The reason I did this is because I received a Peach Selenite sphere and wondered if it was real.
see:The Stone of the Moon: Selenite Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings
Hey Garnet
So I’m not crystal expert, but I’ve never heard of peach selenite. Selenite is a member of the gypsum family of minerals and has a relative softness compared to most other minerals (a 2 on the Mohs Hardness scale). According to and the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, Selenite is usually “colourless [with] light tints due to included matter”.
The Wikipedia page for Selenite also mentions something called Satin Spar which is usually silky and fibrous, chatoyant, and can exhibit some coloration. It also says that “the satin spar name has also been applied to fibrous calcite (a related calcium mineral), which can be distinguished from gypsum by its greater hardness (Mohs 3), rhombohedral cleavage, and reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid.”
The only way to know for sure what your sphere is would be to take it to a geologist and have it examined.
I’ve never heard of Peach Selenite, but I do have Orange Selenite. Maybe they are similar?
Orange Selenite (Healing Crystals Website)
Orange Selenite (The Crystal Council Website)
I hope this helps!
I guess it’s color comes from impurities, but I guess the seller can call it what they want. I’ve seen pics of blue, green, brown and orange. It isn’t’ that they aren’t selenite but that whatever the contaminate has introduced the color. Sound about right?
I don’t have any good information for you, I just wanted to say you’re cabinet with it’s box, globes, and statues are PRETTY!
Mindat is a great site, my school uses it. It’s a go-to for crystals!!!
Seems you’ve got your answers. The name comes from Selene. It can charge other crystals. It’s a high vibration stone and is great for clearing your auric field…by wanding your aura/ over the chakras from the back of your head down to the front of your body and your arms. Do that whenever you need a recharge.
By the way, I love your shelf!!! You set it up so nice!!!
Yup, that sounds about right. Impurities would definitely change the color Regardless, it’s a beautiful stone!