Hey there everyone! I’m looking for books about the goddess Gaia and can’t find a thing on Amazon. There are Pagan Portal books from everyone from Aphrodite to Zeus but not one for Gaia. Does anyone have any recommendations?
It’s too bad that Pagan Portal doesn’t have a book on Gaia. They really should!
Assuming that you are looking for Gaia the Greek goddess and not Gaianism the earth-centered modern spiritual approach, here are a couple of interesting places to start by Theoi.com:
I haven’t found any books specifically about Gaia like the PP collection but there are some good Greek mythology books that you should still check out:
Thanks for the links @Francisco! It’s a shame I can’t find a book. I read that book on Hellenistic Paganism but it didn’t have anything on her at all, which I found weird. Looks like Google will have to do me for research, for now. Thanks again!
Thanks, @Francisco! I’ve got the first ones of those on my wish list but that last one is too rich for my blood! I need to win the lottery so I can feed all my obsessions correctly.
Come to think of it, material on Gaia is very sparse… which is odd considering she was the birth of the Titanic pantheon and by extension, the Olympian Pantheon. Even myths regarding Her are few. The only ones I can think of are the birth of the Titans, and the Birth of Aphrodite. But the latter was more centered around Chronos overthrowing his father Uranus. Gaia didn’t play a very large part. I’m going to bookmark this topic to see if more information comes up! I’m curious about this as well!
She goes by different names according to the place in which she’s worshiped and recognized. Gaia for the Greeks, Atabey for the Taínos, Pachamama for the Andean, Unci Maka for native americans and it goes on and on. No need of a book on wanting to worship her, because the earth is her, also the energy that makes everything to be.