Good day to all.
I’ve been getting pretty good of visualising my energy when casting the easy version of a of protection in the study video. ( Grounding and centering) I can finally see my energy, more clearly. Mine, is a bluish-purple color with wiggly lines of electrical impulses through out. Also feels fluid and expandible and I can move it around. (Feels pretty awesome! ) It used to be white. Can it actually change?
What color is your energy? If you’d like to share.
Do you mean this? Grounding and Centering ? I hadn’t seen this before - looks super interesting! I’m going in
edit: waitwaitwait yes I have
blonde moment. I should do the Spells8 Course though. I had a dark green earthy energy when grounding yesterday but yeah, mine definitely changes
editedit: usually soft pink
@Limeberry, yes grounding and centering energy to create your sphere of energy to cast a spell or just meditate
I wanted my magic to be purple because that’s my favorite color. LOL. But it’s a blueish white for me.
Its like a bluish- purple! Lol
Hee! I wish. I wanted it to be like grape purple, but it isn’t.
Yes, it can change… I’m learning about energy in school. I just found out that my son’s aura is like a midnight or dark blue. But mine is white. It used to look more like a silver, I have no idea what that means.
Mine is purple too! But it has definitely changed. In my life, I started visualizing blue because that’s the first visualization exercise I learned (it was called the Blue Mantle) and since then I tried really hard to change it. I guess I stopped liking blue! Today I’m proud to say it’s purple!
But it really depends, it can change from a moment to the next. I usually start by choosing a color during a given exercise/ritual (usually purple) and it will turns into something else by the end of it. Depends on how the energy feels, emotions, maybe sounds, smells change it too.
Great topic by the way, Dee!! I think other interesting topics related to this would be synesthesia, aura readings and maybe chakras.
@Francisco, thanks! Just Wanted to put it out there. My energy started off white, but lately it’s been purplish-blue with electrical impulses , best way I can describe it! Reminds of Frankenstein! " Its ALIVE! It’s ALIVE! " LOL. Also been actually reading on auras! Now, is your aura, your energy?
It’s the same subtle energy. The easiest way to “see” an aura is intuitively in a situational context.
For example, if a person is talking about something that is important to them, or if they are consumed with an emotion, you can tell there’s an energy around them and you might be able to see it.
Regarding color, some people think that it works like the colors of the rainbow. If all parts of the self are centered, you’ll see a pure white light. If otherwise, a given wheel is more active or charged, that will be the predominant color at that time. So it can definitely change.
A simple exercise to begin seeing the subtle energy with eyes open:
- Ground and center yourself in a dim lit room.
- Lift a hand or finger against a white background.
- Look or stare past it until you see a glow around your fingers.
- With time and practice, you will be able to recognize colors and layers.
Keep in mind that you’re not trying to see with your physical eyes but with a different, more intuitive, kind of perception. This comes with a lot of work and can take a long time to master. Keep working on Focus, Meditation & other exercises.
I feel like I have to start all over learning how to meditate and visualize. My anxiety has been crazy since my surgery. I couldn’t begin to tell anyone what color my energy is… I would love to find out, but I need to get back to being centered. I am very scattered. It feels like chaos all the time lately. I need to get back to where I was before this surgery tipped everything upside down!
@Susurrus I know you’re going through a lot with the surgery and more. Make sure that you have at least one or two hours a day of “No worry time”. This is just a break I create where I don’t worry about anything at all, knowing I can do all the worrying later. Set a timer if you need to.
Then remember to breathe deeply through your nose. If you start breathing through your mouth, like panting, it signals to your body that you are in trouble. If you instead keep breathing through your nose it helps you remain much calmer.
Also, the usual grounding technique: Pick five things you can see, five things you can hear, five things you can touch, etc with every sense. Write them down if necessary.
Anxiety will be with you for the time being. There’s no need to do any complex meditations other than a circle of protection or a simple protective chant such as:
Of all dangers, I am free,
In shroud of shadows, secure from harm.
Wrapped in darkness, safe and warm,
Cloak of light, protect me.
Sending you warm blessings!
Mine is a deep, dark blue, almost a midnight blue in color.
@Francisco. Oooh! Thank you! I definitely want to try these exercises!!
@Susurrus, feel better! You’ll find your center again. You need to find your focus again, and you will!
Blessed be
Has anyone noticed more than one color?
I do get a mix sometimes. It fluctuates between purple-blue and white or even bright yellow too.
I just saw this, thank you so much, I actually just printed this out so I would have it. This sounds like something I could very much do in my sanctuary of a room. I’m definitely going to try it out today
Yes, that’s what I’m talking about… I see purple, blue and a bright white.
Yes, I’ve noticed colors that change or pulsate, sometimes in waves, patterns or at random while meditating. Another interesting concept to read about is phosphenes, which some relate to inner light experiences.
@Susurrus You’re welcome!