Rune Name: Ehwaz 
Updated 05/03/2022
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Germanic Name: Ehwaz, (war) Horse, or Ehwo the two horses
Phonetic Value: E
Pronunciation: EH-waz
Translation: Horse
Modern English: Eh
Rune Number: 19 in the Elder Futhark & 3 in Tyr’s Aett
Polarity: Feminine & Masculine
Color Association(s): White
Elemental Association(s): Earth , Air
Deity(ies): Frejya/Freyr
Herbal Association(s): Ragwort
Tree Association(s): Ash/Oak
Astrological Association(s): Gemini
Month/Days: 30 March – April 14
Chakras: Heart , Crown
, Root
Tarot Card(s): The Lovers , The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Eight of Wands
Magickal Uses: Ehwaz is a useful rune to use when journeying to other worlds on Yggdrasil. It’s beneficial for trancework, journey work, & altered states of consciousness. You can also chant or inscribe Ehwaz
to reinforce partnerships into which you enter, whether they are romantic, platonic, legal, or professional.
Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Horse, Odin, Vehicle, Cooperation, Union, Motion, Transcendence, Charge, Spiritual Awakening, Teamwork, Trust, Loyalty, Partnership, Working in Tandem.
Imagine a horse & rider coming together. If the relationship is one of mutual respect, then both the horse & rider find themselves at their destination faster & with more precision than if they were on their own. Now if the horse doesn’t respond to the rider or the rider abuses the horse, the principle of Ehwaz is out of balance & needs to be addressed; in this case, the horse & rider should never have come together in the first place. Together, with mutual respect, the horse & rider are stronger.
Allow the transformative powers of joining forces with yourself, humanity, & all that is. What was once clandestine is given space to blossom & thrive. Isolation is necessary, for a time. Open yourself to the overflowing wellspring brought by your emergence from your cocoon; it is here that you will find the insurmountable treasures you crave.
Ehwaz is also the rune of movement & travel, horses were key means of transportation. Could be a journey in the physical world, but is likely an internal, spiritual journey, as horses are associated with astral travel in many shamanic traditions around the world.
If you have been feeling severe emotional or physical difficulties, Ehwaz may be indicating that you are actually on an inner journey toward a transformed & stronger self than you were before. Keep an open mind in order to learn the spiritual lessons that your life is presenting to you now.
Always forward, ever forward, I take your hand in mine: our energies, merge, elevated. Together, we are stronger. Together, positive movement, & transformation are possible. Together, we see the stars & realize that we know & have everything within us.
Brightstave/Upright: Dynamic Harmony with others is indicated, especially with a partner, spouse, or mentor. There is teamwork without the loss of individuality. You understand the necessity of giving & taking & accept unique differences in the other. Good results are indicated. Develop a relationship with your fetch. Marriage or other formal partnership may be in the offing. Mutual trust & loyalty are necessary & present. The rune may represent your spouse or partner in some endeavor.
Another meaning for Ehwaz is change. Often in the form of changing jobs or homes. It’s a positive change but seems like a daunting task.
Merkstave/Reversed: Maybe signaling that you are ready for a change in a specific situation, due to feeling constrained or restless.
Loss of self in the partner is indicated. Too much “harmony” leads to sameness & duplication of efforts. A stoppage of the Ehwaz results in mistrust, betrayal, disharmony, divorce. Duplication.
Meditation: Ehwaz Rune - Magin Rose
Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes . Chamberlain Publications, 2018.
Kristina, Jillian. “Wild Runes Deck - Tamed Wild.” Nashville Metropolitan Area, Nashville, 2020. Wild Runes Deck – Tamed Wild
Simonds, Josh. The Beginner’s Guide to Runes: Divination and Magic with the Elder Futhark Runes . Rockridge Press, 2020.
Thorsson, Edred. Big Book of Runes and Rune Magic: A Complete Guide to Interpreting Runes, Rune Lore, and the Art of Runecasting . Red Wheel/Weiser, 2018.