🕕 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!



I see shapes in the clouds too and it reminds me to be grateful of all of the gifts we have mother Gaia.

Very Lucky I did get Covid one time and I’m glad you have not experienced it. I had a literally take the medication to get better and I did get the shot, but I really don’t take good care of myself and I’m trying to do better.

I good cry is good for the heart :purple_heart: I cried this morning I’ve been getting the nightmares again.

I have a home right now and I know it’s not mine forever so I am just trying to appreciate it while I can and be happy. I did leave lose my home in 2022 and recovered by 2023 and now we are in 2024 and I am grateful to have a place and know soon I will have to leave again.

I’m sorry they let you down and I pray :pray:t4: for friends and friends! This is my prayer tonight that my communication is better so that way I can finally have some real good friends in my life so I am ever so grateful to you all!

I made a wish list tonight and devotee to pray :pray:t4: i’m going to start my prayer box again. I will put you in the prayer box.

I use to actually use this method I’m going to try this way again.

We at survivors “warrior Queens :princess:

For **My challenge Nordic Magic, Celtic Magic **
First I made Runes used Wicca A Year and a Day by Timothy Rodrick
Made from ***Oak ***
** Odin, who hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil or roll tree. He hung there for nine days until he finally saw a vision of the ruins and either the deaths of the tree its roots or in the earth below the tree. Below is a poem from the poetic Etta that describes Odin’s mystical experience practice invoking Odin. **

I am starting to feel more connected to the runes, and I feel like they’re working in my life. I am excited about the drop of blood :drop_of_blood: giving him more power and connected to my DNA. Which I got from A year in the day by Timothy Rodrick.

**Second challenge Celtic Witch **
I use a self initiation ritual from the book of Celtic woman’s spirituality, accessing the cauldron of life Eden McCoy

  1. Open your circle and call your quarters as usual as you call up your DD to come to a circle. Be sure to Kahle one particular goddess whom you have chosen to serve.

    Then take the salt and bless it by saying