Different colored clothes on different days?

Merry meet I have a question on clothing colors I have predominantly wore black is there a clothing color that would be better to wear each day of the week? I am curious? thanks David


Hi David,

This is an excellent question! I typically wear black as well and have not though about incorporating my clothing as part of color magic. Each day of the week does have a color associated with it. This Spells 8 post on 7 Magickal Days of the Week: Best Magic Spells for the Day goes over information about spells, gods, etc. associated with each day. It also lists colors for the day. For example, today is Wednesday, a day of healing and reflection. The colors yellow, purple, and orange are associated with Wednesday so wearing these colors could aid in any healing/ reflection that you intend to do.



Hi Jessica and thank you for the information I have always been a Solitary and just joined and am very happy. This is a wealth of information. Have a wonderful wednesday David


You are most welcome! I am a Solitary as well and joined Spells8 a little over a year ago. There is so much amazing information on the site and with the members here in the forum. I am glad that that you are happy here.

Blessed Be.


The Coven is a delight to my life.


You can also choose the color of the clothing that you wear based on glamor magic. Different color correspondences are associated with different emotions, feelings, and and actions so you can choose your clothing intentionally. For example, if you are getting ready to go into an interview for a new job, you can choose to incorporate the colors green, gold, and yellow for wealth, abundance, and confidence.


Hi David! I tend to wear colors more matched to my moods if I add pops of color, but I too just prefer a lot of black. After doing a lot of shadow work recently though I have been drawn to add more colors into my wardrobe. I like @MeganB suggestions.


Thank you Megan appreciate the input and information. David


Thank you Rachel I am going to start adding some color to my clothing I did look up the 7 Magickal Days of the week and will use that as a starting point.


I tend to wear a lot of darker colors. Every now & again I will add colors or mix them up with non-earth tones. Usually, it’s for a reason though, not always my mood but like the energy, I have that day after I’m awake & moving.


I used to wear lots of black clothing, but not so much anymore; I wear more colors now.

I often match a crystal necklace, like amethyst with a purple blouse but that’s based on my feelings and emotions for the day.

It sounds like fun to wear colors for the day of the week, @david8, if you try this, please let us know how that goes.


I am going to start and will let you know thank you


I used to wear a lot of black, but other than the black yoga pants that I practically live in (okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I do wear them frequently :joy:) I don’t wear that much black anymore. I love the idea of using color in a magickal way and had never really thought of that! I have always worn certain colors with intention, though. If I want to boost my confidence, I always wear red. Purple is my favorite color, and it both soothes me and brightens my mood. I don’t look good in yellow, but I still wear it when I want to feel sunny and bright. I think, as with anything else, intention is the key. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :sparkles:


I’m not a good one to ask since I’m still twelve years old in my mind and wearing my favorite color, purple, whenever I can get away with it! LOL.


Thank you for your input…I know there is candle day colors and certain colors have certain meanings so I appreciate the input David


Hi David
I like your question and I had to think about it all day and ponder on that question and for me there so many things to remember I can’t remember what exactly the colors mean to a tee! But I know I have my handy book, “The Complete Book of Correspondences”, by Sandra Kanes! It’s a great book you should get it because all the color correspondences are there
For example if I were really trying to take action

It indicates that on Sunday and Tuesday green, orange red, yellow would be good colors to wear to incorporate actionand you could even coordinate the time For example the solar system it is Mars, moon and sun indicating these colors on this day will help take action, and make it more powerful to boost your confidence during your spell work. I like that she even talks about the elements air and fire which makes me wonder why green is not associated with earth and why eart is not listed but that’s my take. However you can see that there are Gods and Goddesses we can associate them with too as well. I know it seems as though I am looking really deep into the psyche but if you felt drawn to Say the God “Sekhmet” you could even imagine him assisting you throughout the day.

I am glad that you brought the subject up because I am gonna try doing some color magic with my clothes too as well. I need change and I love clothing! Let me know how it goes David that would be Gnarly!

The Colors associated with change is black, blue, green, orange, red, white, and yellow. I could only imagine why you are trying to incorporate magic into your day using colors but this is something I think that will give you more focus on what you need. I think this book can help you decide what your intentions while doing Color magic .
“You are so magical”
I love it!


Hmm, although I’m not sure exactly how to tell when best to change colors, I feel like wearing different colors would be an excellent way to improve my glamour. I love how magick and color go so hand in hand. Thank you for giving me something new to ponder about for awhile. :slight_smile:


Ur welcome colin anytime! :grin:


I have this same reference book and use it daily @Jeannie1!! I didn’t think about looking there at all. Now I’ve got a whole new idea starting about incorporating the color of my clothes into my days/ intentions thanks to @david8.