A hello and a question

Welcome Jesse!!! Like others have said, a spirit led you here and this is where you’re meant to be. I’m Audra from Indiana. I work with Egyptian magick. I’m glad you found us and thanks for sharing the pictures!!


I am so excited by your list of practices and passionate guides. I love all of these as well and feel like I lost my way from them for so long. I’m beyond moved to find my way back but this time with help and more guides than one. Even finding my guides, because I know someone lead me here.

I love ogham so much- please let me brag about this me of my favorite custom pieces from Ireland and let me know if you ever want the artist info


This forum has already been healing and hopeful in ways I couldn’t have ever thought. Thank you for introducing yourself and I certainly will post more and be sure to ask for help.


Amazing coven- that is truly a fact.
The strongest pull and only constant I’ve had in this realm is tarot cards. That is a huge interest to me and I will keep an eye on your writings and self.
Thank you so much for saying hello


Discovery and growth- I didn’t truly know that’s what I needed to look for until feeling the support. I feel in my heart all of those sentiments and I want to make sure you feel the same from me, excited to be here and learn. Hopefully keep wonderful people like you around as I do.


Wow that is so beautiful :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: :heart: I love it :people_hugging:


That’s so pretty :green_heart:


Hi @jessieArdor im Crystal a Bruja from Va welcome to the Coven :hibiscus: I’m so glad you found your way here feel free to make yourself at home and join in on the weekly witchy challenge it’s a great way to explore all aspects of the craft. :witch_pentacle: :purple_heart:


Hello Jessie, I’m Celestia from Finland, merry meet! :revolving_hearts: I came here 4 years ago (wow, has it been that long already?) trying to make sense of a whole new spiritual side that was opening to me, and I’m still on the same road of opening more and more, everyone’s been super helpful and lovely :blush:

There’s always more if you’re willing to dive deeper, and always someone else who’s fascinated about the same thing! I started with the Moon goddesses and dream work, learned about intention and correspondences, got into tarot and crystals, then shadow work and archetypes, dark goddesses, energy work, tantra and sex magick, learning more about the soul and consciousness, now I’m getting to know some lovely demons… :sparkles: It can be a neverending journey of wonder and discovery, I wish you welcome and hope that it can be that for you too! :hugs: :sparkling_heart:

So gorgeous! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I know there are others here who are passionate about ogham too and more who work with Irish/Celtic deities, especially Brigid and the Morrigan have been getting a lot of love :heart:


Hello @jessieArdor,

I’m Bry, another one of the moderators here in the forum and an Eclectic Witch - wishing you a warm welcome! :heart:

Those ritual pictures are beautiful! I really like the wooden pentacle in the center, and it looks like the caster extended each of the five out into the outer circle with the five longer sticks. It’s impressive that it’s so big! It looks like it could be a space used for a group ritual :pentacle_tarot:

Anyways, forgive my ramblings, just wanted to say that it’s wonderful to meet you! I’m glad you found your way here - please make yourself right at home :blush:

Much love and many blessings!


I can absolutely relate. It was something missing from my life and I had forgotten the way back, but I randomly ran across a FB ad for a free 7-day Expedition to Soul in 2021 and it was like I heard an old, long-lost friend calling me home. Sometimes the universe finds a way to bring you where you need to be. I’m grateful to have reconnected and embraced my path. I’m more focused, balanced, content, and connected. Being a part of this community has been incredible!

Oh my goodness that is gorgeous!!! Is that glass? I would love the artist info :pink_heart:


@ jessieArdor welcome to the family of witches and wizards
I am Airram from Greece :hekate_wheel: :hekate_wheel:


Absolutely feels bigger than luck to have found you [all], knowing that the magick I felt is just as real to everyone here … it’s hard to describe how that fills me up.
I have always been curious about Egyptian magic and am excitedly bookmarking for follow up reading on your forum.


That gif made me ugly laugh, well played :rofl:


Thank you so much for the tip, it’s a bit overwhelming to start (in the best way) but having a base to begin the endless hours of reading and catching up is exactly what I need. A sea witch is also wonderful, I will be poking around your likes to see if I can find more there as well <3


Awww don’t be overwhelmed this is your practice girl do it your way :blush: even the most experienced witches haven’t learned everything. Do this at your pace and have fun take what you need and leave the rest but most importantly make it your own :heart::witch_pentacle: :purple_spell_candle:


wow wow wow- these links!! I wasn’t able to respond beyond twelve comments yesterday but I spent so long looking into these and will certainly be spending much more. Thank you for taking the time to find these and read through, this means the world to me.
Seeing the path you’ve taken with your encouragement is uplifting, it’s easy to feel like I’m too far behind but knowing that there is so much is a blessing in reality.

I hope this journey never does end and I hope that I can speak with you more along the way.



Hi Bry!! I am so glad you commented and like the photos- I had those same thoughts about the extended lines and circle and group but wasn’t sure. It feels completely so now that you’ve noticed as well. Stumbling on this in person… Just knowing magick was here and somewhere nearby was likely a coven in the woods?? It made the air crackle.
I recently went back to the same spot the last few days to see if the ritual had been done again this year but with no luck. Sadly last year it was broken apart already the day after so maybe they found a safer place further from people who can’t appreciate beauty.


(I’m still learning how to forum, I got too exited and responded without addressing everything ahaha)

Here’s is the link to the same type of glass pendant style

And here is the overall etsy store

I cannot say enough on how kind the owner and craftsman is, he may sometimes be too busy for a custom order but will certainly let you know if and when it’s possible. He is very forward about still learning and will always be up front about if he thinks he can do something well.