What are Demons? Demonology, Magick & Psychology

Aaaww, thank you! I love that you can do that with your partner also. He’s my oldest & we are very similar in many ways. We have also taught each other a lot about different types of things. Some things him & I just click with much differently than me & anyone else in the family. We have some great conversations about beliefs & stories & where certain things came from…

Completely Random Funny Story from the Other Day:

So… we don’t what has gotten into my phone over the last few months. But I can search for 1 thing & it will go off on some random weird tangent that has nothing to do with the actual search when the results populate & then associated questions I guess? :thinking:

Anyway… It’s still sort of considered very much Summer where I am… the traffic still builds starting on Thursdays & it’s still a fun “game” of gunshots or fireworks on the weekends. (It’s a joke because fireworks :fireworks: are illegal here unless they are used & kind of managed by the local officials for a purpose & the sounds of them plus the sound changes & then carry over the water… It’s definitely not a situation of gunshots are a normal thing for us to hear) Back to the original topic… so we were outside & it was gross out… so awful humid & hot & muggy :weary: Then we started smelling sulphur/rotten egg type of smell sort of wafting but also strong. Of course, none of us think… *Hey walk out back & see if they are having a fire :fire: or using fireworks, sparklers… No. Not yet anyway. I search on my phone smell of sulfur or rotten eggs outside… It starts out pretty what we would think of normally, septic, gas, or… a fire that has been able to heat up rocks of different make-ups along with the layers of soil, ash, wood, and rocks… The very next result… Demons smell like sulphur…

Um, what? So now I’m curious & start reading… basically it said that because it’s been proven that the layers of the Earth go down & into hotter & hotter layers… & that when volcanoes erupt it’s that material & those layers causing the lava which smells like sulfur… that proves that there is a Hell & the smell of sulfur is from Hellfire where demons originate & that they basically have a lingering sulfur smell when they make it to the surface…

So it goes on & on about Hell, Hellfire being in the center of the Earth & the direct relation to the Earth’s core being hot & erupting volcanoes & sealing those volcanoes… because demons can also leave there through the eruptions & now with all of these world happenings… demons are running rampant & taking over… :crazy_face:

So I mean there’s more but my son & I are basically dying laughing :rofl: because reading through it we were like… who came up with this?.. We decided that what they are getting at is that they are demons because of their upbringing & poor life choices just all around… The next day, which is his last day at that job, he sent me a picture of a box of kitchen matches with a sulfur warning that said… Remember Demons smell like sulphur & are made up of poor life choices & being unhappy with their living situation under volcanoes but… also be careful striking these matches… You will summon one of them & it may bring friends. :rofl:

My husband still amused & laughing walks out & checks the back… comes back in & says well… the demons are out back… our neighbors not only are having a fire :fire: but are using sparklers :sparkler: & lit off a few fireworks :fireworks: & that’s the sound we heard :laughing:


This kinda matches what my six year old self came up with, so it must be true! :laughing: :rofl:



This is brilliant. It should be a public health warning on all matches. Can you imagine the general publics response :flushed::joy::sparkling_heart:


Did he then proceed to strike all the matches and leave them there for his soon-to-be ex-coworkers to enjoy? :joy:

That’s a funny rabbit hole to go down nevertheless.

Fireworks are illegal here too, but we hear them sometimes. Now I won’t be able to hear them without thinking of demons. :smiling_imp:

I heard about demons with the sulphur smell so much over the years from entertainment media, like movies and TV shows. It’s hard for me to remember that they were pulling that idea from somewhere that isn’t totally made up.

Now that you mention it, we smelled sulphur recently, and there was no obvious source… :thinking:

That’s one way to decrease match use in some areas and increase it in others. :joy:

That reminds me. I heard a story when I was in South Korea once, from this young woman who wanted to get me into her church. She told me that smoking cigarettes attracts ghosts and gave me this image of someone smoking inside, near a window, and the window is full of ghosts staring at them. It was terrifying. :scream:

Could also put that as a warning on cigarettes. :grin:


@starborn Love this. :joy: I should hand both ideas (matches n cigs) over to the public health minister. Lol. :sparkling_heart:


Been doing more reading on the demon v angel thing (as my Loki is now officially demon ):joy::partying_face:. So here’s what I found rummaging around the internet. These are just viewpoints of individuals, some demonolatrists, some pagans, but I thought they were interesting, to me anyways, as I’m trying to learn as much as I can about yet another facet of my shapeshifting beastie. (But then when I’ve figured this out, if ever, he’ll chuck something else my way I’m sure :person_shrugging::joy:).
So. Loki is listed as demon, devil, teutonic (Germanic) so The Devil and his kind are also known as Jinn (another species I’m now going to look up :grin:). These Jinn are so say primordial matter, like smokeless fire, what we called dark matter/dark energy. Like humans they have free will, follow different faiths and beliefs, form their own communities and lifestyles.

Angels are created from light and at Gods demand, they carry out his commands, messages etc throughout the realms of existence . Unlike Jinn and humans they don’t have freewill as they are aligned to the will of God. Viewpoint 1.

Angels and demons are not much different . They are all angels by default. A Devil represents the dark (but not as in evil), Angels the light (but not as in good). Viewpoint 2.

The Devil was banned from heaven, because he disagreed with the politics so now runs Hell. Viewpoint 3.

So I found this all interesting and feel there’s probably elements of truth in it all. Still it’s nice to learn new things even if alot goes over my head. :joy:

On another point, with the whole sigil thing, this got me thinking.

So if these sigils we know today come from forced summoning of demons rather than a hey, how you doing? Do you fancy tea and cake? kind of invite. Then would it be better to make our own sigils for each of their names? Got me pondering :thinking:

See this is why I fail to finish the Spells8 bookclub, cuz I’m sure now I’m going to find a book on sigils and Jinn, that I’m going to have to read. Good job I’m not a mechanic, my car would never get out of the garage as I’d be constantly revamping it. :person_facepalming::partying_face::rofl:


I’ve been wondering the same. But I’m not well-versed in the use of sigils, so I don’t feel confident making any myself yet.

It’s only the 72 popular ones, too. I think. For example, the one we all know for Lilith isn’t from the Solomon binding. And neither is Clauneck’s really strange brain/eye/heart/testicles one.

I’ve noticed people refer to the 72 as seals and the rest as sigils (or was it the other way around? The heat has me fried), but the words get mixed a lot, too.

But it would give me some more peace of mind if I were not to use anything related to Solomon. If you wanted a companion to work on that with, I’m totally up for it. :smile:

You might also have some more luck looking up the more common “djinn” spelling. (Some people say “genie” but it’s a bit of a… How do I put it… Whitewashed term? Does that make sense? Like, whatever you call the disrespectful Anglicisation of other culture’s cultures. Gosh. Words are failing me right now. :sweat_smile:)

Sounds like me, too. :joy:

And it does affect my work. I got sick of trying to deal with some premade thing late last year, so I ended up throwing the whole project in the bin and building my own. :joy:


@starborn oh yes I’ve seen this spelling of djinn. Good to know thanks.

Yes I feel the same. I dig some stuff out on sigils, @MeganB I know you know about sigils please. Is there any need to know stuff before we make ones to chat to entities.

The one I used for Loki is not a “seal” as he wasn’t of interest to Solomon, and it was drawn by a Lokean, no bad vibes when I used it. The bind rune method is nice but it would mean translating the demon names into runic alphabet (my Valhalla app can do that). It would look pretty. :thinking:. Anyways. Maybe start a sigil making post and ideas can flow. :person_shrugging:.


I had a quick look and found a sigil challenge where Bry posted some demon sigils in the example. :open_mouth:

I might have to do that in my the catch-up, alongside the technology witch one.

There are also a bunch of posts on sigils as well. I will start collating them and throw together an overall sigil discussion thread. What do you think, @tracyS?


@starborn Yep let’s do this. I think it will be fun and blessed. The Demons will probably be thrilled to get a new look on their names, I know I would. A sigil makeover. :partying_face:

Will look up these challenges too. :sparkling_heart:


We’ve done it, @tracyS!


I put generic information in the main post, and I’ll start including some more specific things in separate posts inside there. :black_heart:


Fabulous :sparkling_heart::kissing_heart: @starborn


I love this so much :blush: :black_heart:

I picked up the Complete Book of Demonolatry too, it already was on my reading list :smile_cat: I’m still in the very beginning, but I’m liking what I’m reading, there’s no binding and coercing here, but loving connection and mutual respect between fragments of the same divine :smiling_face: :revolving_hearts:

(Or as Lilith wants me to write it, consensual fun between two or more adult spirits :joy: :black_heart:)


Im adding the book to my list! My husband told me i have to read all the books i have by my bed before I can buy anymore​:books: :upside_down_face: :crazy_face::laughing::blush:
At least he didn’t mention the bookshelf!


Yess. :black_heart: It’s wonderful. That’s what I love as well. And I think they do, too.

My partner would probably say the same if they didn’t have just as many unread books on our bookshelf. :joy: Maybe that’s the trick: get him more books than he can read!


Hmm… :thinking: I’ve never made a sigil to contact a specific entity. I would imagine as long as you incorporate their name and an invitation rather than a command, it could be okay. I don’t want to say for sure because, of course, I have zero experience with that :sweat_smile:


This is so fascinating. Thank you for creating this post. I especially love the last sentence that you wrote: “There’s nothing you can accomplish by summoning a demon that you can’t accomplish with other techniques of Magic.” I just signed up for a membership on your site and I’ve been a big fan for awhile! Thank you for this wonderful community. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ever since I was too young to remember, I have felt that forgetting changes our personality. Affix to that the ideas of living our own life because we will die our own death & some form of Barbra Walters-like special interview between life and the hereafter, well, I don’t believe in forgetting, either. I forgive easily, but it’s hard to regain my trust: “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”


Hmm. Makes me wonder about the meaning of being allergic to sulfur.


As a teen, I realized two things:

  1. The story of Lucifer wasn’t in the Bible, though many seemed to believe it was. Without a Biblical reference, I was allowed to consider the story like the mythology stories I loved to read- characters were just characters, not someone waiting in the wings of life like some Twilight Zone guardian, waiting to take me away if I said something slightly off color.
  2. Lucifer was acting like a typical teenager of my era. Why should he be punished for all eternity for doing something everyone else gets away with, is forgiven for, and grows out of?
    This was hypothetical question. I was already considered unforgivable just because my father died young. Figure that one out, I dare ya.