Rune Name: Othala
Germanic Name: Othala
Phonetic Value: O (like oval)
Pronunciation: OH-tha-la
Translation: Ancestral Property
Modern English: Odal
Rune Number: 24 of the Elder Futhark & 8 of Tyr’s Aett
Polarity: Male
Color Association(s): Deep Yellow
Elemental Association(s): Earth , Fire
Herbal Association(s): Goldthread
Tree Association(s): Hawthorn
Astrological Association(s): Sun
Month/Days: May 29 – June 14
Chakras: Heart , Root
Tarot Card(s): The Emperor, The Hermit, 6 of Cups , 9 of Pentacles
, 10 of Pentacles
Magickal Uses : Use to fortify & all that’s concerned with family & heritage. Solidify family ties. Invoke/Chant Othala to assist in communication with ancestors.
Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Property, Home, Ancestor, Homeland, Endurance, Kinship, Obstacles, Ancestral Inheritance
Rune of heritage – what we came into the world with in terms of who we are born & raised by. Literal inheritance of land or other property. Usually more tangible inheritance from our family of origin.
The tension between traditions & how you’re approaching life. Living lifestyle parents may not agree to or hide true self.
Here you may rest your bones, knowing a feeling deeply, the support of your family & the stable structures you erected over time & spiritual space. This is the sacred hearth that will forever cradle & comfort your soul & kin. This is your touchstone. This is yours.
Heart, home, spirit, bone/ Unconditional support surrounds me through thick & thin. By the glowing hearth light, I reflect the resonance, faith, & inheritance of my kin.
Healing harmonious family relationships, clarity about the self, and communication with ancestors.
Signifies assistance from family & friends or older people. Cultivation of a garden for skill to build stable resources. Relation to past lives.
Brightstave/Upright: Self-contained hereditary power. Ancestral property. Stable prosperity & well-being. A solid peaceful home, family, or group life is indicated & as one that leads to continued growth. True Freedom from a secure base. New dwelling or allegiance in the offing. Productive interactions with outsiders are continuing possibility.
Merkstave/Reversed: Lack of customary order, poverty. Conflict and disharmony within the family or group could cause a major rift. Patience & careful observance are recommended with emotional detachment. A situation where support is denied. Major rift/divorce. Homelessness.
Meditation: Othala - Magin Rose
Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes . Chamberlain Publications, 2018.
Kristina, Jillian. “Wild Runes Deck - Tamed Wild.” Nashville Metropolitan Area, Nashville, 2020. Wild Runes Deck
Simonds, Josh. The Beginner’s Guide to Runes: Divination and Magic with the Elder Futhark Runes . Rockridge Press, 2020.
Thorsson, Edred. Big Book of Runes and Rune Magic: A Complete Guide to Interpreting Runes, Rune Lore, and the Art of Runecasting . Red Wheel/Weiser, 2018.