What are Demons? Demonology, Magick & Psychology


I don’t know the backstory to what you say here, but I feel a deep sadness for your experience lovely :sparkling_heart:

This is a very good point. When you look at it like that, what Mr Lucifer did was give choice to humankind really, how I see it. Yet humans have done so much worse and been forgiven.

Sometimes however I wonder whether this is like the case between Odin and Loki. They had their differences, eons ago, sorted it, moved on and we humans keep dragging it up. :person_shrugging:. On the one time I offered a prayer to Mr Lucifer, his energy was gentle and loving, so I think, maybe I said it in this post somewhere, if you’ve been an angel, an Arch Angel at that, and been in good moral standing for eons of time, your values will still be with you, even if you “move house” so to speak. Just my rambling mind wandering. You make some interesting points. :heartpulse:


@georgia I may have to look into that & see where my phone decides to go with that one. Honestly I saw the search result & was kind of like, well… now I have to see where this takes me. My son & I had a pretty good chuckle with the reasonings.

Lucifer I could never understand how Satan & Lucifer could be one in the same. But my upbringing also came with definitive reasons for going to Hell but would only ever hear of Satan. When I started hearing Lucifer & other references, they all seemed a bit different from each other while being the same.

I can remember watching the show Lucifer & as different angels or divine beings were referenced or part of the show. The basics of them I could recognize but then how they evolved with each other & the “mortals” seemed more, I’m not sure. There were certain parts, characters, acting, storylines, or what have you that I just… I just couldn’t :joy: But the portrayals & staying in the characters as they were written, I think was very good & how they were being presented. There were some aspects maybe over done or too exaggerated that it was kind of… Um, why? What? But I took it for what was as entertainment purposes for the most part & itade me giggle.

Although Maze was 1 of my favorites :rofl:


Just jumping in to saying I freakin’ love Maze and Ella. :black_heart: :joy:


Ohhh my Gods :clap: Mazikeen is my favorite! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Fox Broadcasting GIF by Lucifer

Since this post is all about demons, and most fiction at least contains a grain of truth, here’s some information I gathered (quickly, so it’s basically a copy/paste of info) on Mazzikin.

In Jewish History, Mazzikin (also spelled Mazzikim ) are invisible demons which can create minor annoyances or greater dangers. The Hebrew term mazzikin (מַזִּיקִין, also spelled mazzikim מַזִּיקִים), found in the Talmud, means “damagers” or “those who harm”. It is generally understood to mean harmful invisible demons that a person could encounter in daily life.[1] Demons or evil spirits do not feature prominently in the Jewish religion, especially as pagans conceived of them, as entities in their own right. They were seen rather to be under the command of God who sent His punishment through them.

The Talmud describes mazikin as having certain characteristics similar to both angels and humans (Chagigah 16a).[2] According to the text, mazikin have wings like angels, can traverse great distances quickly like angels, and possess knowledge of future events like angels. However, they also share traits with humans, such as eating, drinking, procreating, and dying.



She is the Mazikeen by which I will judge all other fiction Mazikeens. :joy: :black_heart:


This is something I read last year and it stuck with me and it makes a lot of sense to me if you would read it and give me your opinion if not I understand but I found this to be quite interesting and since you were talking about Lucifer you might find an interesting too here it goes Tracy



Very interesting viewpoint. A little over my head :rofl:, but interesting. Personally , I see these entities as individual beings in their own right, with opinions, feelings and history and a part of creation, like the nature, animals, fish, people and whatever else is out there in the glorious universe. All living, some within the earth, some in other dimensions, folding space, crossing time.

But I do like the point there is no feud. I personally believe there is no feud, and religion puts division where there is no division.

Nice interesting article, thanks for sharing :sparkling_heart:


I have never saw this before but it looks fantastic. Megan if you like it it’s got to be good :blush:. I’ve always valued your opinion, and you have been my go-to for the last couple years thank you for that
Blessed Be


I remember when I first started watching the show I knew they were deriving characters not necessarily from 1 belief system or another. So when I first saw her & learned more about her relationship on the show, I looked up her full name. One of those things that I’m like… huh, where did this come from & how does it work in this context… which obviously is a TV show, but the characters & their names came from somewhere & their relationships :laughing: So in the context of the show, it made sense that she would have been Lucifer’s kind of main demon or side kick of sorts. Not sure I’m wording that right.

@Medea ooo, thank you for sharing that, I agree with @tracyS that it is an interesting viewpoint & things to consider. Thank you so much for sharing! :revolving_hearts:


Aww, that’s sweet! It’s such a good show - Lucifer on Netflix. Mazikeen is one of my favorite characters, for sure! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

lol you are! In her comics, she’s a daughter of Lilith, so it makes complete sense that she would be there right next to Lucifer!


"Michael is Creation, Lucifer is the experience of Creation. "
Ooh. I like this idea.

“You are Creation [experiencing] itself… Lucifer is Michael and Michael is Lucifer.”
…and the Creator of all this cakey goodness is looking through both sets of eyes at the same time like some form of psychic triplets!:blush:

"How did Humanity get to be separated from God? "
Ahh! But we’re not! Don’t let anyone convince you we are because it’s too easy to get lost.

“You aren’t a “wrong”, “bad” or “evil” being, rather a very brave and adventurous one. Not one who rebelled against God, but one who disconnected from God within themselves for the wondrous experience of Reunion.”
Ever since I was 7, I’ve had the feeling I had a twin brother who could see through my eyes, hear through my ears, sense everything I was sensing… and vice versa. It was only in college that someone suggested my twin was the Creator. I loved the idea and ran with it… perhaps too far. blush

“The world most people are in is hell…”
Mom always told me this, yet we were not allowed to escape it, no matter what. I often wondered if she believed she could earn her way out somehow. Just believing in a Saviour was supposed to do it, but it was never enough in our church. No matter what we believed, we were condemned… so I left. Joseph Campbell said in his interviews that when a people is no longer Chosen, they choose another God.

"Religion teaches us this realm is ruled by evil. "
They also say that to the swine, all things are swineish. Consider the source.

“Not one who rebelled against God…”
I needed to hear this one today! Thank you.

Another twist on the tale came to me this evening. Many cultures have tales of wars among deities. In Ireland, the ones who lost became the “little people,” still alive and respected, but not the current ruling class. Some have suggested that such wars could have been human history- one culture fighting another for space to survive in this world. Neither culture is truly evil- ever, but the conquerers call them such to keep the simple people from evolving “backwards” or clinging to old ways. Sometimes the old ways are smarter than the new ways. We can piece together bits which survive in order to figure out what their lives were like and make up our own minds who were evolving.

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on this, too, @Medea.


what a beautiful different view from what we have learned from church books…


It’s so hard to keep track, keep up and understand as growing up my family was not into the church thing at all! My mother swore she would never step foot into a Catholic Church ever. In some of my posts I’ve said a little bit about my family as my mother’s side, which/Witch I am almost 99% positive they were witches and my mom had a BOS she kept under her bed. When my mom passed away I told my father that was the only thing I wanted and when I asked him for her BOS, he said he couldn’t find it which I don’t believe that for a New York second. He kept me and my sister shielded from my mom’s side of the family, hell I didn’t even know I had grandparents from my mother’s side or cousins I don’t even know their first names.

Anyways, the article from eraoflight.com just seems to resonate and make sense to me from what little understanding I have so I guess I have to go with that one for now but I still believe the universe has my back.

Mote It Be


The Universe always has our backs- all of us! It is up to us to learn to have each other’s.

I know how you feel about the missing part of family. Thanks to the gossip of an aunt after my father died, I don’t know his side of my family. I’m just learning that she did to Mom and me what the rest of society did to my ancestors from 420 to the 1800’s! (I looked up my own name on Wikipedia and followed my nose)

You didn’t have the foundation of your mother’s BOS, except those few times you were able to sneak peeks, but always remember that no one source is ever exclusive. You can build your own through experience and sharing. May your BOS be more wonderful than you can remember of hers- if only because you followed your own interests in life and kept notes.

We all make our lives Magickal by following our dreams, no matter what others say.


Hi Georgia sometimes I get so mixed up here that I don’t reply back right away or maybe I already have and replied back again LOL I probably should wait until after I have my coffee to open up Spells 8 but I just love this site so much I can’t seem to get away from it.
I have started my BOS and my BOM it just seems to be going a little slower than what I hoped but there is so much that I’m learning and trying to incorporate a little bit too fast I think I’m going to slow it down a little and get reorganized as I believe wholeheartedly that the key to success is organization.
How interesting that you were able to look up your ancestors. I think that is an excellent idea I think that’s something I should do as well.
Georgia thank you so much for your feedback, that is my favorite way of learning detailed, experienced and knowledgeable information.

Mote It Be


Very well put …


Perhaps I’ve been lost in semantics when I say there are some things I don’t forgive. To me, that sounds like neither forgetting nor forgiving. Because to forgive someone, to me, is to give that trust back. If they’re not getting my trust back, they’re not yet forgiven. But that’s just my perspective.

I suppose I’ll have to see how I feel when confronted with a horrible truth. Petty things, like insults and attempted sabotage, I don’t care about. But there are violations of one’s being that I won’t let slide so easily. However, I would need more solid proof before I could take this particular case to the police, and I’m afraid most of it went into the coffin with the deceased.

(Blurred because I’d rather not let the fact that I’m digging into it come up in a search.)


I know how you feel! I’m the same way. Last week, I wrote my mother to tell her I found a community where I feel comfortable. She thinks it’s a church. She’s been trying to get me to say certain repetitive prayers to get what I want, not realizing her way isn’t the only way to make wishes and dreams come true.

It looks like you have a lot of good stuff on your plate! Keep up the good work!

Ah. I think I understand, now.

I was taught we don’t forgive a person for their sake… meaning our forgiveness doesn’t save them from our anger. No matter how angry I get, that other person won’t feel anything unless I act on how I feel. Rather, forgiving someone cools what is happening inside me. That way, I don’t get high blood pressure or a heart attack from my own feelings.

Interesting how one word can have so many meanings! These scattered definitions make it difficult to understand each other until we have this kind of conversation. S’all good.

I’ve found that little things can be red flags, that some small things reveal personality traits which can lead to bigger things. If people do things once, it is likely they will do them again, unless they learn from them the first time.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Most shadows are very personal. My mother read my diary while I was at work, long ago, and then swore she’d sue me for defamation if I didn’t write her side of the story. Sometimes it’s better to keep such things hidden- in code or in the silence within- than to even hint at values, feelings, or differing belief systems around those who don’t want to understand. It’s not healthy for us to keep such things locked inside of us; but in certain cases, silence is better than being burned at the stake.


Forgiveness for me is not giving them (the offender), the power to control my life (be it through my emotions, my mind or anything else) I don’t expect justice, or apologies or even recognition of any wrong done to me, that rarely comes. But I will not allow them to have any power, from afar, over my life, my soul. It ain’t easy to do, old feelings stir, but when they do, I acknowledge them and move on. My life is mine, not theirs. Just my way :grin::purple_heart:


Ohh! So, it’s about not carrying that negativity within ourselves in this case! Thereby, a concept of personally letting the feelings of injustice go, like when one does shadow work and lets go of negative feelings. Like letting the wind carry away tiny embers of impassioned anger. :fire:

But letting these feelings go, doesn’t inhibit your caution or your ability to protect yourself from repeated betrayals. Not letting yourself physically suffer from such feelings makes a lot of sense – to keep that anger within would be like letting them hurt you twice. I understand. :black_heart:

I can’t believe I didn’t realise that was what was being said. :woman_facepalming: But also, it’s to little surprise that I didn’t think of it like that. I can’t carry that kind of anger with me. And, if you can believe how absurd this may sound, I’ve actually tried to make myself more angry over injustices towards myself, and felt bad about not being able to achieve that anger. But it just doesn’t emerge anymore. I’m like a match in the middle of a windy day – I can spark, but the flame just blows out. :joy:

:eyes: Whoa. I wonder what kind of court would even entertain such an absurd case.

Now that I think about it… I think I’ve been trying too hard to care about this – I keep having to tell myself, “No, don’t let it go.” But my feelings have let it go. There’s just been this niggling part of me that wants to confirm what I already know. [redacted] But there’s no way I can get justice for her now, nor is he really in my life anymore – just obligatory moments: “Happy Birthday,” “Merry Christmas,” and “Happy New Year.” I can only continue to not trust or engage with him.

That being said, if he does it again, I’ll nail him to a jail cell with it. :fire: