So I made a few jars yesterday that I’m considering adding to necklaces and/or key rings and a new pair of earrings to add to my inventory for my shop as I get ready to relaunch it this spring. THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO SELL ANYTHING OR PLUG MY BUSINESS. IM ONLY ASKING FOR OPINIONS ON THE ITEMS BEFORE I DECIDE TO USE THEM IN MY CATALOGUE The jars are for the different signs (so far I’ve only done aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, cancer and Scorpio) and I used the correspondences for herbs/crystals/colors that @Missa so thoughtfully provides when we enter each new sign to fill the jars. Each jar also has a protective layer of salt in it and the herbs/crystals inside may change according to what I have in stock. I made them in 2 sizes and will price them a slight bit higher for the larger ones (they hold more of the crystal chips and have 1 or 2 more herbs that the smaller ones don’t) I will probably add a charm to them or paint their symbol on the jar too.
And I also made these earrings
I’d like y’all’s opinions and input on these guys. Do you like them? Would you purchase something like this? What would you pay for something like this if you would buy it? What would you add or take away from it? I need constructive criticism guys! Give me everything you got! I can take it! 

They’re lovely!! I really like the earrings. But I can’t wear regular dangle earrings or studs on the bottom. I have the plugs along with 7 other studs in each ear. They’re still gorgeous 
Not sure about the jars, they’re a bit heavy on the wax. I love the earrings, but I’d worry about them being too heavy. But I love the little skulls. Very cute.
Wow, @phoenix_dawn, those look beautiful!
I love how you used the different colors and have the jars in two different sizes- are you planning for the smaller jar to go on a necklace and the larger jar as a keychain or talisman?
The earrings are super cute too! I also don’t wear dangles (all six of my piercings are studs haha) but they look lovely and are perfect for the holiday 
As for pricing, at the very least it should cover what you put into it:
- How many hours did you spend crafting? Consider the hourly wage rate where you live
- What was the cost of the materials? Include that in the price tag to cover yourself
Again- that’s just the bare minimum for what it should cost to be sustainable and fair to yourself. After that, you can play around with any profit margin to find a price point you are happy with 
Great job and good luck with your crafting business! 
Wow! They are amazing!!! I love the bottles. I would love to have one for a Virgo and I would totally purchase something exactly like that if I could ever find it here in good ol’ Aus.
I do agree with @christina4 about the dangle with the earrings cause I too am of the many pierced ears clan… Um let’s see 2 forward helixes, 3 top helixes, a conch and triple lobe on my right ear and 2 helixes, a tragus and a triple lobe on my left. Haha I’m devastated I have such tiny little baby ears that I can’t get my rook or my daith done. Damn.
Sorry got completely off topic there. I am very passionate about the holes in my ears haha. But they are super gorgeous. And I would totally wear them if I could pull it off. 
As for pricing please make sure that you cover the cost of all your materials, extra for the time and effort and even a little extra still for the quality of the handmade crafts-womanship that has clearly been done with love and care. Xxx
@jessica72 My business is linked in the forum
The name has changed though I can ship to wherever though.
@BryWisteria yeah I figured the larger ones would be good for cars or key rings or purses etc. I wore one that size months ago but it was too heavy. I’m not really sure how to price it though because the herbs I used and the crystal chips I used were no where close to the amount that I paid for. So idk how to price a pinch of each one ya know?
ah you’re a darling. thank you!!!
You’re welcome doll just send me a messagebon my business page if you are interested and we’ll work something out
I will. Promise. It’s pay day on Friday next week. So I’ll send you a message around then. xxx So excited!
Maybe it might be possible to work out how many “pinches” you can get out of each original item. I dunno say maybe 10 “pinches” from your original crystal chips. So take the original price for the bulk item for examples sake say the crystal chips maybe $10 USD when you originally purchased it (apologies just an example) then say you can make 10 bottles with that original lot of chips. Divide 10 by 10 which is 1. So that would be $1’s worth or crystal chips per bottle. Then decide what kind of profit margin you’d like to make and add that to the price. Example: add on $1.
My god I hope that made sense. I promise it did in my addled little brain. 
I’m sure it does. I’m just stuck in my head today and exhausted from work and my hips are on fire it feels like with this 2 1/2 lb ball between them.
Amazing how something so small can cause such discomfort. I’ll relook at your idea tomorrow. I have been trying to find a spell to clear my head because it’s in overdrive cause I ran into someone from my past and I remember what my reading from freebie Friday said and it triggered old memories… Blah… Plus work is bouncing around in there and the baby and I just realized I’ve been starring at these tarot cards for almost 2 hours because they jumped while shuffling bit I can’t hear the message from them so I’m on my third cup of hot tea and begging the moon to bring me peace so I can sleep
Aw hun I hope you can get some sleep and just shut your brain down for a little bit. I’m so sorry that you’re in pain. I wish there was something that I could do for you. Just know thatbI am sending you lots of love and a big hug x
I have a daith and conch on one ear and a conch on the other alongside the other line piercings. I used to be a piercer back in the early to mid 2000’s. I also have my septum with 2 nostrils on each side. My tongue and a Monroe. I had my eyebrows but I keep them out.
Oh coolies. I would love my septum done. So far I’ve only been brave enough for the cartilage lol. I’m so bummed that I can’t get my daith or my rook done. I’m really lucky that the peircing place that i do to now stocks crystal jewelry so I’ve got an amethyst in one of my forward helixes and my conch. They’re my favorite bits lol. Slowly I am trying to upgrade all the rest tp white gold. Slow process haha.
I had my nose, tongue, belly, conch, then 10 other piercings in my ears. My husband had his eyebrows, septum, nostrils, lip, tongue, labret, & expanders in his ear lobes. Because of his job, he had to take most of them out for safety reasons.
I still have my cartilage & conch & ear lobes. I want to get my other conch done & a daithe piercing done at some point.
Yay I’m so happy more peircing enthusiasts!!!
I’m totally addictied as soon I have a new one I’m already planning my next one.
I know the next 2 I want to get done.
I will wear simple dangles, nothing big or gaudy. (I think that’s the right word
) I mostly wear studs. Which reminds me, I need an earring for my conch. Yay for jewelry shopping in the near future!
Yay! New jewelry shopping! I’m excited for you 

I second this- I think Jessica has a great idea here!
It doesn’t have to be exact, but having a rough estimate of the material cost of each jar will definitely help you find a fair base price point. You make wonderful things and have talent, Phoenix- you deserve to be compensated fairly for your lovely work! 
I’m so pleased my jumbled lot of randomness made sense and you were able to get where I was coming from. I can be an odd little black duck at times and make up my own little vocabulary.