Hello everyone. It’s been a while. I have a question, based on an amazing reading I had last month. The person told me I had 43 spirit guides and 14 angels (including 4 Archangels) that are around me. She also told me about 2 past lives that relate to my spiritual quest. She said my main spirit guide, who she named, told her that within the past couple of years I had a NDE, (possibly during a medical procedure for my prostate cancer–my take). I have no remembrance of this! This escalated my search for spiritual meaning. Last year, at 61, I left the Catholic Church and became a Wiccan. (I am now more an Eclectic grey witch). As a devotee of Mother Hekate, I have been working through trying to reconcile all of this. I would appreciate any suggestions, similar experiences! Blessed be!
Hey @scott1 – it’s good to see you!
I don’t have any information for you about angels or spirit guides, but I just wanted to pop in and say that you can confirm the NDE through medical records from your hospital stay. Something like you coding during surgery would require documentation, and as long as it hasn’t been more than 5-10 years (the timeline varies per state) then you should be able to get those records!
I hope someone else can pop in and give you some advice or experiences in regard to angels and spirit guides, though
@scott1 Here’s a couple of links on Spells8
If you have the app, key into the search (top right) what you’re looking for and you’ll get lots of help.
I haven’t worked with angels directly so I don’t know, but @AIRAM knows about angels and the Archangel Raphael, so may be able to help.
Wishing you all the best in your journey.
Hi @scott1… while I have very little experience with Archangels… we do have a post for them as well as A LOT of information regarding Hekate.
→ Angels & Numerology Masterpost
→ Greek/Roman Deities Master Post
→ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Peering into Past Lives
I will see if there’s anything else I can find that I may have missed about either. Should I find anything I will be back!
In Magia, all issues were resolved
Angels are spiritual beings like all the others that the Magician works with
what you have to remember is that you can’t work with all of them at the same time
Make an Altar for the Angels Archangel Raphael is a Healer of Humans Animals and Plants
Thea Hekati is another piece, she wants her own place
The Magician can work with anything as long as he knows what you invoke and how at the time of the ritual
sorry, it’s a translation
Thanks everyone for chiming in! AIRAM, I came to the same conclusion about Hekate. I feel closest to her, so I will emphasize our relationship. I may work with angels again at another time.
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