⭐ Which Goddess is Calling to You? QUIZ!

I work with Persephone and Hel, as well as Hades. I’ve also recently had some signs that Fenrir may be reaching out (a little scary since he is a wolf, he can harm just as much as he can heal). All of these favor the shadows. Hades and Hel have been hella important in my shadow work while Persephone has been helping me embrace my inner badass goddess. I’m still learning about Fenrir and haven’t reached out to see what he wants. While I love nature, I’ve assumed that came from Persephone (I prefer fall and spring, the times when she is moving between realms).


Mine as well


Thank you for this, it was so much fun and helpful


I got The Triple Goddess and I was like “Well of course I did”
I went to do a little reading and discovered that I actually hadn’t finished that lesson. I think I stopped to do a bit of research and never went back to it.
So I was reading through to get to her and came to Ix Chel. Okay, still rather fits and I started to read. Actually I read it twice. There really isn’t much there that I can’t identify with. When I got to the dragonflies, I just stared at it.
Dragonflies have come to me pretty much my whole life. Like followed me, landed on my shoulder…
A while back I was worried and thinking hard about my oldest son who wasn’t all that far out of a major mental health issue, before the thought to call him had fully formed it my head the phone rang and it was my son. That in itself is not an unusual thing for me, but then he said "I was out hanging clothes and like 3 or 4 dragonflies came, danced around my head a bit then moved back and stayed a while. Was that you? "


How magickal is that~ :star_struck:


You got… BAST
Goddess of Cats and Protector of Women and Children
A member of the Egyptian Pantheon, Bast remains a very popular goddess in the modern day. While primarily a protector of the home, domesticity, and women’s secrets, She is also known as a goddess of pleasure, dance, music, and song :notes:

A patron deity of creative souls, Bast is a commonly-chosen goddess for those with a kind heart who also have a love for animals (especially cats!) :black_cat:


Triple Moon Goddess🧎‍♀️


Brigid. Which i thought i might.


Oh, no worries. I just thought it was odd, you know? Of all the Celtic goddesses I like Brigid best because of her love of writing!

I look forward to more quizzes in the future!


In a result that would surprise no one, I got Hekate :blush:

Do goddesses do quizzes to see which humans they get? :thinking:


Definitely. He stayed with me during the worst of it and all I can think is he started having a rough time alone with just his thoughts and the clothes.
The order of things that are attracted to me are cats, dragonflies and Japanese Beetles :laughing: :woman_shrugging:t3:


Hahaha mission success! :joy::+1: It must have just been within one or two answers- there are six potential goddesses but only 2-4 options for each question, so there is some overlap (oftentimes an answer will link to more than one goddess)- there are a few “key” answers that will push the final judgement between one goddess or another (in my head at least- hopefully the quiz system reflects that :laughing:)

Most definitely! :blush: Nothing wrong with relating to one Goddess when you feel one way, and another deity when you’re in a different mindspace! It’s wonderfully freeing :grinning:

It definitely could be! Perhaps there are traits of Gaia in you that are waiting to be explored?

In terms of quiz mechanics, Gaia’s answers are heavily geared towards animals and nature, so that may have been what tipped the scale towards Her. Apologies- I’m sure if Persephone and/or Hel had been options that they would have appeared for you! :blush:

That’s amazing, Nixi! :heart_eyes: One that your dragonfly friends carried your feelings to your son, and two that he picked up on it right away. He knew immediately that it was you :heart::blush: My heart! That is so sweet :butterfly: (no dragonfly emoji, so please just pretend this butterfly is a dragonfly :joy:)

Very nice! I think you were the first to receive Bast- congrats! :black_cat: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wonderful! Thank you for taking the quiz, Robyn! :sparkling_heart:

I’m happy- it sounds like it was a match for you :blush: Thanks for taking the quiz! :sparkles:

Awwww thanks, Amethyst! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: There are a few potential topics on the to-do list for quizzes- I hope the next one will be a theme you enjoy! :heart::blush:


Omg @anon87969570 can you imagine!?! Think of the questions- do you prefer worshippers who make offerings quietly or worshippers who party hard for three days straight in your honor? :joy:

And so many potential answers too- I can’t imagine trying to program that quiz lol


This is absolutely a hilarious thought :joy: :rofl: I can see it now!

Oh yeah, I’m sure that’s what it was! And some of the questions I was like…uhh I can’t pick! :laughing:


No need to apologize! I can see how my answers lead to her.

For sure! There were a couple questions where I was “well if I’m X then it is this option, but if I’m Y then it is this one.” I may do the same and try again to see what I get today.

Edit: I did it again today and the result was Hecate. This I can definitely see! I think I know the question or two that swayed it in this direction. The morning bird vs night owl for sure. I am actually neither of these (I have my energy burst mid-day) I picked moring last time but the more I thought about it, the more I lean towards a night owl than a morning bird. The other was the pictures you are drawn to. The first time I picked the old stone structure and lots of green. It reminded me of Ireland/Scotland, somewhere I’ve always dreamed of going. Today, I picked the dark woods. I prefer to be secluded in nature.

I’ve always been drawn to Hecate but haven’t reached out to her.


You got… HECATE

Goddess of Witches and the Crossroads


Different answers today, the Triple Goddess still :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cup_tarot: :white_heart:

The latter one made me grin so wide… :smiling_imp: I see you Lilith! :rofl: :black_heart: Let’s not forget the wine and the lovemaking shan’t we? :smirk: :black_heart:


Did it again today and got Gaia. Not a bad match and I had been thinking about reaching out to her


That one is either 100% in tune with me or doing anything and everything to make me cry. Literally half me and half his father. But he has beautiful heart and an old soul.
And he has some amazing gifts that he has suppressed. When he was very little he would tell me about being a mommy and rocking babies and having had a lot of babies but they didn’t all live and I remember that the detail that I can’t remember, connected what he was saying to a specific time period. When he was about 5 he asked me to play with something with him but I had a raging migraine and told him my head hurt too much. He put his hand on my head, took a step back and after a few seconds he said “There. All better now?” My migraine was gone


I’ve been seeing her everywhere :sparkles: :blush:


Ohhhh maybe it’s just me, but I see Hecate sharing some key traits with Hel and Hades, and I can definitely see you with this match :blush: :full_moon: :old_key: :sparkles:

The results seem to vary for some people depending on their mood/mindset, so perhaps it’s a matter of being steady in the same mood, but it does sound like your match with the Triple Goddess is a strong one, Celestia! :heart::blush:

If you decide to reach out to Gaia, I wish you all the best, Nixi! She is a lovely deity :earth_africa: :green_heart: :sparkles:

And it sounds like your son has some really amazing talents! He is very blessed to have you there to help guide and support him :blush:

That sounds like a really solid match! :heart: :black_cat: :grinning:


The Triple Goddess!