my ancestors. My kids are fortunate enough to know their biological family. All family isā€¦is love.

Psst, and by the way, you all are family as well! I hope each of you have someone to love! Even if itā€™s a fur pet or a friend. Just know love.

As for a significant other type of loveā€¦itā€™s not for me. Iā€™ve had too many chances given out. For now, Iā€™m a single mama. I have a huge void that I need to continue to work on through self love.

Thank you all for reading this and Id like to say itā€™s great to know all of you with your unique personalities! I love you all!!


@christina4 that is beautiful! I am so happy that you have so much love! I understand being a single mama with a void that needs to be filled. I have had that too. Iā€™m going through something right now that requires self love & Iā€™m learning to listen to myself first. I love my kids with my everything & would lay down my life to save them. I think any parent would feel that way but I would rather have the time with them now.

I consider your family as well, otherwise, I wouldnā€™t share as much about me as I do. I learn so much from each one of you & how everyoneā€™s path is different. Iā€™m learning to make it my own in my own way. I hope you reach the love you are looking for, itā€™s there. It will show itself when the time is right.


Thank you so much!! Being a single parent teaches you alot. And I share alot here, too because I respect and appreciate you all


It definitely does. I was a single mother with my first son & I learned how well I can handle this thing called life on my own. I can do it, I have been through it before. Now in the not so distant future I will be a single mom with my daughter & I am going to be learning again, but Iā€™m okay with that. I would rather my kids see me genuinely happy rather than putting on a mask every day to keep others happy.


Thatā€™s beautiful @christina4! Iā€™m so honored to be considered part of your family!


Good morning! :sun_with_face:
I wrote an essay on my magickal journey and posted it in a separate topic because of the length. Thought Iā€™d leave a link here because it was far down in the forum when I logged in. My Magickal Roots Challenge

Have a blessed Sunday! :sparkles:


Aw, of course you are!!! Youā€™re actually really a great sister! I never knew mine.


I live that song, you posted! Sounds to me that your interested in loving and healing! :butterfly:
Ow what a good intentions for the year! This year I am going to the store and getting some dirt :sunflower:so I can grow my own Garden. šŸŖ“I think doing that will make me happy :blush:

I went to the music store, I canā€™t wait some day I really want to hit some drums ! šŸŖ˜
I realized I got to do things that make me happy :laughing:
I love your jewelry itā€™s looks so beautiful, and thanks for sharing you look like you would be a fun mom! What kind of dog do you have ? Making the small things count too, is the magic in our lives that bring us peace and power! Sounds to me that we are working on the same thing.
:dizzy:Blessed Beā€‹:sparkles:


Hello to all,

Where do I start? I grew up Christian believing in one God, and Saints were a big part of it too. However, i wouldnā€™t say it was a strict religious upbringing. But, the fear if God was there. That we shouldnā€™t do something to offend him otherwise heā€™d punish us. ( As a little kid i remember thinking, what kind of God is this? If he punishes you).

My family is originally from Uruguay, South America, therefore, itā€™s mostly Catholic. However, within the Christianity and Catholism there is also spirituallism, mediums, Santeria or macumba.
Uruguay, borders Brazil, therefore there is a lot of African-based religions that involves BrujerĆ­a (Witchcraft)

I had a great aunt who would contact the dead and considered herself a spiritulist and medium. My paternal grandmother was a ā€œCuranderaā€ ( Witch doctor) she helped neighbors and family with ailments and would cure ā€œEl Mal de ojo.ā€ ( Evil Eye) I found out later in life that my grandparents founded a church of Spirituallism in the town where they built their home. They were believers in God and the Saints but they also believed in everything I mentioned above. You couldnā€™t go to someones house and not find a family member, or friend who would offer to read your cards ( Not Tarot cards but playing cards) or tea leaves. So basically, Witchcraft, is instilled in the culture alongside Catholism and Christianity. ( Needless to say, i always found this facinating!)

As a little kid and growing up into adulthood i would have premonitions ( which at the time didnā€™t know what that meant) But, it was a regular thing on and off. Dreams would come true, especially ones that involved death, a major incident,or pregnancy. They were too many to call them coincidences, as I learned later in life.

As a teenager, when my family lived in Florida for a bit- we befriended a Christian neighbor who gave us bible lessons and took us to Church. Now, in her eyes- anything that had to do with magick or divinition was from the devil, and one should not engage in it. This is were my religious ideals began to question each other. However, i was grateful for the knowledge.

In my mid to late 20ā€™s, I did practice Santeria/witchcraft for awhile. But than, just stopped and quit all religion or practices. I had a time that I became agnostic. Eventually, i came back to believe in God, again. But did not practice any Witchcraft. The idea of Wicca crossed my mind- even researched it a bit back in my late 20ā€™s. However, due to my ignorance of listening to others, and not researching it too its fullest, I was lead to believe it was more Satanic than anything else. ( What an idiot i was)

Until just about last year, when I was on lockdown, on my own, because I couldnā€™t see family and friends- as they were on their own lockdown as well. I was sitting outside on my patio looking up at the moon. I donā€™t remember exactly how it happened. But somehow, Wicca came back into the picture again. I proceeded to subscribe to Kindle unlimited ( which at the time they were running a great offer of 3 months free) I began to download all digital books i could on the subject. I became obsessed with it. At the time I was struggling, no job- i was 2 paychecks away from being penniless, had low savings. Unemployment, was on a standstill, because it was going through its own chaos. So it was a very difficult time . ( Iā€™m sure not just me, but everyone going through pandemic struggles)
I read many books on Wicca, by Lisa Chamberlain. I found a money/abundance spell. I remember calling the quarters and taking forever, trying to make sure Iā€™m getting everything right- and finally, doing a spell on a full :full_moon:. I just remember feeling this enormous energy- a feeling I never felt before. It was such a relief. I felt protected and cared for and a feeling that Wow! This spell worked!! I trusted the feeling and the spell took itā€™s course and began to work. All the unemployment red-tape began to unravel and the checks began to come in. I felt so at ease.
After that, i kept reading and educating myself.

I want to say April of 2020 is when I came across Spells8. It changed my life ( thank you Francisco, and The Travel Witch as well as everyone in the community) Everything, just made sense! Even tho I was reading books on Wicca, itā€™s nothing like Spells8ā€™s help. It made the spells easy to follow and you could ask questions and get amazing feedback. I was so :green_heart::green_apple: at the time. (Still learning) However, i was making spells left and right. Iā€™m sure if I had a witches hat, you could see smoke come out, from under it. Lol.

Wicca- was finally the spiritual answer i was looking for. The path Iā€™ve been longing for all these years- practicing magic felt like a part of me, an extension of myself that was dormant no longer. However, i still had a hurdle to overcome spiritually. Because, of my Christian upbringing- it took me a couple months to accept the Lord and Lady and other dieties. But, the beauty of Wicca is that you can have all the Gods/ Goddesses/ Dieties you desire or none at all. In my eyes this is such a spiritual awakening. I wish others who are conflicted religiously, could understand how liberating this is.

In the end, Iā€™m not sure where my path may lead me. Will i be Wiccan for the remainder of my years? Or embrace more Paganism? Who knows? All i know is that Iā€™m loving where Iā€™m at spiritually, right now.
And to be a practicing Witch - what a Better gift from the Universe than that?!
Not sure, if i get my witchy vibes and intuition from my grandmothers ( my maternal grandmother also had great intuition- she was from Basque-decent) or it gets better as you practice the Craft. All I can say is that I finally feel that all the pieces of my spiritual puzzle clicked together.

Thank you @BryWisteria for this challenge. It was a great introspective look of my spiritual, evolutionary journey. Itā€™s pretty weird that this challenge came about almost the same time, my Wiccan path began, last year in 2020

Blessed be.


What a great writing about your journey @walter! Iā€™m happy to have found Spells8 for the same reason, the information was easy to follow & finally something made sense to me! It just felt right & like I found my home. Everyone was so helpful & supportive. It was and still is an amazing feeling to be here. I love checking in every day & being able to share what is going on with my practice in just about every aspect of it & receive honest guidance.


Thank you @Susurrus , it is a wonderful feeling! I check in on Spells8 everyday and has made the art of ritual and spells so much easier! Without it, I felt so overwhelmed. Plus the amazing people here as yourself and everyone we meetā€¦


Checking the forum is part of my morning routine when I am having my coffee & getting ready to get going. It takes me a while to get out of bed with my low back & SI joints so if I can rest for a bit before moving around itā€™s much better. I spend that time on my laptop & Iā€™m here every morning at least twice. I have found so many great rituals & spells in the forums. I love the conversation with people like me. Itā€™s just great! I know exactly how you feel. The great people here make it worth it to come back each day.


@christina4 I never had a sister so itā€™s nice to have one! :hugs: :purple_heart:

@walter your story is amazing. Iā€™m glad you stuck with it and found your way here.

As for me, well, hereā€™s my story. I originally wrote up something that was way too long but Iā€™m glad I did, it made me sit down and think about where I started out at.


@christina4 This just brings me joy, Iā€™m so happy for you. Iā€™ve been that single momma and felt that void as well. Your SO is out there and when youā€™re ready they will appear, but for now keep living in love with your babies, your life, your self, and with us all here in the coven because I can assure you we all are sending love to you!
Blessed Be,


Aw,thanks so much @Rowan :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Ok so itā€™s official, were sisters from a lost family :relaxed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


@Walter Wow! Thank you for sharing such a beautifully written story about your journey. Iā€™ve always struggled with textbook religion beliefs until I began walking my own path, I guess many people in my life influenced my ignorance into believing what actually made sense was wrong or bad in some distorted sense. I had a sister (estranged now) who was taken with being very religious in the sense that we would would most times have long discussions about her religion and beliefs versus my question in it all. My first deck of Tarot (that I spoke about in my Magickal Roots story) she actually burned, well attempted to but they would not stay lit long enough to destroy completely, so she threw them in the trash wrapped in foil. :joy:
Every discussion always felt like a conformity attempt and I just didnā€™t understand why she tried every time to force me into her beliefs and never even ponder my curiosity into others.
Your family seems very rich in their beliefs and also their openness to embrace others, thatā€™s amazing.

I love this! I feel I am still turning some of the pieces around in my puzzle, but I see the big picture!
Im honored to know you and I am so glad that you are a part of my coven family.
Blessed Be,