Wiccan v. Pagan v. Witch 🕵

All Wiccans are pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan. All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan.

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

Though some would disagree with me, I think it is important to have this delineation of these three words: Wiccan, witch, and Pagan. Let’s look at some definitions because I find in a lot of communities that the assumed religious values of a witch are often lumped in with Wicca - and that is not always the case.

Wiccan: one who practices the faith of Wicca
Pagan: one who practices a non-Abrahamic faith
Witch: one who practices witchcraft

Looking at these words, there is overlap within them.

  • A Wiccan is a Pagan and a witch.
  • A Pagan is not a Wiccan and can be a witch.
  • A Pagan is not a Wiccan and might not be a witch.
  • A Witch might be a Pagan or a Wiccan, or not!

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

See how it can get confusing?

It is important to know the difference between these terms so you do not accidentally offend anyone during a conversation. If someone is asking for advice and you - as a Wiccan - feel like the first things you need to mention are the Threefold Law and the Wiccan Rede, you might want to reevaluate the situation. Not everyone takes kindly to being preached to, and for a lot of witches, that is one reason why they left an Abrahamic faith, to begin with.

As someone coming from a Wiccan background who is now a Celtic Pagan Witch, I would be frustrated if someone told me that I should not do something because of the Wiccan Rede. That is not a value I hold myself to in my faith and should not be assumed by anyone else.


The same goes for Pagans who have a different moral code or set of values. If someone is asking for advice and says they are Wiccan, it is insensitive of that Pagan to recommend a curse or hex. Most Pagans should know that curses and baneful magick are considered to be against the Wiccan Rede.

What are you? Pagan? Witch? Wiccan? All three? Only one? Let me know!

Yup, they all cross over a little, but each path is entirely different.


I feel that I am all three


Merry meet @joann4 and welcome! :consecrate_spell:


I am a pagan witch~!


This is probably the best explanation on this subject that I have ever seen and makes it so much easier to understand for those that fail to grasp it. I like the inclusion of the Venn diagram as well!

I am without a doubt all three.


Many people are, @joann4 :blush: and that’s okay!

Also, welcome to the forum! :sparkles:

Oh wow, well thank you :blush: I’m glad it was easy for you to understand – the diagram is my favorite :laughing:


Don’t know what I am, I’m happy that’s all I know so :person_shrugging: :partying_face:


I’m definitely all 3 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


At the moment just a Witch :witch_cauldron:


I consider myself a Wiccan because of the rede. I do love witchy decor but more on the gothic side. I also love reading about what others do in their daily rituals even if I don’t agree. I feel everyone should do whatever makes them happy :black_heart:


Pagan voodoo witch. I feel voodoo is an entirely different class than the other 3 but can also overlap into pagan or witch. I don’t see voodoo as being able to Wicca but I guess anything is possible.