Forum Community Calendar! & EEC Update

Hello everyone! :heart:

I just wanted to let you all know of an update to the Energy Exchange Circle for this month and (hopefully) going forward. We will now have ritual spaces on a weekly basis at different times to accommodate everyone that wants to participate. I really tried to make this work for my schedule and everyone else’s, but of course, it doesn’t always work that way. This particular schedule is tentative and can change as needed. :pray: :sparkles:

This month’s EEC Sacred Spaces are as follows:

The ritual space will now be hosted through Skype, as well. There is no download required - just click the link and join through the browser!

Also! We have a brand new calendar!

There was a request in the survey I did for a way to be notified of the Ritual Space. I took this a step further and created a full Spells8 Community Calendar! :clap: :tada:

This calendar will include the challenges, group tea rituals, EEC Sacred Spaces, book clubs, and anything else that happens to come up. It’s available to add directly to your Google calendar, or as a download to add to your own calendar program. Each entry on the calendar has all the required information, as well as a direct link to the forum post that corresponds with that event.

From there, you can set notifications and alarms in your own way, whichever works for you. I hope this helps!

Google Calendar → Click here to add the calendar to your Google Calendar

iCal Link for Other Applications → Community Calendar iCal Link

If you are having trouble adding the Google Calendar version, you may need to add it via the Calendar with the link. Google does weird things on mobile versions sometimes and several people have had issues. To find the instructions to add it via link, click/tap here to go to Google’s support for instructions.

I hope this resource helps anyone that needs it - please let me know if there is anything else that can be added, any suggestions you have, or comments. I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Updated to add links to other calendars!

Google Calendar Links

iCal Links


Ooo… this will be super helpful! :star_struck: Now I won’t miss rituals & things that I’m famous for saying I’ll do & time flies by me :laughing:


Oh yay! I’m glad it’s gonna be helpful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love this thank you @MeganB!!! How do I get the calendar to download to my own calendar system since I don’t use google calendar?


You’re welcome! How you download it is going to depend on your calendar system, and if it doesn’t sync with Google, you may have to download the calendar every month as it gets updated.

For example, you can use the iCal link that will sync with many programs. I just added it above, but it’s also here → Community Calendar iCal Link

This should sync with whatever program you use :blush: Let me know if it doesn’t work and I’ll try to get more specific instructions!


Ok iCal is mine perfect thanks @MeganB !


@MeganB when I tried to add it to my Google calendar… it told me that “calendar no longer exists”


I do have a google calendar, i just don’t use it. So, i just tried adding it to my google calendar and it did work, fyi…. Not sure why it’s not letting you add it??
I successfully added iCal as well. Weird. Good luck, love @Susurrus


Fabulous, will add calendar manually as it won’t do it on mine, think it’s because I’m not in the U.S. This is a great feature though. Thankyou :sparkling_heart:


@MeganB & @jan_TheGreenWitch, I did it! For some reason on my phone when I tried it, I would get the message that the calendar doesn’t exist. When I did it this morning from my laptop it went right in there! :partying_face: Oh happy day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My phone/app is temperamental sometimes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Just added the Spells8 Calendar to my Google Calendar- wow, it looks awesome! :heart_eyes: And what a great way to get notifcations and keep track of all the happenings around here. This is amazing, Megan- thank you so much! :heart: :spiral_calendar: :blush:


I love this - yay @Susurrus I’m happy you got it to work.
I was trying to login to the app on the App Store and it doesn’t work. Is there an issue with it?


Very cool! Too bad I’m a luddite and have a paper calendar. LOL!


Oh hmmm… now I’m curious… I’m assuming you’re talking about the Spells8 app? I haven’t tried it today, but I will let you know what I find out! :hugs:


I’m in the Spells8 app now, working ok this side of the pond :person_shrugging::sparkling_heart:


Ok that link worked yeah. I’ll just download it each month. Yippee. :sparkling_heart:


Oh goodness, I’m so glad everyone likes the calendar idea! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m such a habitual planner and have at least 3 calendars myself :joy: so this is really helpful for me, even to create like this for myself!

If anyone needs any help with it, I’m more than happy to assist! The calendar will be updated regularly, most likely weekly, due to the weekly addition of activities and rituals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love the Calendar idea! Thanks @MeganB :heart:


Just wanted to share an image of my Calendar! Thanks again, Megan!

:calendar: :hugs: :heart: :writing_hand:


@jan_TheGreenWitch I did have to do an update on my phone & the app then had an update. I don’t know if 1 had to do with the other though.