Fae’s, Faries and pixies

Hey all! I have a question for y’all. Do you put out houses and furniture for Fae, fairies and or pixies? I have been being pushed to make and buy things for an”fairy garden” or home for them. Just curious if this is something you do?


I have been known to go overboard on such things. It’s so easy to do. The items are so small, they couldn’t take up much space, right? Wrong!

Have you checked out the former weekly challenge on fairies?


@georgia some of the little houses are quite expensive also! Think I’m going to build them out of fallen sticks and trees. I just feel they need a shelter or three! It’s almost like they have been reaching out to me to build them something.

Yes, about 5 minutes after making that post a Iran across the challenge and read all kinds of great information!


Temu has cheap faerie items. That’s where I get mine


I was looking in Temu as well. I might be too fussy. Lol I wanted houses with doors that open and couldn’t find them in Temu. And I wanted to make sure they were big enough. Lol


Leather scraps make good hinges. More durable than fabric, less expensive than brass, and have a rustic appeal. The pioneers made latches for their doors using leather thongs to pull up a bracing bar, put the end of the thong through a hole in the door so they could “lock” the door while they were out. (Paraphrased from Laura Ingalls Wilder)

I’d like to see it when you’re done. Keep us posted?


I had the same thoughts at first about doors. But then I thought about it. Fae are magical creatures that can get in if they want to get in. So that changed my mind. Plus I’m going to have it outside during the nice part of the year and probably bring it in before it gets bad out. It’ll stay cleaner for me. I’m lazy lol. As the stuff I have bought turned out on point. No complaints in what I have bought. I have bought quite a bit. I’ll do it when they weather starts to get nice and have some spare time. I understand though.

Happy hunting.


My Fae temple is very simple. I bought a pet hideaway for a few quid, then raided charity shops for trinkets, and a friend gave me some of her fae trinkets. It sits in a secluded section of the garden. So far they like it. I leave offerings of flowers, fruit and pretty trinkets (not metal).


Oh my goodness! I never thought of that @Satans_Helper ! They at magical! Off to Temu I go! I love shopping on there! I hope to keep mine set up year round. Although we normally have several feet of snow in the winter so it may not do any good. This winter we haven’t gotten any measurable snow. Just a dusting now and then.


@georgia , the leather straps are a great idea. I actually have some leather chaps I don’t wear anymore since I quit riding motorcycles. They would be perfect for cutting up for straps! Thank you!


That’s awesome :sunglasses: I’m really glad that resonated with. You. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Whenever I do get around to it I’ll do the the same

Blessed be lovely :rose:


Oh wow @tracyS ! This is sooooo adorable!!


I’ve made a few purchases (low $) and digging out some of the stuff I never used last year. I already told my 5 yo granddaughter that we were doing it. I’m planning on making what we need & putting more of a focus on glow in the dark elements & lots of fairy :fairy: lights. She is my WIT


@Mystique Some dollar stores have nice ones. Maybe look at flea markets, second hand stores, yard sales. Maybe look for doll houses or kid’s stuff.


Thankyou @Mystique The Fae are wonderful, though I honour their presence, I don’t work with them. I got enough mischief in my home already. :rofl:.


@MagnoliaMoon I would like to train my 5yo granddaughter. First I’m working on my daughter slowly getting her interested. Then maybe she can work with her daughter.

@Sivonnah I never thought of dollar stores! And I use to work at one! :rofl::rofl::rofl:. That’s a great idea!

@tracyS yes with Loki I would think you have enough chaos! :rofl::rofl:. I haven’t worked with them either but they have been in my dreams every night for awhile now so I think I’m going to get some books and read up on them so I can work with them. I know they can be very sneaky and also temperamental.


@Mystique A good book is this one



Awesome @tracyS ! Thank you! Heading to Amazon right now!


Finally got my fairy garden done!


Looks beautiful! :fairy: