Witchy Jewelry in public?

I only wear a small pendant with a crow and the moon phases in public. It’s small enough that most people don’t really pay attention to it and if they do, no one has mentioned it.


I am jealous of the cool jewelry women get to wear. There really isn’t as much for men. I do wear a pentacle and a Tree of Life, but I wear them under my clothes.


jewelry has no gender I know many men who wear what’s considered jewelry for women.


I don’t have the energy for a gender discussion. So let’s just leave it at ‘I like it but it doesn’t work for me.’


Cool. I also wear my crystal bracelets and rings in public. I adopted this ideology and I am very proud of it. What matters is that we are honest with ourselves and our beliefs. :grin:


I realize this is an older post, but I have wondered the same thing. I love the pentacle and consider it to be very protective in addition to its meaning, but I feel that I have to hide it and I feel uncomfortable wearing something I have to hide.
I remember one time, about nine years ago, I made friends with a volunteer at the hospital while I was on chemo. At the time, I wore three small pendants and the pentacle was one of them. She asked me what it was and when I told her, she shook her head at me and actually tsk tsked me!
I do wear a small medallion of my Image of the Holy Mother and often a crescent moon, my zodiac sign and oftentimes the crystal of the day. I had been wearing a pentacle, but I am uncomfortable with the fact that it causes fear in others who don’t understand it. So, I am still on the fence about wearing it publicly.
I did think back to when I was Christian…as devout as I was at the time, I never wore a cross, but I crossed myself for prayer, ect. Even when I don’t wear the pentacle, I do trace the pentagram on myself and for many other blessings and uses.
I am glad to know that someone else here does wear it publicly. I might start wearing my smaller one publicly and just stop worrying about it. It is a shame that we have to feel this way about the most sacred symbol of our Faith. This is why I think it is wonderful that Pagans and Wiccans have fought for the right to have this symbol placed on our gravestones.
Oh, wow, the first time I went to reply to this, I thought there were only two responses. I didn’t know so many had responded. This is encouraging!


I wear a tiger’s eye pendant on a ribbon that that bought from the dollar store. It’s small and heart shaped, so I feel that’s what I am comfortable with as of now. Not ready to see my parents and deal with the inevitable ‘you worship Satan’. My daughter said something along those lines and she was not that hard to explain to but she is more open minded. My mom is def more rigid religously, so I need to work up to that. More on the story there but all that I am willing to explain.

I would like to get a necklace for the triple goddess. I have discovered that Selene is the deity I want to work with, so hoping to find something to respect her presence in my life.


I’ve been using a pentacle necklace for the last 16 years. If someone asks i say that it’ s a protection symbol or something like that.


I do wear a pentacle chocker most of the time and in addition I wear different crystals depending on the crystal of the day or what I feel like wearing. In addition, my backpack I wear on my motor bike had witchy pins all over it including a pentacle or two. Most people just look and haven’t had any positive or negative comments or reactions so far. I assume as my area is highly middle eastern populated that they don’t even know what it means. I only comment indirectly I had heard was when a lady and her mother from my kid’s school was shopping in tkMaxx and they had Halloween stuff there where I was obviously browsing and picking out items, the mother of the lady said “this is pagan culture not for Christian’s as it is a sin”. I was a former Christian and did slightly take offence but I am 100% sure they knew I was there and me grabbing multiple items with a smile and wearing my crystal bracelets and necklaces they knew what I a witch or at least into paganism.


I wear mine all the time. And i live in the bible belt. I get mixed reviews about my stuff.


May I ask, what is the “bible belt”?


My parents are in their 80s and very, very Christian - and they live in the same town as I do, with many prying eyes and wagging tongues. I can’t bring myself to wear a pentacle (as much as I would love to) until my dear parents have passed on - it’s not in them at this point in their lives to understand the truth, and it would likely kill them, which I couldn’t bear. That being said, I do wear my consecrated pendant, which is a rabbit (my spirit animal) with a crescent moon and moonstone. I wear it every day, everywhere, as it is symbolic to me, but just looks like a nice celtic charm to anyone else. When the right time comes, you can be sure I will be consecrating a beautiful pentacle to wear proudly everywhere!


The Bible Belt is a region of the Southern United States in which socially conservative Protestant Christianity plays a strong role in society and politics, and church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation’s average. - Source


You’re absolutely right. If you drive through the Appalachian mountains, it isn’t unusual to see three crosses together on a hillside, representing the crucifixion. I don’t criticize, they do what they want and that is making a profound statement in their beliefs.


@LexHex the “Bible Belt” of the United States is:

The Bible Belt is a region of the Southern United States in which socially conservative Protestant Christianity plays a strong role in society and politics, and church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation’s average.


Bible Belt: Wikipedia


I’m glad to hear you say this. I adore our culture with its sacred jewelry and ritual clothing. I, also, often wear the crystal of the day in addition to my other pendants. I’m glad to know that I am not alone.


I am sorry that I don’t know how to do a general reply or reply to all. I am glad that someone asked this initial question and I really appreciated reading all the replies. I can understand that it is not the same situation for someone who lives in the bible belt compared to someone who, like me, lives in New England. I also know there are companies who do not allow their employees to wear religious jewelry.
I think reading the responses has helped me to have the courage to not worry about it and to do as I will.
Great Topic!


@Katt Potion Master
I believe that your accessories are a personal preference, like trousers or shorts.
No one should complain about a piece of jewelry that you wear.
That’s like saying, "you can only wear white, cotton briefs’ because the colored ones make you look like a ‘loose’ woman.
Stay safe, stay safe, and dance to your own drummer.


@Susurrus yesssssss this is the perfect explanation of the bible belt. It is the South eastern region of the US that is Ultra conservative Christian. Like will literally throw the bible at you and quote scripture at u for anything and everything. I live in a super small town, of approximately 1300 ppl and 7 different denominations in a 3 mile radius.


I haven’t been able to afford too much jewelry myself (mega broke college student LOL) but I do wear my pointed black obsidian necklace out for protection. No one seems to care on my campus (my campus is pretty open to other beliefs despite being in a very conservative Christian area). Back at my home in Cleveland, It is the same reaction. I mainly go hang in the neighborhood where there there is a witchcraft museum and a shop for witchcraft items so that might have something to do with it. Overall, the reactions have been neutral. Blessed be!! :heart: