Greeting from Wyoming

Sorry for the late reply! Welcome @ricky1, I’m Siofra_Strega from Cape Cod. So an island off MA if we are being technical :laughing: I’m also one of the Moderators here in the forum.

I am glad that you are enjoying all that you are learning. If there is anything you are looking for information about, you can always start a new topic in the #questions category or search the forum for a topic of interest or any spells, whatever… either way, someone will be able to help you out :smiling_face:

Do you have any topics that you are currently learning about or that you work with? Personally if I had to describe my witchiness… I would be an Eclectic :triskele: Celtic Pagan/Witch. I work with 2 Celtic/Irish Goddesses Brigid (Tending Brighid’s Flame or Tending Her Flame :fire: Of the Element Fire) & The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess :triquetra:… however there are many other deities & pantheons that you can work with too.

I’m a highly sensitive empath that is currently re-learning my intuition as things get cleared up for me & figuring out which gifts are stronger than others. I’ve always known I was an Empath, but I have an issue with taking on other people’s feelings & problems as something I have to fix or do something about or feel… so working on a kind of like a wall to keep me to me & not take on what isn’t mine to figure out if that makes sense. :thinking:

I look forward to speaking with you throughout the forum! Feel free to ask any questions or share anything you may have with us too! We love to learn new things or see another view on a topic! :revolving_hearts:
